Friday, August 12, 2011

Having my "Colors" done

(I thought I was a "summer" but now know I am a Light, Soft and Cool girl!)

Hello All!
What a great week we are having!
Hot, but still a good week!

Today I thought I would share with you something I had done in the UK that I found fascinating (and no, it isn't the Indian eyebrow threading I had done, ouch!, but fabulous results!).

Have you ever bought a beautiful piece of clothing, that ended up only sitting in your closet for a few years, because when you put it on it just wasn't "right"? I have done this many times. And I don't want to get rid of these clothes because they are so gorgeous. Lately I had been thinking about how I could become more comfortable choosing clothing, because I had become somewhat reluctant only bring home another article of clothing that didn't end up working for me. Now, I do have some colors I positively know are mine, and I have stayed in my comfort zone with these. But the artist in me wants to work with all the colors I can!
Hence, my UK color experience.


Many years ago I had my "colors" done, and I found out I was a "Summer" and it did help me choose colors for my clothing. But what I had done by the multi talented and color gifted Sylvia Rattenbury was so much more than that, (and no more seasons)! Sylvia spent a couple hours teaching me about my own colors by carefully draping me in colorful swatches and watching my facial color dull or brighten. It took me a little bit before I could really see it with some colors, while others it was plain to tell. She also talked to me about clothing style and shapes that were best for my body type. By the time she was done showing me my own makeup color, I was thrilled and felt I had the information I needed to choose clothing colors and styles successfully. Yay!

(I love these colors! See the green? I have never worn green at all and I am happy to do so now I know the correct green for me!)

Sylvia put together my own personal booklet filled with my own colors. I have taken this with me every time I shop, and I am pleased to say I have successfully chosen some really lovely articles of clothing that I feel very good in, and in colors I would have never chosen! I can use this book to encourage myself to embrace color combinations I have never done before, with no fear of money wasted. As a person who loves color, this is exciting!

Sylvia lives near Horsham in southern England. She has a gorgeous home with a lovey studio that she does her color work in. I felt very comfortable there, as Sylvia's kind and knowledgeable manner really put me at ease. I highly recommend her!

So, if you live anywhere Sylvia (or are visiting in the area like I was) look her up. You will be so thrilled with the results! She has a beautiful and helpful website where you can find out

The clouds are building up outside, and I hear the early rumblings of a thunderstorm.....such a lovely sound. I am thankful for the rain today as it helps keep the temperatures down. I hope that where ever you are you are having a good day and enjoying the summer.
Thank you so very much for stopping by to visit.


  1. Sounds good, it was astonishing what a difference colours make! Glad you enjoyed your day!

  2. Terri- I had to come to your blog when I saw this on my blog reader!! OMGosh, in the 80s, this was the BIG thing here in Louisville, KY! There were several businesses that started up after a book about this was published, Color Me Beautiful. In the 90s, there was a line of Color Me Beautiful makeup that sold at JCPenny's. The first time my colors were done, I was told I was a summer. The send time, and the right one I think, I was told I was an autumn. Well, I know I am not a winter. Once, all the ladies of our family went together to do it-- even my grandma (who has since passed away but loved makeup!). I even took my best friend once -- a guy! Yep, and he got a kick out of it! Oh, well, it was fun and soooo much fun to read about you doing this. Thanks for the blast from the past. I still have my color palette!

  3. I can "hear" the enthusiasm in your post. I too am summer and had this done decades ago. It really does make a huge difference when shopping and then feeling like a million bucks wearing the clothing. For me I always think of a peacock with all those beautiful colors that I so love and can wear. Happy "Summer" to you dear...

  4. You have such wonderful taste in everything you show us on your blog I am a bit mystified by how you feel the clothes you have chosen can be anything but perfect for you. ;-)

    I must have missed reading something in here because I have no clue what 'Indian eyebrow threading' is. Now I have to Google that. ?????????

