Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artist Share!

Today I would like to share the beautiful artwork of two artists.
I was blessed to be in a tea cup swap with Terri G. She is a very talented artist and she sent me a gorgeous tea cup (to be shared for Tea Cup Tuesday soon!), and two very lovely pieces of art.
The first is a wall hanging with a tea theme.
It is such a beautiful blue, and the tea sentiment is so sweet!

The second thing she sent me is this Charlotte Angel! She is exquisitely crafted!

Every bit of her is adorable!

And the fabric wings are really special, the back says "Angel Friends" so I have decided she is the Angel of Friendship!

Thank you so much Terri for your very beautiful and generous gifts! To see more of Terri's amazing art work you can visit her at Designs by Terri Gordon it will be well worth your visit!

Below, is the art of a young man. His mother Eloisa created a fairy School house after watching my free video series, and I shared her school here. This school below is by her little son! She said he is a very active and very intelligent 4 year old. He picked out the colors and everything! Isn't it just amazing?!

I love the visiting lizard!

He has even created furniture and just look at the lesson on the board!

He has added a sweet birdie and her nest on the top of the school. Sounds just right for a fairy school to me! Eloisa's blog "I Love Crafts" is full of fab art too and worth a visit.
Thank you for sharing your art with us!

Thank you all for visiting today!


  1. These are SO Beautiful! I love to see how talented people are. AND most everyone one of these gifted people are also So Generous! I LOVE the Land Of Blog! It's such a wonderful place to be!
    Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Beautiful work. It amazes me every day anew that there are so many people with so much talent, and that gives me hope! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Terri, who has received precious things! That turquoise is beautiful. The angel of friendship looks so delicate and inaccuracies details, like hanging with cup of tea, beautiful, you're lucky! Greetings, Rose Marie

  4. Love, love, love your German Charlotte doll...beautiful...The blog Plays with Paper has awesome Frozen Charlotte and china doll items. Dont forget to stop by The Cranky Queen to enter the Mother's Day Giveaway. Tiff

  5. Great gifts and photos, Terri. Love the splashes of turquoise. The lady doll is a charmer. Susan

  6. just stunning! love the background on your blog, too!

  7. Such fun swap treasures. Your friendship angel and cup wall hanging are truly beautiful. I am so impressed with the little fairy school. That young man has a very creative future. Terri thank you for visiting and your comment is excellent. Happy upcoming weekend to you my dear...

  8. oh my goodness terri. what beautiful surprises to receive in the mail. the art doll is exquisite. those angels wings in aqua, the peekaboo petticoat, everything is perfect. i will definitely stop by the creator's blog. and, yes, what a darling fairy house. kids get so much from these experiences. i remember creating my own theaters out of boxes, made paper and stick moveable puppets and put on a show at school one time of the sleeping beauty with tchaikowsky's music on a record player. my friend and i got an A+.

    thank you for sharing these talented creators with us today.

  9. Can't believe the fairy school was made by a four year old!! He is talented! And the gifts you became are just gorgeous! I wish you a nice day!

  10. Terri, what incredible creations. I saw your part of the swap on the other Terri's site. You both did a beautiful job and I loved reading about your friendship.
    The piece by the four-year-old is amazing and the lizard is hilarious because it is so typical of little boys.
    Thank you for sharing such incredible things.

  11. Hello Terri...oh, I adore your blog! It is just filled with everything I love.One of the things I enjoy about blogs is seeing the unbelievable creations so many are popping out all the time. Inspiring.

  12. Oh, these are sooo beautiful!
    I especially appreciate the little boy's Fairy House and that his mom is OK with him making art.
    I have 2 sons, both adults now, and when they were little they did all sorts of artsy stuff, too. It helped them grow up well rounded. I feel joy for the boys who get to explore this side of themselves.
    And thank you for letting us see....

  13. What beautiful gifts. It looks like you are connected with lots of people who are as talented as you are.

    I love that house, and the lesson on the blackboard is beyond charming.

  14. WOW, these are absolutely so beautiful! Amazing. Hugs!

  15. Oh Terri, You took such beautiful photo's. I really enjoyed making the doll, she was so much fun. I am so glad that you like both things. What a wonderful Fairy School, so talented, can you imagine when he gets older. It is so wonderful. Have a great week. Hugs, Terri

  16. Dear Terri,
    such beautiful gifts , the wallhanging -and the angel oh my-they are gorgeus both, the angel so special- and the little house- so lovely- and full of wonderful accents, what a clever young man-I love it.

  17. So adorable, and so amazing!!!!!


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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!