Friday, August 26, 2011

My Big Summer Surprise!

O.k. I realize most of you are not going to know who this is in the photo with me....but a few of you are going to know, and maybe even scream!
(He put on his best "Doc Martin" look for the photo!)

While we were in England for July, we went to Port Isaac because we love the show Doc Martin so much. I posted photos of this trip earlier, below is a photo of the fishing village where the entire show is filmed. We thought the show was over, no more seasons (boo hoo). We stayed in a B&B that is used for the school house in the show. It was originally a church.

Well, when we arrived at the B&B we had no idea that we were going to find the Doc Martin group filming in the parking lot!!! I almost swooned! I quickly grabbed my camera, and when I got back, Marin was coming out to the small crowd watching (remember it is a tiny little fishing village so not many people there)the filming to say hello. When I spoke to him, he was very kind, very interested and funny! It took many tries for the person who was taking the photo to have success, and all the while he was hugging me with his arm and cracking jokes like "well, if this fails...can you draw?" LOL!

See the village? The boats are anchored with enormous chains embedded in the sand because of the tide. This beach and the tide play a big role in one of the funniest episodes.
"Louisa" signing autographs.

The end of a scene. This one is in the finale. If you look in the background, you will see Doc Martin in a suit (of course!) about to climb up the ladder. He was on that ladder all day for countless takes. Over and over and over. He must have been so tired of that ladder!

It was so strange to stand outside of the Doc's house and surgery!

I love Martin Clune's character, he plays it so well! Now that I have met him, I see how entirely different he is from the doc! I am so thrilled that I was able to meet him. And I am totally thrilled there will be another season! Yay!

He was so friendly, that once an older couple, suitcases in hand, crossed right in front of him as he was just starting a scene. They recognized him and stopped him to shake hands! He took it all in stride, broke character and was very kind to them and then started the scene over. I was so impressed!

Port Issac is such a gorgeous place to visit. Truly a tiny village, with all the quaintness. But seeing my favorite actor? Priceless!

Thank you so much for stopping by!
I have been super busy this summer, but promise to catch up with all of you soon.
More art and videos to come!


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE THAT SHOW! Terri.. How wonderful amd what luck to have been there at just the right time. I am sure he is a very nice, polite person (unlike the part he plays).

    I am sooooo excited about there being another season. I suppose 'we' Americans are going to have a long wait to see season #5. UNLESS... Someone uploads it to YouTube before the DVD comes out.

    I have watched each episode twice on Netflix. It is such great humor, such beautiful scenery!

    I am looking forward to seeing Doc baby sitting his son. LOL

  2. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
    And either he's REALLLLLY TALL or you are REALLLLLY SHORT! What an adorable photo of you with to hang on your wall.

    The Port is divine....I hope to get there one day as my ancestors are from Cornwall and it would be a thrill to see it in person.

    I MUST find the DVD's to this series since you speak so highly of it. AND, it's Cornish so it's bound to be a great one. Cheerio!

  3. Too Cool!! I love watching Doc Martin! How exciting! Thanks for sharing your adventure!

  4. What stupendous luck to run into Doc Martin. What a wonderful series. What fun

  5. Yes....OMG!!!!!!!!!

    I soooo love this show and I too have been to Port Issac!!! We were there in 2006, I have a photo of my husband (David) sitting on the steps of Doc Martin's surgery....we thought that was a 'big think'....but to actually be there while they were filming must have been amazing for you! I look forward to the new series!!!!It is such a beautiful little village, I look at my photos often.

    WELL DONE YOU!!!!!

  6. Oh my!! I have never seen this show, but you have peaked my interest for sure. How do I find it?

    I am so happy you got to meet and talk with him. And that picture!!! So adorable with tiny you being hugged like that.

    I'm so glad you had this wonderful experience!
    xox Rella

  7. I don't know this show))))))) views on the photo are very beautiful!

  8. how fabulous for you!!!
    I know he is important to you,but i have no idea what the show is.But,that doesn't matter..what matters is he is important to you and you got to meet him and have your picture taken,,wow!!! how fabulous!!!

  9. How fun to meet him in person and find out what a nice fellow he truly is!!

  10. Wonderful photos! How much fun for you!

  11. Wow, how exciting that must have been for you! Love Doc Martin! It sure would have been a Big Surprise running into him.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing we love that show too and have wondered what the little town was really like. It looks lovely!

  13. Oh I love Doc Martin! I heard that another season was coming. I'm so glad that it's really happening. How lucky for you to have met him! What a gorgeous place. I would love to visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Lucky you!! That's one of my fav shows too, altho I'd like to strangle him on a regular basis ;) How exciting to be there during filming and especially to get a snap with 'the doc'.

  15. Wow, what a gorgeous surprise, and a real star in your vacation! Great! Valerie

  16. WOOHOOO Terri-
    you must have felt almost like a 16 year schoolgirl, meeting your fave actor,lol-
    I don`t know that show, here from Denmark.
    The Port looks wonderful, and so picturesque.

