Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday from England

Hello All and welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday.
In case you have not seen my last post, I am in England. So I am posting this from Southampton today. I apologize for two things: One, for being late today, and two, for not really having a tea cup to show you. I have been here for 3 days now, and I have not yet found a tea cup. I did though purchase two lovely antique plates from a street fair in Winchester. Next week I will indeed have found a tea cup to share (if not more than one!). I also had a lovely tea.
Here I am with my tea cup in a truly lovely little tea room in Glastonbury.
Can you tell I haven't really slept for 3 nights now????
The tea cup was pretty, but not old at all. The tea itself was really, really good!

This little tea shop is quaint and comfortable. The begonias in the window were so beautiful, so healthy.

This is my dear friend standing in front of the tea room. We have been blessed with some really good weather so far.

I had the most delicious profiteroles with my tea! Oh yum, yum! Especially yum considering I have been off sugar for ages!

Waking up at our BandB this morning, we were greeted by the rising sun outside our window!
We could see the Tor and the remaining tower of a very old abbey as well from our bedroom window. It was a really beautiful sight!

These were on the windowsill of our bedroom. I don't have a tripod with me on this trip, so my photos are not really clear.

Thank you all so very much for stopping by!
I hope that each of you are having a very good week.
I look forward to seeing your tea cups today.
Please stop by and see Martha at Martha's Favorites.
To join in Tea Cup Tuesday:
Share one of your tea cups on your post, how you came to have it, why you love it, who made it...things like that. Then come back and sign up with Mr. Linky below. Please click on your own link once it is up to double check it works. Last week I was unable to visit a few people.


  1. I cannot believe you didn't find a teacup in ENGLAND!! I am happy for you having a nice time and I hope you will sleep better tonight!

  2. Oh, it's so nice to see you there! How darling are you with your sweet cup, greeting us from abroad! The photos are lovely and thank you for bringing us along on this wonderful trip.

    Hugs and love ~ Rella

  3. Terri,

    I bet you find a teacup before you return! Have a wonderful time in England and Happy Tea Day!!!!!!

  4. You having a spot of tea in England itself is fabulous. So glad your weather is holding nicely. Do not worry about sleep as long as you enjoy every moment of your trip. Happy tea sipping...

  5. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos of your trip to England. Visiting tea rooms and street fairs while enjoying the company of your dear friend sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Terry
    I didn´t know you were in England
    I would like go there very much to have an english tea together with you in that tea shop
    I hope you will found a lovely Tea Cup to share with us

  8. How wonderful for you to be in England right now. Enjoy your trip!....Christine

  9. Wishing you good luck in your pursuit for a new tea cup.

    Lucky you being in Glastonbury.

    Have a great time.


  10. Wow, teatime in England!!! Is there any better place to enjoy tea? I don't think so!!

    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Hey Terri,
    I am so glad you are Enjoying England...I hope you are seeing lots of wonderful sights and get to enjoy many more cups of tea while you are there.
    Thank you so much for stopping by and joining me and the toys for tea this week.
    AND an even bigger thank you for taking the time to host the party all they way from merry old England.
    Many blessings and a safe journey home.

  12. Hi Terry
    G;ad you are enjoying the delights of England, shame you couldn't find a tea cup though!! I am just across the sea from Southampton on the Isle of Wight, funny to think we are so close at the moment when I normally read your blog knowing you are the other side of the Atlantic!

    Elaine x

  13. I am glad you are enjoying your vacation in England. I live in Portland Dorset, not very far from Southampton. I see you chose to have tea in one of my favourite places Glastonbury. I will be attending a fairy ball there in a few days time, and you just managed to have tea in one my favourite cafe's there. Hugs Sara

  14. Hi Terri,

    Thanks for stopping by. You must really enjoyed yr stay in england. Have a nice trip there.

  15. Yay,,such fun,,beautiful post!! Enjoy!!

  16. Thank you for posting from afar. What a sweet and charming little tea room. Hope you get some sleep soon.

  17. Oh, I love your photos--especially the one of the tearoom outdoors--how very quaint and British! You are so blessed to be there--thanks for sharing!

  18. Hello there dear Terri!

    My, oh my! ~ I just love your fabulous 'Teacup Tuesday' local for this week.., Good for you!

    Have a marvelous time with your dear friend, enjoy your tea daahling and your treats and do find lots of pretty tea cuppies to bring back and show us Terri!

    You are also always most warmly welcome to pop by for a tea visit in my little corner of, 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland' anytime!~ The tea kettle is always at the ready!

    ..,(This week has marked my 53rd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', blog teaparty, my 44th, 'Wednesday Tea For You And You And Me')..,

    ~ Also with dear Pam, (of http://breathoffreshair-paperbutterfly.blogspot.com );she and I have celebrated our 25th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'..,


    ~ I guess you could truly say; 'I love Afternoon Tea' and most of all sharing the experience with my fellow bloggers!

    ..,Please do come by next week Terri, and we'll delight once again in sharing yet another lovely a cup of tea!..,

    Wish we could be with you in merry old England, yet we are there in spirit my dear tea friend to be sure!

    Have a marvelous week and a safe, enjoyable journey!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

    @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com
    and also @ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com

  19. Looks like you're having a great time in England Terri...you're in a wonderful part of our country. The photo of you is lovely. (Hope you're managing to get some sleep by now though :-)
    Good luck with the teacup hunt!
    Linda X

  20. How wonderful for you to be there. I have checked in with you before just guilty of not leaving a note (you are very popular with many comments :) You have brought so many people together with this Teacup Tues. Thanks for being a big part of that. Enjoy!! Lisa

  21. Hi Terri: I am so jealous, you are one lucky lady! What a great trip you are having. I hope you have a wonderful time. You are having trips of a life time lately. Blessings dear friend, Martha

  22. lovely to be back in uk with you via this blog post!
    hoping your time is blessed!
    thx for posting and keeping us up on the adventures :)

  23. Hi Terri
    Oh,(sigh) seeing the pretty tea shop, make me long for England again...I am most postive you will find your tea cup:)
    I can hardly wait to see other photos of England that you will hopefully post!!!
    Rest well, and have lots of fun.

  24. How lovely to be traveling. I hope you enjoy your trip & have a wonderful, safe journey while getting around~ Theresa

  25. How wonderful for us that you're taking some time to post, big thank you! You must be having a grand time in England. Can't wait to see more photos. TFS


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!