Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Fall!

Happy Fall to all of you!
What a delight to have a whole day to feel good about!
It has been raining on and off for a few days here, just perfect for entering fall. The maple tree in my back yard is just starting to show red and gold tints to it's leaves. 
The smell of fall is filling the air and filling me with thoughts of appreciation and gratitude for life, however busy it may be, no matter the circumstances. Fresh fall air always makes me feel hopeful!
Do any of you get this feeling with fall?

During this season, I find myself already looking back at the year and realizing there is still so much I would like to do before the new year. I think of people I still want to write to or visit if possible, places I want to experience, bike rides I want to go on and projects I would like to finish.
Last night I had a dream it was Christmas morning, 
and I had not bought any presents!


Fall, for me, is a good time to reconnect with myself as well. I can get so busy with things going on in life, so fall reminds me to breathe. I appreciate that! It also reminds me of how thankful I am for life, for my family, for my friends, and for all of you here in blogland. The saying above is one of my favorites. To me, each day really is a gift. That doesn't mean I jump out of bed every morning with a grin on my face (although that does happen!), but I know each day I can choose to experience it that way. Yay!

Feel free to right click on the saying and use it in your art. I have a giveaway going on to celebrate my new Altered Domino Class over at Creative Workshops. If you would like to enter just click HERE

Have a lovely fall Saturday!
Hugs to you All! Terri


  1. Hi Terri, What a beautiful post, Happy Fall to you and your family. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year too! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Terri, We have got a beautiful Fall-day today, sunny and warm and the appletree gives us beautiful fruits and so does the nuttree ... I love fall for its colours and the cosy evenings near the fireplace... have a nice start of the new season. And don't think to much of what you still have to do... Bisous

  4. I agree, Terri, I'm looking back on a year that has flown by and I've not caught my breath from 2010! Blogging has been the highlight of my year as I only started in March of this year - what a blessing - and a gift for unwinding and growing in inspiration.

    Looking forward to the give-away - I've already entered - do we enter only once?


  5. I love Fall Terri :-) I too love the fresh fall air..and the changing of the leaves. Sun still shines..but now t0o hot..and yet not too cold.

    Love your altered piece :-)

  6. Wonderful post Terri, I too love fall, and the feeling of life calming ,(even I`m very bussy) being cosy indoors- and the air fresh and healthy.

  7. I love that entire saying...

    It goes...




    My daughter just picked that saying and read it to her class last week....for literacy cafe.

    thanks for sharing!
    I love your journal page...that green is so rich..and the stunning vintage photograph! your layout is always so pleasing! well done, what a wonderful artist you are indeed!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  8. oh and about Fall...

    it is my most favourite season....It makes me want to read and write and draw even more for some reason. maybe it's because the kids are back to school....and the house is quiet and back to routine again....

    whatever it is...I love fall!

    ciao again

    Creative Carmelina

  9. Terri I so agree with your lovely post. Fall is a season of change and that reminds me to reflect and possibly change some things I may have not gotten done. I too am embracing this season like never before. Grateful for each day and how I get to enjoy it. May you have a fabulous Fall as September surrenders to Autumn/Fall...

  10. What a nice post, Terri! Thank you for the saying, too--I will put it on my sidebar. I love your photo of the vase and flowers, and I love your artwork--is that an ATC or canvas--it's lovely! Have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Terri -

    What a great post today. Like you, can't believe the year has passed so quickly. But, this is my favorite time of year, so I can't really complain. I love the Autumn. Just love the show mother nature puts on for us and that wonderful crispness in the air.

    Elaine Allen

  12. Dear Terry
    I love Fall too
    Happy weekend

  13. Terri, I can't agree with you more! I love the Fall, too, and there is something about the scent of crisp cool air wrapping it's arms around you. It give me more energy, yet at the same time, Autumn is the time of cocooning, going into oneself, to learn more.

    I only wish here in SE Texas the weather would catch up to the season. I never give up hope...COL.

    I think your quote is superb and full of truth!

    By the way, I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog award.

    Enjoy the day abundantly!
    Marianne xo

  14. Hello Terri
    I love Fall and am looking forward to seeing the leaves turn the magnificent colours of orange and brown in the Valley we have relocated to. Enjoy your day!


  15. And YOU are a friend...and one I consider so very precious. Thank you for a beautiful post and reminder. xo Rella

  16. Happy fall to you as well...a season redolent of crisp apples, golden leaves and spicy tea!

  17. What a wonderful post Terri! I love that you are thankful and that you really do jump out of a bed with a smile on your face. I think that is the number one most important thing we can do to make ourselves the person we need to be for our families.
    The Fall is always bittersweet for me. I have to put the garden away for another Winter, but it too makes me look forward to so many other things. I loved your dream about funny.

    I know I don't have to say this, but enjoy every day of this beautiful Fall.
    hugs from here...

  18. Fall is truly a special time of year. I agree with your sentiments. I'm dreading the snow but thoroughly enjoying the present, as you so eloquently suggest. Great post. And congratulations on winning the Liebster Blog Award. Have a lovely week.

  19. I love your post. Enjoy your week. Hugs LJ

  20. Happy Autumn my friend..beautiful post..gorgeous creations..and congrats on everything ..yay!!
    HUgs and sparkles
    Thanks for the links I'll check em out!
    shine on

  21. I am so enjoying the beautiful bone china cups and saucers you have posted, Terri...just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.


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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!