Saturday, December 17, 2011

Deck The Halls Sunday-Christmas is Coming Soon!

Hello All!
Welcome to Deck The Halls Sunday
where we take a moment to share our holiday
decorating and gifting crafts.
I have been working on creating more Jane
ornaments and have been having so much fun.
I wish I had time to photograph each one and
show everything,
but I will just have to share what I can. 

I created this ornament by using two glass prisms.
You could use two glass slides as well.
I used this stamped image of Jane that I purchased in the gift shop
at Jane's home in Chawton, England. 
But you could also google, "cameo of Jane Austen" and 
there should be one or two to choose from.

The loop at the top has short tails secured between the two
pieces of glass, and the tail of the bead dangle
is also tucked between the images and glass.
The bow is added last.

The glass is held together around the edges with
silver stickles. Which is a glitter glue product.
I used just enough around the edge to seal it,
not enough to seep in onto the images.

I adhered the bow with a little Diamond Glaze.
(which I also used to adhere the snowy glitter).
You can try white glue, just water down about
15% and see if it doesn't show through too much.
 Maybe try a test spot first.

I chose a statement from Jane about the holidays
to put on the back.
Then I sugared the sides and it sparkles nicely!

Here is a miniature paper version of a townhome
that looks like the one Jane lived in
for a few years with her family.
You can still walk by the home they rented in Bath
It is down the street from the Jane Austen center
and is now a dental surgery.

I bought this paper kit for it from the
gift shop at Jane's house in Chawton.
I have searched the internet and
not found any recently.

 (this is how it looked, but no manufacturer's
name anywhere)

The kit house was much larger, so I
reduced the size and reprinted.
I sugared it up as well as put some stickles on the windows
and doors for wreath and boughs.

Next up was wrapping paper!
I decided to print out some of Jane's writings in the "Jane Austen" font
(which I downloaded from a free font site online)
and printed it out on paper to wrap gifts with.

I used the cameo stamp again from the gift shop to do the tags.
You can see beneath the gifts the ruffled tree skirt I made out of batten.
I do love the soft look of it.
If you can not find this stamp anymore,
you can use a cameo image of Jane from online images.
Search Jane Austen cameo images.

There is also a Jane Austen stamp set at Oxford Impressions
There is a cameo stamp in this set.

I tucked a small white quill under the ribbon on this gift...since Jane wrote with a quill
(though  as fluffy as this one, lol)
I thought it might be a nice touch.

Here I am in Jane's dining room, and there in front of me is the table she wrote at and a quill.
I get goosebumps just seeing this image again! I am a silly goose!

Next Sunday....Christmas!...I will show off the entire tree!

Now below is my next giveaway prize in my 
Holiday Giveaway Extravaganza!

A pair of French inspired earrings!

If you would like to enter to win, just be a follower and leave a comment saying you would like to enter, just so I know. Not everyone wears earrings or likes "French" styled items.

If you would like to enter to win my other prize...a Vintage Illustrations CD from Crafty Secrets, just click on here, and you will be taken to that post.

I love to host giveaways.... it is just a small way I can give back to you all for your kindness and encouragement in my creative life. I appreciate all your visits and comments. I also love to pop over and see what you are up to as well. Thank you so much for your friendship!

If you would like to join in Deck The Halls Sunday (this is our last one for this year) then just share something you have made or decorated for the holidays, and link up below with Linky Tools.

Hugs to you all!


  1. Just found your blog through your Jane Austen inspired decorations. I am a massive JA fan and love your ornaments, would love to enter your giveaway and am now a follower.
    This is my blog


  2. Terri, just posted your blog link on Facebook for all of my friends that are Jane fans. Wonderful decorations.

  3. how fun!!
    your ornaments are gorgeous!!
    such an inspiration:)

  4. Your ornaments are just oh so lovely! I would adore winning one.

  5. Terri,
    Oh, the ornaments are so pretty! The little house (sugared!!!) and the addition of feathers to the 'gifts' truly are inspired!

    Ok, I MUST enter into the drawing for the earrings. Who could resist wanting these beauties?

    Hoping to get to making some art this week ~ I am missing my glue and glitter!


  6. Hi Terri,
    The earrings are gorgeous as are all your creations.
    I can definitely envision them dangling from my lobes!

  7. What a treat to recieve a gift from you...your paper and embellishments really make the gifts extra special! Love the 'sugaring'. Nice details on your ornaments.

  8. Hi Terri, I wanted to share some ornaments I created inspired by one of you tutorial videos (the garland one). Thank you so much for teaching me something new!!
    I wanted to email you the link, but I couldn't find your email and the 'email me' link didn't work for me....

    Have a Merry Christmas and I love your JA ornaments, great job!

  9. Terri, so sweet. Love the wrapping paper too. How fun.

  10. I LOVE your Jane Austin stuff, wonderful idea! I would love to join in your giveaway if I may! Valerie

  11. And your tree becomes the more and more beautiful! Ho special it must have been for your to be on the same place as your favorite writer.

  12. Hi Terry,
    your ornaments are all beautiful and the earrings are to die for.
    Unfortunatly I can't wear earrings.
    You will make someone very happy.
    Have a lovely Sunday and a merry Christmas.
    XO Marie

  13. Love your new selection of JA inspired decorations. I am looking forward to seeing the tree in its full glory on Christmas Day. I will be sure to pop in!