  5. Terri -

    Congratulations! How wonderful that you decided to pamper yourself! We always are so concerned with everyone else we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. This sounds like a wonderful gift to yourself!

    Elaine Allen

  6. Hi Terri, I am a Winter, it does help knowing which colours to avoid. I was once told that if people say 'you look nice', you are wearing the right thing. If they say 'that dress looks nice', you may be wearing something that doesn't suit you.
    You are brave to have the eyebrow threading, ouch! Judith xx

  7. I have no idea what eyebrow threading is, but can only imagine it smarts a bit? Brave you.

    I totally had forgotten about having 'colors' done! That sends me back a few years. Myself? I'm an Autumn and apparently I was because those colors are what I always gravitate towards.

    And YES, I can see you in green(and blues and pinks) because it's you.

    What fun to have spent the day talking colors and styles. Makes you feel a bit like a princess!

    Hugs my friend.....

  8. Oh wow this is fabulous, what a great post. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  9. Yay ...Fabulous post Terri...I am a color-junkie and love all things this was fun and inspiring..thanks for sharing this magical peek into color ! Shine on!

  10. I had my colors done in the 80's. Whenever I wear my "eye color" someone comments positively on how I look. You would think I wear that color all the time.
    There are 2 colors I am never supposed to wear
    BUT, I am a rebel and wear them any way!

  11. Oh now this is so interesting! I love anything creamy and white and black and taupe and very adventurous of me, no?

    Well, they are the colours of an African I suppose that's adventurous enough. lol

    I love how happy you are about this...there is nothing more empowering to a woman than knowing what she wants...and now that you have the can spend wisely!

    Ciao bella....I'm off to read your tea cup post too!

    Creative Carmelina

  12. SOunds like fun~ good to know in order to feel good, look good and not waste money on a pretty item that is just not right for you~

  13. I love "your colors",I think mine would be very similar to yours

  14. I didn't know this was still around!
    I had my colors done years ago, too. It never really clicked for me, then I found out why....
    2 years ago I did something even better.....I had my energy profile/colors done and it's so much more exact, I love it. It's actually pretty near perfect, I think.
    If you just want to poke around to check it out, here's where to see:

    I can't recommend this highly enough, it's changed my life! Really!

  15. Hi Terri Sweetie...
    Oh what fun. I have never had my colors done. I hold certain colors to my face and see how they wash me out, or brighten me up, but that is as close as I have came. How wonderful to have someone sit with you and share your beauties.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time sweetie. I can't wait to see you in new colors. Thank you for sharing.

    This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  16. How absolutely FuN!!! I loved reading every word. You certainly had a marvelous time in England this year. I do believe years ago I had my colors done and swear I can't remember what they are. I think I have always been a little lucky by just buying colors and styles I feel comfortable in - and over the years it also depended on what color hair I was wearing. LOL. I had my "red" hair period from 1993-2003 and had to change my makeup and colors didn't look the same. That was the first time I realized how it all worked together. Once I went all natural it was fun exploring the colors I wore before the red. Lovely post, girlfriend. Thanks for visiting the honeysuckles. Can't wait for September and then MARCH!

  17. HeyTerrI ...
    I've had my colors done so many times...and ' Honestly" I always revert back to what makes me feel good... for every season there is a reason to be ... and i'm just sort of open up to that natural being !!!!....... however ..SOMETIMES .. I wish I was ' Spring".. ( Ha ha)

    Big Hugs to You

  18. I had my colors done way back in the 80's and it is amazing how they influence how we look and feel! sounds like a fun time!

  19. Terri, this sounds like it was so much fun!!!

    Hugs, Diane

  20. Terri, here is the information for the cleansing agent I mentioned yesterday. It's called Vintage Textile Soap. You can find it online at this link

    The website is Star Spangled Sampler.

    I knew a woman who used it on an old yarn woven baby blanket which had yellow stains from storage, and it came out beautifully! You might be able to find it in a local shop, too.

    I'll also send you an email with the info.

    Good luck,


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