Monday, September 6, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday Chintz!

Hello All, thank you so much for coming by to visit today!
What a thrill to have you over : )
Every now and then, someone will ask me "where do you keep all your teacups?". This post is to answer this question. Most of my tea cups are in this hutch (see below) in my dining room. The rest of them I tuck here and there around the room, in my kitchen and in my art room. I am in need of a second hutch and have been on the lookout for just the right one. For today, I will share with you a what is on one of the shelves in my hutch.

Here is Chintz cup # 1. I don't remember where I found this one, but I haven't had it for long.

Chintz china patterns were developed in response to the brightly colored floral Chintz fabrics coming from India as early as the 17th century. These fabrics inspired the chintz looking patterns created by pottery makers in England in the 19 and early 20th century. Technology was limited at the time and making these pieces of china was time consuming and difficult. Early in the 19th century the Grimwade brothers finally developed a way to do it and became famous for their designs. They became the Royal Winton company, and made gorgeous chintz china patterns in England.

Neither of my two cups come from their company. So I can assume other companies gave it a go and produced some very beautiful pieces. Vintage chintz china is very expensive. So if you have any tucked away in a box somewhere, you might want to get it out and place it some where special. Reproduction chintz china is available today as well, at a much more reasonable price.

A decorative simple handle. Gorgeous bright summer flowers.

I just adore the riot of colors.

This cup was made by Collingwood at Staffordshire potteries, and from the backstamp I would date it around the 1930s.

Below is my second cup for today. I have had it a little longer but can not remember either where I got it.

The colors on this cup are much more delicate than the first. There is a softness to the pattern.

It has a simple "7" handle, that I showed you all on another post. The pink in this cup is a very lovely shade. I would love to drink in this cup, but the bottom of the inside is very discolored. I love this cup anyways!

It is a Rosina cup! I have many Rosina cups already. I do love this companies china.

I found this little Cream and Sugar at a local antique market. I was so delighted with them, there was no debating as to whether or not they were coming home with me! They are not chintz, but since they were on the shelf, I thought I might share them as well.

Isn't this the sweetest creamer?

And the sweetest little sugar bowl?
They are actually quite small. They each may hold barely a 1/4 cup.

This set is from Crown Stafforshire. Since it only says England, and not "made in", I am thinking it could be from the early 1900s. The 1891 Tariff Act of the U.S. made it mandatory to put the name of the country of origin on exports to the U.S.

Thank you all so much for sharing Tea Cup Tuesday with me again today. If this is your first time here, welcome!
Don't forget to visit Martha, who is my co host for this party.
She always has wonderful tea cups to see.

If you would like to join in for Tea Cup Tuesday. First make a post on your site that is about tea cups. You can show photos of one (or more) tell us about it, where it is made or from, how you came to have it...things like that. We love to see a picture of the backstamp (makers mark on bottom).
After you have made your post with a tea cup in it, come back here and fill in the two blanks in Mr.Linky and you will automatically be added to the list and we can come and see your lovely tea cups! Yea!


  1. Your chintz is beautiful! I love that tea pot. I just love the pattern and colors.

  2. Thank you for inviting me to Tea Cup Tuesday. I love chintz, but I don't own a piece yet. I have alot of yets to go.
    Thank again

  3. Hello, Terri, my friend,
    I always enjoy seeing your pretty china pieces. The chintz pieces are wonderful. The chintz teapot reminds me of one that was for sale in the Victoria Magazine many years ago. I really wanted to order it, but my budget would not allow me to do so. I love yours very much. And you know, I love the rosy creamer and sugar. Anything with roses or flowers always catches my eye. Thank you for hostessing us each week. Happy Tea Time to you~love and hugs always~Vicki

  4. Hello Terri,
    I love chintz, too. Your teacups are gorgeous. That teapot is 2die4!! I love it.
    Drop in to see what I found while out snooping this weekend!
    Warm hugs, Laura

  5. Terri, your teacups are so beautiful! I love the sweet spring-y colors, and all the pretty flowers!

  6. HELLO! Now you are speaking my "chintzy" language! You sure have some beauties in your collection!!!

    m ^..^

  7. Hello Terri :) Your Chintz teacups are just lovely, but I am really loving that sweet little creamer & sugar you have!!

    Happy Tea Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  8. Terri,
    I just love your chintz tea cups . the colors are fabulous!!
    But the sweet sugar and creamer are just beautiful!! I love the roses on them!! Gorgeous!!


  9. The chintz is really pretty, and that little creamer and sugar are great! I let the time slip by and since I work tomorrow I don't think I am going to be able to join you all this week, but I hope to be back with my tea cups next week. Connie

  10. I just adore your chintz cups and saucers! Thanks for the lesson on how it came to be too! I just must get me a cup like that!!
    Blessings, Doni

  11. Terri, your chintz teacups are simply lovely! I adore chintz myself. The tiny creamer and sugar are sweet too. Lovely pieces, all of them! Thank you for sharing them with us. Happy Tea Tuesday!