  17. How exciting! Fun...I would love to meet David Tennant = The Doctor from Doctor Who!!

  18. So love Martin Clunes in everything he does. What a huge thrill to meet this fabulous man. Thank you for sharing. xx

  19. How fabulous for you.....what a thrill :)
    xoxo Sioux

  20. What a great thrill.. I must say, he's one of the actors I would have to approach, have heard him interviewed a handful of times and he really does seem lovely. Perfect timing for you, what a great day!

  21. That is so awesome! My family loves that show! My boys are waiting for me to buy them season 5 on dvd! :)

  22. Terri,
    This is exciting! So lovely you were able to be there to watch and to enjoy meeting him! I can tell you had a marvelous time!What a great experience!
    I'll have to check this show out! Thanks for sharing,

  23. OOO! I know that fella! A favorite nutty character on Jeeves and Wooster - Balmy Phungy Phipps - wow - I'm sure I didn't spell that correctly - can't say I've ever really noticed how it was spelled in the credits. He was a hoot playing the character the first couple of seasons back in the '90's. Yes, He went onto do many other series - which I've not seen - but he is a familiar and welcome face in BBC in our home.

    Awesome England adventures. Maybe someday, for me, too!

  24. OMG..Terri..I had no idea you were a Martin Clunes fan..LOVE the Doc myself...YAy!! that was such lucky lucky gal..he is pretty amazing! THanks for such a mega-treat..WOW!!
    HUgs and sparkles..

  25. Totally I know Doc. Martin! Wonderful. What a kind man he is judging by your delightful report. An actor who can graciously drop character for the love of fans is indeed an angel.

    What a lovely time you had, Girl!

  26. OH MY GOSH! I love that show and am tickled pink that they are still filming...I too thought it had ended. I am green pea envious that you got a picture with "HIM"! I adore Martin Clunes...he is handsome, tall and hysterical funny. Have you ever seen him in "Men Behaving Badly"? It was when he was younger but still the same wit and good looks, well, I think he is adorable anyway!
    You lucky, lucky girl!
    Beth P

  27. of my favorite shows!!!! I AM GREEN WITH ENVY! How fun. Can't wait to share this with my hubby!
    Lady Linda

  28. What a wonderful coincidence for you. You look so adorable with him and I am glad you didn't have to "draw" him in a photo. Happy weekend...
    P.S. Word verification is shoone which looks a lot like swoon!

  29. Oh My God....He is one of my favorites. I watch those shows over and over. I knew there was going to be another season, but was not sure when we would be able to see it. Now, I look forward to seeing it sooner rather than later at least. Thanks so much for sharing your good fortune.

  30. The scene of a lifetime... You with Doc Martin/Martin Clunes!
    As Mrs. Tishell said, "I could eat that man with a spoon" lol.

    I bought the soundtrack and regularly watch the episodes on Netflix, thank you for letting us share your experiences here.

  31. OH! MY! GOSH! Can you hear me screaming?! I know who he is!!! How lucky for you! :) I just love that show too! I was telling my friend about Doc Martin yesterday! What a coincidence! Love the photos.

  32. Terri,
    What a delightful story! I don't know the show...although I do like British TV. He looks familiar to me. How wonderful that he was nice and kind to you and also to the older couple. That part is the best!

  33. Lucky! My mom watches that show every week. And of course I can't help but be drawn into it. Glad to know he's a nice person!

  34. I don't know this show, but you make me want to look for it! How cool for you. The setting is simply magical!

  35. Oh Terri of course I recognize "Doc", I faithfully watch that show on PBS every Sunday afternoon and I too am thrilled to hear there will be another season!
    Even though I could not see all the photos you posted (Blogger's fault I am sure) I loved the ones I could see! Definitely my kind of village...sigh.
    Tina xo

  36. It's one of my favourites too! Can't believe so many in the US love it, looking forward to it's return, Terri they could have let you be in a scene! Great pics x

  37. Lucky Lucky You to get to meet the whole cast and to be in that fabulous part of the UK. Agreat photo for you to treasure. Vee x

  38. HA HA I recognized you immediately ... and of course Dr. Martin too... Sweet photograph... I too enjoy his personality on the show.

    Such a beautiful vacationing spot/Thanks for sharing the trip...HUGS

  39. I'm glad looking at your photo. Nice photo of the two of you.

    Cassy from Learn Bass Guitar Online

  40. I know who that guy is and I love Doc Martin! How fun for you. Laura

  41. Oh wow Terri....thats such a great story! We are going to Port Isaac in 2 weeks time....I wonder if they'll still be filming?!!!
    Don't suppose I'll be as lucky as you.... ;-)

  42. OMG!!! Terri!!
    We don't actually have regular TV at our house...but we watch Netflix. My kids and I were hooked on the Doc Martin series!! I am so glad to know there is another season. I will tell you the character he played..and the rest of the cast were just awesome!! Wait till I tell my kids..they will love this.


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