Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy May Day

As with many holiday traditions, May Day had changed many times since it began maybe two thousand or more years ago. In past years our children have made may cones and danced around the May Pole.
I was once lucky enough to be a part of a May Pole dance with a group of wonderful women, and it was a beautiful site to behold with all the pretty skirts floating and the may streamers colorfully weaving around the pole.
For me, May Day is about celebrating joy!

Today is a day I will celebrate Spring, beauty and being alive!

I remember reading about May Cones in the Dick and Jane reading series in school when I was little. Do any of you remember that?
May cones are hung on friends door nobs on May Day.

The pictures are of a French inspired May cone I created. This cone was made using a tissue paper transfer of a hundred and thirty year old French document. The flowers that adorn the top of the cone are from a vintage hat from the 50's. The pink roses are some of my first flowers in my back yard.

Happy May Day to you!
May you have a day of Joy!


  1. Terri,
    You flower cone is beautiful!~ I had to look at it and see what you created.

  2. It is beyond stunning Terri! Much different than the construction paper strip baskets I made as a child!!

  3. Oh, Terri,
    That is really a pretty, pretty cone! I had totally forgotten about May Day until I read your blog. We always used to give our friends May Baskets.
    I remember my mother telling me that she was voted Queen of May and got to wear a special dress in the May Pole dance. Somewhere there was a picture...lost but still in my mind.
    Sigh! Thanks for the lovely creation!

  4. Terri-I DO remember Dick and Jane stories! Fondly! Even though learning to read was a real struggle for me (now I devour books!)And May Day. We celebrated that, too! Simplier times (and I am only 51 and saying that! Sigh! Blessings, Sharon
    ps/Don't know where you live but wish I could come for a Fairy School House workshop! ; )

  5. This is beautiful! Have a nice and happy Mat Day!

  6. Like the pretty cone, I read the books but don't remember them hanging these baskets. Very nice idea! judy

  7. Such a beautiful always seem to make the most gorgeous goodies! xoox, tracie

  8. Hello terri,
    what a charming habit with the maycones. Looks so cute.
    Wish you a happy May Day.
    Greetings, Johanna

  9. Happy May Day Terri! what a beautiful cones. Those roses are sheer joy, how lucky to have them in your garden. Elaine x

  10. These are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Dear Terri, Happy May Day! Your May cone is adorable and very fresh! Lovely paper and embellishments and you are a lucky lady to have such beautiful roses in your yard! Thank you so much for sharing your memories with us! Have a nice week!

  12. Terri, You just make my day every time you visit my blog and leave a thoughtful comment. Loved hearing about your wee yorkies. I've always wanted to dance around a may pole and was so interested to hear that you had done so. Your cones are gorgeous. Thank you for reminding us of such a special and symbolic day.

  13. That is so beautiful! I want one. I must figure out a way.

    I do love May Day, and am so happy that it is in the 70's and sunny here today.

    I trust yours is as wonderful as can be.

    Again, beautiful, beautiful flower cone.


  14. My dearest friend: I love your new treasure that you made. I wish I had your talent. I am trying to make some crafts for my website. I wish I had your talents. You are the dearest gift from God. Blessings, Martha

  15. Oh, I love your beautiful cone Terri.

    Happy May Day!

  16. I can almost smell the roses. Your cone, against the rustic fence, is exquisite.

    I too have memories of dancing around the Maypole but maybe not such happy ones. I was educated by THE NUNS - they who must be obeyed. Every year, with weeks to spare, the Maypoles and ribbons were dragged out and we were rehearsed within an inch of our lives. This was in primary (elementary) school so we were only very young. We lived in fear that we would make a mistake because we were threatened that the world would end if we broke the pattern!!

  17. How stunning never new about cones

    Love dawn xx

  18. Bonsoir
    I 'm so happy to discover Cone's tradition...
    Your flower cone is magnifique
    Good night

  19. So pretty... now I'd love to make something like that! ;) An oh, I really would like to link to your next tea party, but it will have to be on Wednesday when my next post will be up... Would that be OK with you?



  20. Hi Terri, Your cone is so lovely & I love your choices of vintage papers and flowers. I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Isn't it nice to welcome the flowers and beauty of May~ xo Theresa

  21. Terri, your May flower cone is lovely. I love the French document paper you used for the cone and hope your May Day was fun.

  22. I love the flower cones! I wish we were not traveling on May day this year, these would have been so fun to make with my daughter!

  23. Beautiful Terri, Happy May Day. I can't believe it's May already, I feel like I missed April. It still is cool here. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

  24. I haven't heard of that tradition before, but its wonderful.
    You make such pretty things Terri.
    Happy May!

  25. Oh my beautiful Terri...I love this charming, nostalgic romantic feel...gorgeous and exquisite..your photos are beautiful!!
    HUgs..Happy May Day!! This is divine!!

  26. I, too, love May Day; the celebration of our Earth's Fertility, our fertility! Our fertility as we create our paintings, crafts (like your beautiful cone), dances, dinners, stunning outfits, home decor, children, friendships, loves, all of these beautiful creations that we are so capable. Happy May Day! Happy May! Happy Spring! Happy Creating! Brianne

  27. Absolutely lovely! What a beautiful way to welcome the month of May!

  28. Terri, thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Hope you have a great week :)


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