Friday, March 18, 2011

Mini Book Fun

Hello All!
Happy Friday!
I had an opportunity to work in my art room this week and try a fun project that I saw over at Poetry In A Pot Of Tea, where Shawn posted a video of Tim Holtz creating what he calls a "W" book. She inspired me to create on myself (actually two!). One for my husband to remind us of our trip to Paris last year, and one I made to remind myself that I create my own happiness. Shawn has a lovely blog and she often post great videos, as well as beautiful cards she makes, and other creations. So please visit her, the first link takes you to her home page, the second one will take you to her post of the video.

The book is easy enough to make once you figure out how to fold it! I had to re watch Tim do it several times. But once I got it, I was good to go, and I really did enjoy making and decorating the books. I have even cut one out of a piece of fabric and hope to do some thing special with it.

A little touch of flowers tied with vintage seam binding.

The inside is filled with sweet messages to my dear hubby!

Here is my second book to remind me that I get to choose how I want to feel each day.

The lovely girl is from A little vintage lace and heart add real charm.

I used some Cath Kidston papers I bought while in England.

A little silver Stickles and some vintage papers out of an old French medical book about ailments.
This book has many pockets you can slip tags and messages into.

I used this vintage medical book on purpose behind my positive statements, to remind myself that no matter what is going on with me physically, I can still choose to feel JOY at any time....

I just love vintage laces don't you?

The flying bird symbolizes freedom!
The scratched background showing things not perfect.

Creating this book was creating joy for me!

She is so calm and sure. I love that image!

She sees within....she sees beauty...she sees opportunity...

Think on these things...

I love my life.
I am thankful to be here experiencing all that is...

I choose to focus on the good in my life.

All is well.

Thank you so much for stopping by.
May you have a blessed and joyful weekend.
I will post the winner of my Birthday Gratitude Giveaway Tuesday evening.
Follow the link above to leave a comment to enter.


  1. Such adorable books. I love the reminder that you get to choose how you feel each day.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Terri -

    These are absolutely beautiful! The one you made for yourself is so lovely and inspiring. It can't help but lift you from the doldrums when you need it to. Simply wonderful.

    Elaine Allen

  3. I love your books and the reason behind them...especially the second one! Choosing joy is something I look for every day.

    The image of the young girl? I love this one -- purchased it awhile ago from Paper Whimsy and printed it the other day to have great taste!! :)

  4. Oh I just love this little book thanks for sharing xx

  5. I just love the image of the little girl. Your books are beautiful.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment.

  6. Wonderful books! So much love and care was put into them, Terri; I love what you created!

  7. Terri,
    Your books are awesome1 Your girls have so much behind their them!! Glad to hear all is well!
    Jackie :}

  8. This book is so very darling, as is all your creations. So cute!


  9. Terri~
    I am SO glad the TH video inspired you to make these little treasures. They both have charming details. I adore all the symbolism you put into your 'happy' book! You are a girl after my own heart!! Lovely images, heartfelt sentiments, feminine touches. Thank you for mentioning my Blog. I collect quotes and sayings...."All Is Well" will be added today. Great blog, wonderful posts~ Shawn

  10. Aloha Terri,
    What gorgeous books you've made. Thank you so much for sharing the links to Shawn's blog and video of Tim's tutorial. I definitely want to make one of these books.
    Hugs to you.

  11. Oh, Terri, your little books are wonderful! I love that you created one for your husband....and the little girl image you used in yours is just perfect! Beautiful books!

  12. both books are gorgeous!! The one for your hubby is greaet with the vintage look!!
    and for the other you used beautiful pieces of lace and images!! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comments.

  13. Terri, you are such an inspiration. So often I get lost in feeling that nothing is within my control but you're absolutely right, a little something to remind us to always choose the positive is such a treasure. Your books are so beautiful!!

    Jem xXx

  14. Hi Terri,
    Just how beautifull,they are both-I`m so in love with the colors you have blended wonderfully- and all your small messages to you- are so goo to remember alwayes.
    Thankyou for showing,those lovely pieces.