  12. I love chintz, and yours is so pretty. Chintz is my favorite and I own a few pieces, but it's very spendy, as you probably know. I'd love to have more of it!

  13. I don't have any chintz at all, but I have always loved it. Yours is quite beautiful, what a collection you have!

  14. Oh, fun...I'm all linked up for the tea party this week :) :) I"m going to make sure not to miss a thing. You're tea things are so lovely...I'll come back tomorrow and co mment some more. Some of your "chintz" pieces reminded me of these lovely things I'd see in Victoria magazine...I always wanted to buy some of their tea things...never was able to..but that's okay, because I can admire everyone elses :) :) :) Plus, I'm very happy with what God has brought my way :) :) Thanks for letting me stop by for tea. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  15. Hi Terri!
    I love all your pieces this week - as I do every week!!
    The rosey sugar and creamer are dreamy and the chintz is gorgeous! I hope to find a teapot SOMEDAY :-)
    I dont know much about Chintz but have 2 teacups this week.
    I enjoyed your special treasures as always!
    Hugs and Smiles,

  16. I especially like the Collingwood teacup. The colors are so cheery and also , in spite of the many colors, this cup and saucer would fit in with so many table settings because the colors go well together and would compliment almost any set of china. Well, any set in my home, which consists of a lot of blues.

    I always learn something here Terri, thank-you. And again, thank-you for hosting Teacup Tuesday.

  17. Lovely. I only knew part of the history of chintz before. Thank you for filling in the blanks. Your little creamer and sugar set is precious. Take care.

  18. I love chintz but have only one lone cup. I just haven't had time to search for more because I have been loaded with other cups. Oh, so many cup wants! Your things are pretty; I like the soft chintz best.

  19. I remember being drawn to my Grandmother's chintz teacup - I thought it was so pretty. Love your creamer and sugar. All your teacups are beautiful, Terri.


  20. I love your beautiful Chintz teacups! I have many teacups and saucers that I've collected over the years, and thought I'd try to join your Teacup Tuesday gorup today!

  21. Terri
    your chintz is amazing. I do not own any chintz cup but looking at your adorable cups you are making me eager to start collecting cups with chintz decor.
    also your creamer and sugar are delightful. would certainly look good amidst my mismatched china.

  22. Oh I LOVE chintz and yours is WONDERFUL! BUT my "VERY FAVORITE" is that delightful little creamer and sugar bowl, LOVE,LOVE,LOVE that... It would be so sweet on a breakfast tray!!!
    Hugs, Donna

  23. Beautiful tea cup! I love looking at your collection. Your knowledge of your collection is also impressive. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Dear Terry
    Yesterday I had a very busy day ,so I could'nt visit you,I'm sorry
    Your Chintz Tea Cups are very very pretty,I think so... You have a stunning and beautiful collection
    I love your hutch in your dinning room full of tea cups,I have one too with some of them,the rest as you say are around all the house in the diferents rooms
    Visiting you and watching all your cups is really a very great pleasure for me

  25. What a wonderful selection of china. Your sugar bowl, was made in the 1930's. Beautiful they all are. I live in Staffordshire, England. My Nan collects Wedgewood, and as many limited editions to her collection. Sadly a few years ago there was an accident in the house and a whole shelf of Wedgewood got damaged into many pieces. Nan was very heart broken, as they were sentimental to her, but there was little we could do. I took the pieces to the pottery ( for insurance ) and the lady there cried. There was £1000's worth of damage. I hope you look after yours dearly. Hugs Tammy x

  26. A spacious hutch has been on my wish list for a long time - yours is lovely. I really like the beautiful chintz teacups. That cream & sugar set is very pretty and the perfect size for a tea tray for one.

  27. I am drooling over your Chintz! what a darling set...and soooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovelies with us!

  28. So many pattern and so colorful...a rainbow on your table
    Love it.

  29. That is such a lovely collection, the colors are so rich and joyful. The sugar and creamer make a very nice complement to the chintz.

    Thanks for visiting me and 'following.'

    Cheers, Jane

  30. The chintz tea cups are so beautiful. I have one cup that is not that old but I still love it. The cream and sugar would have to come home with me too if I saw them.

  31. beautiful Terri..i love chintz..there is just something so cheery and sunshiny about it..always a feeling of harmony with all that color! Wonderful post! Happy Tea~ Have a sparkling day of sunshine!

  32. Thanks for your nice words on my blog.



  33. Hi Terri - I did not know you hosted a Tuesday Tea Party - I am excited and looking forward to linking up again this week! Do have a picture for your parties? I have been gone for almost a month with computer issues - so good to be back!
    Have a great day!

  34. Terri, Those tea cups are so very pretty. I really like the cream and sugar too. You always showcase such pretty pieces!

  35. I LOVE chintz!!! And your chintz teacups are totally gorgeous...both of them. I do not have a preference.

    And, yes, the creamer and sugar are lovely. I would have wanted to take them home with me as well.



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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!