Saturday, December 10, 2011

Deck The Halls Sunday-More Ornaments!

Hello All!
I have been enjoying creating my Jane Austen tree.
The ornaments are coming along.
Some are simple, and some are more work, but all fun!
This week I have made three more styles.
Here are two of them...

Jane's cup!
When I was visiting her home in Chawton, England,
I was lucky enough to get a picture of one of the tea cups from their family's dining room.
I used the image to create this cup ornament

 I created this page to cut out,
the dark edges helps to see
where to cut.
You can try to right click on it
and save.
By printing out a picture of it.
I used some Stickles to glitter it up.
It is lovely and glittery!

 I backed the paper cup with some
writing from a letter of Jane's.
Then just added a little ribbon.

This is the image I used to
print off some paper for the backing.

I did think of adorning it with some holly,
or a Christmas rose and some lace,
but I really did not want to obscure what the Austen's china looked like.

Here is an ornament showing Jane's childhood home at the Steventon Parsonage.
I really enjoyed making this one.
I used a rectangular piece of cardstock about 3x5
and glittered the outer 1'' of edge.
Then I printed out the image and
used pinking shears to edge sides.
Then glued it to the cardstock
Then I glued on some lace,
a paper snowflake,
paper boughs,

Here are two sizes you can try to
right click and save image...

The top one is the tinted one,
I altered in Photoshop.
The one below is the larger file,
and it has not been altered.

And you can find another one in
an earlier post...HERE

There are many images on the internet
of Jane's homes.
(I confess I do not know if these
images are royalty free or not.
This is something I must figure out.)

Two hole punches to the outer corners
allows ribbon to be threade though
for a nice loop to hang by.

Many of you may be wondering why I would do a Jane tree...
It is because of the joy I have received reading her work,
looking at society and life through her eyes,
that motivated me to honor her with this tree.
She is/was such an amazing story teller!
As I am someone who loves to write stories,
I am so very impressed with her writings and
her bravery  for a woman of her time.
She is one of my mentors.

I am really enjoying coming and seeing your holiday craetions!
Thank you everyone who has joined in each week
 If you would like to share in Deck The Halls Sunday,
just link up below to your post about something
you have created either for decoration or gifting.

Don't forget to check out all the free videos on my right side bar.
Also, my Altered Domino Book class is going beautifully.
The books participants are making are awesome!
This class would be a fabulous gift to a family member,
friend or even yourself! 

And don't forget about my...
Holiday Giveaway Extravaganza! 
Click here to enter to win the first prize of the season. 
Keep watching as I am posting new prizes soon!

Happy Holiday Crafting!


  1. Thanks you for hosting, I've linked a new twist on the old honeycomb ornaments.

  2. Jane Austen is a favorite of mine too! I love your teacup ornament. How clever! I just love your tree!

  3. o this teacup in your tree is just zo gorgeous!!

  4. So beutiful things you have done for your christmastree ! I like !

  5. I love your tree and the dedication y once put into it, think its a fab idea. The cup makes me looks absolutely real but glittery, how clever! Don't worry about grainy photos...I doubt if the were many taken back then, let alone really clear ones!

  6. I love your tree and the dedication y once put into it, think its a fab idea. The cup makes me looks absolutely real but glittery, how clever! Don't worry about grainy photos...I doubt if the were many taken back then, let alone really clear ones!

  7. I love your Jane Austen teacup, how beautifulyour tree is going to be. I will enjoy popping in on Christmas Day to see your whole Jane themed tree. Elaine x

  8. Your Jane Austen tree is just so wonderful.. can't believe you made that tea cup. How did you do it? It is beautiful. Thanks for all the holiday inspiration!


  9. Your tree is really beautiful, love all the ornaments you have made!

  10. I think your Jane Austin tree is such a nifty idea and it will be just bee-u-ti-ful... Hugs, LJ

  11. Terri, your ornaments are so lovely and what a beautiful tribute to the lovely Jane! thank you for sharing...

  12. What a wonderful tree! I love Jane Austin's work as well and also love reading The Bronte Sister's novels. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  13. Love your decorations Terri, your tree will certainly be unique! Beautiful images! X

  14. Terri, it' all just beautiful! You are such a talented lady! I'm writing about some of my Christmases past, on my Nostalgic Sunday posts. Please stop by if you have a chance. And one of these Sundays, I'm going to post a photo of an adorable little tree I know you'd love! Thanks for sharing with us!

  15. Hi Terri, So beautiful, it looks just like a real tea cup, love it. I can't wait to see your whole tree. Happy Holiday's Hugs, Terri

  16. Terri,

    Your "Jane" teacup ornament is super cute :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  17. Love that cup ornament! The tree is gorgeous! Hugs

  18. Hi Terri, I'm late but it is still Sunday! I love your ornaments they are gorgeous. Is the tea cup a real cup? The handle looks real. Thanks for hosting. Off to visit. Hugs, Linda

  19. I am just catching up from missing so much and your Austen tree is amazing and beautiful. What a wonderful way to honor your love of all Austen. Jingle Bell Joys...

  20. Your Jane Austen tribute is coming out very well. I can't wait to see the final display!! You make so many very beautiful things. I really wouldn't all them "things," I meant art pieces!
    Merry Christmas,

  21. I love your Jane Austen Tree! It is perfect and I can tell you love everything about it! The colors are my favorites!


  22. Wow Terri! I just love your Jane Austen inspired Christmas tree. Of course, loving that there are teacups included too. You're so inspiring!

    Hope you're enjoying the Christmas season so far.

  23. A Jane Tree!!! Love it!! Are you putting any of these ornaments in your Etsy? I feel the same way about Jane - even referring to her as though she is an old friend. Yes, in her humble life she left such a model to follow for women who love to write - and love to tell stories - two categories I fit in quite well! I have been promising to do a Jane Austen tea post - just need the time to plan it form all the material I have. 2012 looks promising for this . . .

  24. Your ornaments is beautiful!!! Any chance you'll post the image of the teacup? I'd love to make an ornament, too.

  25. Wow..gorgeous!! and how cool..another new linky..looks like fun sharing decorations! Everything you create is magical...thankyou for sharing your beuaty!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!