    Elaine x

  14. hiya, I am a follower and love every part of blog, please enter me in your from Glends

  15. Oh yes, please enter me in this giveaway. These earrings are fabulous. Tracy, I look forward to each and every one of your posts! Holly M. at

  16. Love your decorations Terri! Those earrings are beautiful, I'd love to enter!

  17. Terri: You are amazing! Have a great week. Hugs, Martha

  18. Very elegant..Thank you for sharing this season of joy...

  19. Terri, your ornaments are so lovely- and beautiful, both- and also the giftwraps are so sweet.
    I love the earrings you are giving away, but I have already won the fantastic bag of things to create with ,so I am not into this one-
    Hugs, Dorthe

  20. Hi Terri, I finally bleached some of the bottle brush trees. Thanks. All of your ornaments are beautiful. I really like the paper house. Do you have a tutorial on sugaring things? Merry Christmas! Hugs, Linda

  21. would someone please tell me what surgaring is? love the look of it. Terri, thanks so much for sharing this month, a lot of inspiration and fun. eye candy for sure. i enjoy your blog and your willingness to share for those of us still learning.

  22. Love anything French as I am a French Canadian...would love to win these earrings and I just think that your ornaments are amazing...thank you for sharing...
    Denise Trottier

  23. Loving your gorgeous ornaments Terri! soooo pretty!
    Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! May 2012 bring many blessings! xoxo

  24. So beautiful, Terri! I just love Jane Austen's writings. I just finished re-reading "Persuasion", and I think that it is truly my favorite Austen novel. Your decorations are really special. How lucky that you were able to see where she lived. I hope to someday visit England. Besides JA, my favorite author is Charles Dickens. He was a remarkable person as well! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  25. Just wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Loved all of the JA ornaments. Did you see my teacup pin cushions? Sold them all and have some empty cups waiting to be decorated.

  26. I just love all of the fun Jane things you are creating and I would love to win those earrings! Thanks for letting me a part of this fun party again!


  27. i would love to enter your beautiful earrings giveaway! you're so talented and i love all of the ornaments especially the townhome is just soo pretty!
    i'm already your follower.

    Susan (

  28. I would love to enter the beautiful earring giveaway. I dearly love all of your amazing creations! You have a delicate style. I know that my granddaughters would LOVE the high heels!! Thank you for sharing your creations.

  29. lovely giveaway!!!thanks for the opportunity to enter!!!
    best regards,

  30. Would love to have that beautiful tea cup on my tea table. Please put my name in. Thanks, Carol

  31. I don't think there is anything you have ever made that I don't love - you are so talented! Thanks so much for hosting Deck the Halls Sunday. I wish I'd been able to enter more! Oh, and I would love to win those earrings!!

  32. Hi Terri,

    Just love your pretty french earrings. If I win them, I will make my husband take me to France! Thanks for your nice comments on my corsage. I got that white coat years ago on sale at JCPenney for $15.00! I have spent more than that on dry cleaning it over the years.

    Happy Holidays to you. XXOO Loribeth

  33. Love your Jane Austin ornament!
    Would love to be entered in your giveaway, they are lovely earrings!
    Hope your holidays are warm and wonderful!

  34. Hi Terri, just popped over to say thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my blog and here I see you are giving away loads of gorgeous things!

    I would love the tea cup and saucer as I collect them and use them but I don't think it would travel that well to NZ, so instead I would like to enter the give-away for the earrings! I would wear them all the time, they are lovely.

    I also am a JA fan and loved your creations and the pic of you by the table and quill. I would love to visit that place! Lucky you.

    Merry Christmas! x
    (ps am already a follower!)

  35. Yay....Love that photo of you Terri! Thankyou for another magical post..your creations are always stellar and are an enchanted soul and super talented!
    Hugs friend!!And thankyou for all the joy to share and bring..
    Blessings for 2012!

  36. Your ornaments are enchanting, Terri!

    I wish you a very merry xmas and an extraordinary new year!


  37. How fabulous to have visited Jane's home... and OMg what a lovely tribute you have created for her on your Christmas tree.. Your ornaments are delightful...Merry Christmas Terri.

  38. Lovely Blog! The ornaments are so cute.

  39. Hi Terri, Oh what a beautiful pair of earrings, your work is always beautiful! Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Hugs, Terri

  40. How very creative to print out wrapping paper and enter all of the text beforehand!!
    LOVE the sugared ornies!
    Found your blog through pinterest and I will be reading your posts--positively lovely!!
    And, the earrings are delish!!! I would love a chance of winning them! Thank you!!!
    earthgirl at satx dot rr dot come

  41. How generous of you to give these beautiful earrings away. Please include me in your drawing. You look so adorable with your "goose bumps" standing next to Jane Austens writing table!

  42. Those earrings are super cute :) :)

    Happy New Year to you and your family. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  43. What a wonderful giveaway Terri.....these earrings are so very lovely. I've been a follower forever. Please toss my hat in the ring.



  44. YES YES YES....please put my name in the 'hat' for this drawing. The earring are truly lovely!

    Thank you for your generous offer sweet Terri!

  45. Here's my last chance at your earring giveaway. They are so beautiful. Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year! Holly M.

  46. Lovely earrings! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  47. Hello Terri, I love your Jane Austin ornaments and tags! Inspired! These earrings speak to my heart! I love pearls and the Fleur de Lis symbol! I am a happy follower!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!