  15. This is just awesome, your husband must be so happy with this!! And with you!

  16. Absolutelu beautiful!!!



  17. It's beautiful, Terri. You've inspired me. I have only made 2 books. Maybe it's time for another because I have several blank ones that I bought from C&T Publishing on sale a long time ago! They're gathering dust! A project for today maybe because I'm sort of at loose ends! Thanks for the artistic push!
    Hugs, Diane

  18. Terri,
    This is just so pretty!! You are so talented!! All of your creations are lovely!!



  19. The creation of these is such poetry! This is profound and sweet to me, all at once. What treasures. Blessings to you.

  20. Beautiful books to treasure your memories in . The one you made for yourself is so pretty and insiring . Thanks for sharing

  21. So very lovely Terri, thanks so much for sharing you art with us! xoxo

  22. Terri what beautiful books you created. Im going to definitely look at the video and try it. And can I steal your inspiration for the book you made. I need that too. Just beautiful.

  23. Hi Terri! Oh wonderful..whimsical and Beautiful! Such super inspiring creations..truly charming and unique!! yay!! Love visiting your magical realm ..always so much beauty to ignite the heart!
    Happy Spring ..wishing you many blessings all season long!

  24. Terri,
    Your books are so wonderful.

    I may have to try - creating one also - especially in the same theme as the one you made for yourself. The end of winter blues - seems to have hit me real hard this year and I need something to help me climb out of my (self imposed) funk.

    Thanks again.


  25. Hi, Terri. Joyous Spring! Brianne

  26. Lovely, little book, Terri. What fun! I think your embellishments are perfect. Love the doily, flowers, and ribbon.

    Years ago I bought a book on book making, and I've had lots of fun with it.

    Have a great day,

  27. These books are SOOOO lovely! I especially adore your affirmation book - thanks for sharing it. It is so special and a beautiful way to remind yourself that it's important to love yourself. :) And what a wonderful keepsake from your Paris trip. Take care - Theresa

  28. swooning big time over ur mini books. they are fabulous

  29. Terri your little books are priceless. The memories of Paris for you and hubby is super sweet. The joy of life little book for yourself is truly inspiring. Happy Sunday to you...

  30. Love your little books! You have included awesome images and such delicate things in them.

  31. Really lovely!
    Spring is comming and today I send you all my love with flowers for you

  32. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this project and your beautiful thought process behind it. Your words have often been JUST the encouragement and reminder needed..bless you for following that sweet voice within. You are a treasure.

    xox Rella

  33. Gorgeous, gorgeous, you are such a fantastic artist my friend, you always inspire!

  34. Terri, These are so pretty! I will have to check out the links. I am curious if it was how I helped Sammie learn how to make a zine book.
    They are tricky at first but once you get it, you know it! Happy creative week to you~ Theresa

  35. Wow a really nice book, I love the details.
    Have a nice day

  36. how darling and sweet is this awesome book! love the PW images you used throughout and the delicate colors and embellishments! beautiful work!

  37. What adorable little books, so beautiful :)

  38. Terri, I'm not sure how I managed to miss this post when you made it. I adore your little books, especially the one for yourself. It is such a positive project - a gift to yourself and a celebration of life and living each day to the full.

    Hope you are enjoying the spring.

    Elaine x

  39. Hi Terri, Oh what beautiful books, don't you just love little books, there is something so special about them, your are just beautiful. I am sorry it has taken me so long to visit, have been sick all weekend, finally feeling better. Have a wonderful creative week. Hugs, Terri

  40. Those are both lovely. I love the second one and your wise thoughts!

  41. This is absolutely gorgeous! I have been meaning to make one and haven't gotten around to it. Love your outlook! :-)

  42. You make such precious things Terri ....these are wonderful.
    I'm going back for another look :-)

  43. Your memory books are so beautiful, adorable, and fantastic. Great ideas here. Really appreciate you linking this up at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.


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