Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Blessings of Friendship

Friends are a gift you give yourself. Have you ever heard this before? I was thinking about this statement and wondering how this works. I have decided that for myself, it is about being open and accepting of friendship first that allows two like minds to meet. I also thought about how one feels about oneself affects how our friendship form. Then I began thinking about how "Like attracts like" and how that works into a friendship.

All this thinking began last week when my dearest friend moved far, far away. We met in a library, and it didn't take long before we were sharing all kinds of fun adventures.

Are we alike....we must be in some ways that are fundamental, but in others we are quite opposite. She loves modern....I love vintage....she is a social butterfly and I am somewhat of a hermit up in my art room...she loves makeup and perfume...I am allergic to perfume and a bit of a slob (didn't know that about me did you!). Actually, I wonder about the slob part....I am not really a slob, just preoccupied with ideas for art. Have you ever found yourself brushing your teeth with the old nasty toothbrush that you use to flick paint on your canvas?, then you know what I mean. My friend though, looks incredible...ALL THE TIME! Her clothes, jewelry and makeup always match perfectly. She is so talented that way, and it flows into her home as well. Always lovely.

But I admire my friend for so many reason other than those...she is kind, she is soft hearted...she is thoughtful, friendly, compassionate, open minded, many things.

And I miss her already. It has only been four days : (

I appreciate her and all that we have shared (and still hope to share in the future).

And I appreciate all of you as well. Meeting all of you on the blogs, seeing what you do and what matters to you. You all inspire me so very much! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and see what I have been up to.
Friendship is indeed a gift you give to yourself.

So here is to friendship....may we be brave and open to the love, joy and encouragement of each other.
Hugs to you all,


  1. a lovely dear post!
    Friends fill in the parts of you that are missing, they complete you.
    Friends like you are a treasure!

  2. Terri, I feel for you with how much you are missing your friend. I don't have any friends where I live now. I have a few acquaintances, but no one I'm close to. (That's why my daughter and I are so close and do so much together)

    However, my best friend in all the world I met back in 1993. She and her family moved away in 1998, and I have only seen her one time since then. But you know what, we remain as close as ever. She is STILL my best girlfriend...AND we pray together over the phone once a week (on Tuesdays, so I have the lovely tea parties on Tuesday and then prayer time with my friend...what a wonderful day).

    So, I want to encourage you that although you will miss your friend, it IS possible for your friendship to thrive even across the miles.

    I, too, am thankful for blog friendships. Since I have no close friends nearby, I NEED the fellowship of sweet girlfriends through blogging.

    Have a lovely day.


  3. I too have a dear friend who lives too far away (I am the one who moved) however we still stay true to our friendship. The very best of friends are for life and it doesn't matter where you live-only that you communicate. Happy week...

  4. Oh Teri; I know the exact feeling of missing a dear friend too. My dearest friend moved away, now for 2 years, and we miss each other terribly. Though it's not the same as seeing each other in person, we are grateful for computers, telephone and Skype.
    Thank you for sharing your heart-warming story.

  5. beautiful roses and a beautiful saying, soooo true!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your friend moving away, Terri. I live far away from my closest friends, so I know how hard it is.

    Thank you for your friendship and for your wonderful comments on my new blog.


  7. I know your feelings well. We were in the AF for over 20 years and I had to leave some wonderful friends along the way. But those friendships are treasures that you reflect upon over time and smile.
    New friends come into our lives if we open our hearts. I count you as a friend even though we've not met personally. One day......

    Slob? I want to see THAT!

    Have a wonderful friend filled week!


  8. Losing a friend who moves away is always a sad thing Terri but thank goodness we have email and digital cameras these days, it makes things a little easier.
    In this situation I think about how hard it must have been for pioneer women who left friends and family behind not knowing if they would even hear from or see any of them again. I am thankful for the time I love in!
    Big hugs....
    Tina xo

  9. Hello My Wonderfully-Sweet Bloggy Friend..what a beautiful tribute to you and your friend and the whole essence of friendship....Inspiring Terri..and beauiful said! the bond of kindreds is amazing..sorry you miss your friend..but that bond transcends time and space..and you will still have many adventures!
    Here's friendships of all kinds..beautiful post! yay! Hugs!
    Have a sparkling day!


  10. You have wrote beautiful words about friendship
    I´m happy feeling you a blogging friend

  11. This is such a beautiful post Terri! You are a true friend in every way!

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