Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hello All!
Yep...that camera lens.
Luckily I was able to order a new lens and I am happy to say my camera is back to normal! Yay! I realized how much I use my camera the day the lens broke. I am so thankful for my camera!

As most of you know, all of June is my Happy June Giveaway! (sign up for the first prize by clicking on the link). Since this site has such a variety of readers I am choosing a new item to be added to my giveaway each week, all of them different so that something will appeal to each person.

My next item will be announced tomorrow night. You have all month to sign up for the item(s) you like the most. All the gifts will be awarded the last day of June. I am so excited to do this. I appreciate all of you so much, all your visits and your kind comments and encouragement!

In the mean time, I am crafting away making a few more domino books (one is in the giveaway) and also working on two new videos. I did have one finished, but I have decided to do it over. So it will be a few more days before it is up : )

Also, I am still having some issues with Blogger. How are you all doing with it?
Hopefully it will all be ironed out soon!



  1. Oh, your poor camera! It looks so sad!

    I just re-watched your Spring Banner video. It's so pretty and it's another way for me to 'see' you ~ just like I'm in the same room with you.

    I'll be watching for your next giveaway item and can't wait to see what you're offering this time. Such beautiful Terri Treasures!

    And new videos? Be still my heart!


  2. wow, that lens really did break and disintegrate back into its basic elements. What kind of camera have you used? Someday I need to get a "big girl" camera with a fancy lens, so I can take fancier pictures :) :)

    I don't think I've been having issues with blogger...none that I'm aware of. I haven't gotten that many comments on my recent post...but that's not unheard of either. I think I'll ask about that on my next post, just to be sure :) :)

    Have a great week :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  3. Hi Terri. Very sad about your lens however very happy you have a new one. I see crafting components in this photo of broken lens. :o)

    I do hope Blogger is feeling better by now however it just acted up on me today. :o(

    Happy June and I love all that you create dear...

  4. That lens looks pretty mangled! Your giveaway sounds fun! How talented you are. Blogger has been behaving ok for me (for now as I knock on wood). Look forward to TTT!

  5. oops! Glad you were able to get a new lens...I could not be without my Nikon! :)

  6. oh terrible!! how did it happen? I am happy for you you found a new one , we can't live without it, can we...

  7. Blogger seems to be nerving us all! I think they need to do something very quickly! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Oops, definitely beyound repair, the poor lens. Glad you have your new one now. I'd be so lost without my camera.

  9. i'm so sorry about your camera, it's beautiful camera and i wished i had one just like that! i'm glad you managed to get the lens, thank you for hosting the giveaway, you're so crafty and talented! can't wait to see what else that you created! xx Susan

  10. Oh, poor lens! I'm glad you were able to order a replacement. I can't even imagine being without my camera! :(

    I can't wait to see your new videos, you always do such a nice job on them, and always have something so wonderful to teach.

  11. Oh dear, that looks scary. So glad you could get another one, what would we do without our cameras?

  12. Hi Terri -

    Your poor pocket, looks like the lens put a dent in it - LOL! I'm glad you were able to find another one though.
    I can't wait to see your tutorials. May I dare hope that one is on your domino books?

    Elaine Allen

  13. Glad to see you're back in 'business' with your camera. You must have a good one, because your photos are always so good.

    Looking forward to seeing the next giveaway item...what fun.

    Have a glorious day,
    Marianne (hug)

  14. Ohhhh nooooooooo, your camera broke?!!! I can't imagine how you felt. But all is well now? sigh.
    Where would we be without your stunning photo posts?

    Beautiful give aways....such a sweet and generous soul you are. big hugs.
    and TWO tutorials coming. June is a wonderful month, indeed.

    Much love ~ Rella

  15. I'm so happy your camera is UP and RUNNING! Oh Yes, our cameras seem to be as important as our computers...Did you give your OLD lens a decent burial OR do you plan on using it for a re purpose craft thingy! Hmmm, it sure HAS made lots of memories!!!
    Big Hugs to you,

  16. I'm so glad you could replace the lens!
    Everything you touch is gorgeous - magical!
    Hope you'll stop in for my month long give away and event... I know you must have a bunny around there somewhere, Terri. See you tomorrow at your tea cup party!

  17. So sad about your camera lens...but glad you have replaced it already! Isn't it terrible to be without a camera - even for a day! I would be lost without mine, how would I be able to share my photo adventures with all of my cyber friends?!
    Beth P

  18. Ienjoyed my visit here to your blog - lovely talents!

  19. Hi Terri, love your giveaway for June and so enjoy Teacup Tuesday, every Tuesday! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your nice comments on my's so nice to meet another MJF Farmgirl! I'm farmgirl #184! The monthly mailart swap is fun, I hope you join! xoxo


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!