Monday, June 27, 2016


Hello All!

It is Tuesday again, so that means
it must be time for tea : )

Sitting down to a cup of tea and a good book,
or a good movie...(watching old Miss Marple shows lately)
is a pleasure. 

A pretty tea cup and a cookie
is extra luck. 

Even just one gluten free cookie 
is a treat : )

 I have chosen warming chamomile...
like drinking sunshine to me : )

This old favorite tea cup of mine
is by H&C

The green stamp is Charles Edward Haviland's company,
he was one of David's sons.

The red stamp has been added over the glaze.
It shows that someone bought this cup
in Richmond, Virginia.

The Haviland backstamp appears to be from
around 1885 to 1900, but I am not sure.
Do any of you know this backstamp?

A few weeks ago I found this lovely yellow plate.
I love the swirly shape of the edge, 
and how the points rise up. 

The colors are intensified due to the fantasy filter
I am playing with tonight. 
The actual coloring is a bit less intense,
but really lovely.

And it is another Haviland,
I have not looked up the date yet as I 
seem to have misplaced my 
china backstamp book.

 This lovely wicker chair was only $30!
It is in fine shape.
I am dreaming of what to 
make for the seat and pillow....

Tea time is a good time for feeling lucky.
Each time I sit down with tea,
I find myself thinking about how
beautiful life is.

 Here is my little cottage, now with a roof!

Thank you all for stopping by for tea today!
: )
I loved reading your comments two weeks ago,
thank you for all of them!

May you all have opportunity for Joy this week!

It is lovely to "see" you!


I am joining Sandi for tea,
Joining Bernideen and Ruth as well. 
(their names are links to their blogs)
Thank you so much for hosting ladies!
Martha is away this week, I wish her
a lovely time!


  1. Oh Terri, I so love coming to your blog, as it's like a soft, warm hug! Your teacup is just such a beautiful pattern, and sipping some lovely camomile tea from it must be like "sunshine". Your plate is also so pretty, and your little cottage is making me swoon! I love seeing your sweet detail and your passion of your art. Happy tea day, Terri!

  2. My dear Terri,
    such a beautiful post, again, I`m happy to see you here today, showing the beautiful plate, and the wicker , such wonderful finds.
    Your "sunshine" cup is a beauty, too, and looks lovely with the chamomile tea, and so good with the chocolate cookie !!
    And oh my friend, the cottage is fabulous. Love the chimney , and the roof ,you make so many new details, from house to house, I so love them all, and especially one very precious one.
    Terri I hope you received my email from the 25`th ?
    Sending you warm loving hug,
    Your Dorthe

  3. Hello Terri,
    Your Haviland teacup is lovely and the plate is really sweet with its raised edges. Finding a piece of china like that is so special and makes one feel special when using them. When I found my aqua teacup I felt I had found a unique little treasure and I just love it so much. That wee cottage of yours fashioned by your own hands is really charming and makes one wish you could move right in. I love the shingles and the chimney. It is simply darling! It's wonderful to have you join me this week and I hope you have a delightful day of sunshine and joy.


  4. Terri, your little cottage is adorable. I love the yellow plate too. It and the cup are cheerful! Have a great week!

  5. I love your little cottage and your china and what you share here about the stamps on the china. It is good to celebrate all the joy in each moment we find it, and send up lots of prayers of thanks.

  6. Hi Terri,
    I can't wait to see how you up-cycle your chair. The cottage is adorable you always inspire me. I hope you join in with tea soon.
    Have a great week. Joyous wishes, Linda

  7. Both the cup and the plate are such sweet finds and I can already imagine you having a soothing cup of tea in your new seat.

  8. I am feeling the joy now Terri after reading your lovely post :)

    I agree with Kitty above, yes, definitely like a soft, warm hug.

    Such a pretty chair... I can imagine you curling up in it with a favourite book and a cup of tea of course!

    Loving your little cottage too..... it's so pretty.

    Going back to have another look now!

    Karen x

  9. I agree with Kitty's message, your blog really is like coming to a warm hug. And it's always sprinkled with pretty things too. Great buy on the wicker chair and I can already imagine the beautiful cushions you'll make for it. Such a pretty teacup-so summery. And your cottage is coming along beautifully too. Have a great week ahead!

  10. The house is coming along beautifully, Terri. Do you plan on a tutorial for this? Your teacup is gorgeous, by the way. I love the yellow, and the swirls on the saucer are very interesting. Lovely post today!

  11. I just looked at the photographs again (because they are so beautiful), and see that the yellow is a plate, not a cup and saucer. . .sorry if my comment before was confusing. I do love the yellow plate!

  12. Hi Terri. Your photos are wonderful, as always! I love your Limoges...they made such lovely things, didn't they? My husband has some form of Chamomile is so soothing. Glad your project is coming along. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  13. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful teacups, Terri! I used to watch Miss Marple with my grandfather.

  14. Hi Terri, I love reading Miss Marple. I don't believe I have ever seen one of the movies. That gluten-free cookies looks darn-good delicious. I love Limoges and have a few pieces. I favor Haviland. According to my "Collector's Encyclopedia of Limoges Porcelain" by Mary Frank Gaston, the backstamp is Mark 11 with dates of 1888-1896. Have fun redoing and/or refreshing your newly-acquired wicker chair. Jill at TeacupsandStitches

  15. Chamomile tea is always very soothing and comforting. I like that it is Sunshine for you. Lovely cup and plate. I never know back stamps so I am no help. Your little cottage is delightful. One cookie? I would be eating the entire package I am afraid. Me and sweets just go together. Sunshine Summer Smiles Dear...

  16. Hello Terri
    What a beautiful cup of tea and the chocolate cookie reminded me of Scottish sweets my cousins send over. I am giggling right now as the wicker chair I also have...two of them. I bought them at Pier One in 2005. What a great find. The weather cooled off the past two days, it was so welcome. I need to email you - hope you know you are on my mind. xoxoxo

  17. That plate is beautiful and what a deal on that wicker chair! Wow! I'm back to blogging at a new blog home after a much needed break when life through me a curve ball. I hope you can come by and check out my new blog...and I'm so glad you were out having fun today!!!

    Cottage Blessings,

  18. Dear Terry
    I´m happy meeting you again with your beautiful Tea cups.Now I´m on holidays and I am having more free time so I´d like very much to return to share my teacups on Tuesdays and will be a pleasure visit your blog frecuently.

  19. Dear Terri:
    Such a talent you have designing paper creations. It is just amazing to me how you make these things. I love your cup and saucer and sweet treat to go with! Your tea looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing, linking and participating.

  20. Very cute cottage! Love the wicker chair too, what a great find. Happy 4th, Terri!....Christine

  21. Hi Terri, I love your cup and your yellow plate and you stole that chair for sure. Love the little cottage. I need to get back to minis I haven't made anything in ages. Hugs, lJ

  22. Terri,

    Another lovely Teacup Tuesday! I really look forward to your postings. Your photography is excellent, and the message of peace, joy, and love always gives my spirit a lift. God is good!

    Lucinda :0) xo

  23. OOOO the little cottage is just zo beautiful!! I love it! And I love the chair as well, 30$!!! wow!!!

  24. SO lovely, Terri!

    Love your pics - my word you take beautiful pictures!

    And I absolutely gasped at your cottage you made. Oh my gosh- if you EVER sell them on etsy or something, I am very very interested in being your first customer! I ADORE it!!!!!!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!