Monday, November 15, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday Autumn

Welcome everyone to Tea Cup Tuesday!
Something Martha and I love to do each week is share one (or more) of our tea cups with you,
and then hop over to your place and see your tea cups as well. I am amazed at all the variety and at some of your collections as well.

My cup today is Austrian. I do not have many made in Austria, but I find that they are very delicate cups and usually beautifully painted. I do love the autumn colors of this cup.
My favorite color rose is a rose just like the ones on this cup!
It wasn't an expensive cup, I am sure it was under $10. It was well loved as the cup shows plenty of wear on the gold gilding. But I do not mind in the least. I still find it a lovely cup.

This cup has a simple ring handle, I love how it is spotted with gold!

Bohemian porcelain is not bone china, but made from very fine white clay, feldspar and quartz. Bohemian porcelain made before 1918 may use Austria as the country of origin.
I am thinking that this cup is pre 1918.

What beautiful art work!

It is truly Autumn, I love the contrast between the bright blue sky and the golden fall leaves.

I thought I had already posted my last rose of the year, but there are a few more hanging on despite the frosty nights. This is one of my favorite roses.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please do stop by and see Martha. She is a dear soul and radiates love all around her.

If you want to play along. Create a post with a tea cup (or more than one) that you would like to share with us. Then come here and fill in the two blanks below with Mr. Linky. Once you have created your link, test it out, sometimes it does not work.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy every thing you possibly can.


  1. Oh, Terri, your teacup is stunning!!! I LOVE that shade of green. SO gorgeous.

    In my neck of the woods, the leaves are pretty much gone from the trees now. Basically, all I see against the blue sky (when there's blue sky, that's been mostly gray and cloudy these past few weeks) are barren branches. Unlike you, our color is already gone for the year.

    Hope you're having a lovely day.


  2. Now that beauty really does say "Autumn"! ;}

    m ^..^

  3. I love the artwork on that teacup. Those photos of yours are amazing. Hugs Sara

  4. Your cup is oh so pretty and delicate...Your fall photo is just lovely too...Austria is a place I dream of visiting one day...

    Thank you for Hosting

  5. Your photos reminded me of this poem. Fabulous tea cup!

    Nothing Gold Can Stay
    by Robert Frost (1874-1963)

    Nature's first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf's a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.

  6. I love this teacup! The colours are splendid!!!

  7. What a perfect cup for Autumn! Beautiful colors :)

  8. That is a lovely cup. The green color is beautiful, as is the artwork.

    Your fall photos are great. The rose is very pretty - my favorite roses have a coral (or salmon) color.

  9. Your rose looks like its made of fabric beautiful! And the teacup is a real vintage one to treasure. You must have quite a collection Terri!

  10. Dear Terry
    Today I show an austrian cup too!
    Yours is really lovely with that pretty flowers,I´m really glad joining your Tea Cup Tuesday every week
    Also your bracelet is beautiful,I love it

  11. Such a wonderful teacup, Terri! I always enjoy reading your info on each one.
    Our trees are all bare now. I'm thankful for the Christmas lights going up to take away the dreariness of November! Have a lovely week.


  12. This is such a special teacup...the shape is so exquisite, as is the painting and gilding!

  13. Hello Terri,
    this teacup is really outstanding in color, shape and decoration. So lovely. The mark Austria/Carlsbad is really interesting. Thank you for showing us this nice tea cup.This roses will last the whole winter.
    Greetings, Johanna

  14. Terri, a fellow Detroiter! Where did you live in Detroit? I was born in Detroit, raised in Dearborn and years later I lived in Lafayette Park on the edge of downtown Detroit.

    Loved the story about naming your daughter Sarah. Was it the song "Sarah Smile" or the other one by Steve Perry - "Sarah, Sarah, storms are brewing in your eyes...?"


  15. I LOVE this cup. The color is amazing and the handle -- too much fun! Happy Tea Day!

  16. Lovely cup and thanks for info on dating Austrian pieces. Green alwyas makes an unusual tea cup I think and this one with the dash of orange rose...very different.

  17. This is really one of the most beautiful tea cups I have seen, and the close-up of the art work shows it to be even more beautiful in the details.

    Thank-you for hosting Teacup Tuesdays. I learn a lot from you about teacups, porcelain, china, and am finding this fascinating.

  18. What a green colour it is. absolute beauty Terri.. something so different and beautiful... the rose on it is itself like a treasure... I would say VERY TEMPTING..
    I would love if you please have a cup of tea with some crispy cookies with me at

  19. Oh my! The colors in this lovely teacup and saucer are exquisite! I love it!!!
    I am very interested in you sharing the difference in the make - amazing isn't it the wonderful things people have learned to create!
    Thank you for hosting and for sharing,

  20. Hi Terri: I am running very late. I had a migraine all week. Lights were on but no one was home! I just want to tell you I love your cup. It is stunning and that bracelet! Wow! Did you take a class? It is amazing. I always read every post you have, so I needed to do some catch up. Love you lots! Martha

  21. I love your combination of colors and pictures - just my cup of tea! Jennifer jennsthreegraces stop by sometime!

  22. Dearest Terri, our blog is just GORGEOUS! THat green tea cup is so pretty! THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT yesterday! I would have come by earlier, but I am a teacher and conferences started for us yesterday and lasted into the late EVENING! I tired. Please, please come again! Anita

  23. Terri, you cup is gorgeous! I love painted china, and this one is amazing! Thanks for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday :-)


  24. Thank you for stopping by. Here in north Fla. we only have a few trees here and there that turn, our trees are mostly water oaks. They hold their leaves until spring and once they fall the new ones come back on very quickly.
    That is a beautiful cup, of course,
    it has roses.

  25. Terri
    I always love seeing the cups from your gorgeous collection. This one is quite unique. The shape is unusual and very lovely. thank you for sharing! hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  26. I love your beautiful cup Terri. I found it so interesting about the clay used. I don't know anything about what is bone china and what is not. I need to do some studying. I love the painting on this lovely cup.
    You are still enjoying some beautiful color in your area. My world is covered in snow this morning. I woke up and went to the window and saw that we had gotten about 2" of thw white stuff. As much as I complain about sure is a beautiful sight.
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  27. Hi Terri, its always a pleasure to stop by your blog :) I always leave with a smile on my face....
    You have a beautiful Teacup collection do enjoy them in good health. thanks for the inspiration.
    I found these 2 teacups at a salvage. I paid .50 cents for each one, imagine how happy I was.

  28. LOVE that gorgeous handpainted set!! Lovely!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!