Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello All
It is Valentine time!
I find making these cards very enjoyable as they bring back memories of nights making them for my fellow class mates in grade school. I LOVED getting Valentines!

In fact, I remember we used to buy a large sheet of a variety of Valentines that we had to punch any of you remember those sheets? favorite ones had gold trim! To this day, I am still loving gold trim! 

I have seen many vintage Valentines, but never seen the ones I loved best.I am still looking.
There is something very sweet about seeing something that brought one delight in childhood!

  This is where I began...
(cup of tea very important!)
I cut the hearts from a vintage lace placemat that had seen better days. I then sewed them on a water colored and stamped ATC card back with similar blue thread. I tried red first, but it didn't look fab, and now that I see the images, the blue thread is a wallflower!

with ATCs first...they are all done now. The coloring is a bit off.

This pic is more true to the coloring. See how much difference there is in where and when I took the photo? The first one was in the morning, and the second in the afternoon in two different places in my art room. It can really change the color!

 Then I began to make cards...and I used the same tea cup image. I began with a white scalloped card and card stock. I stamped dots on the back and used Shimmering H2Os on the oval card, then stamped with gold ink on a script stamp. Added a half paper doily, cup (with gold Stickles) and the saying. Voila!

And another card, smaller and with the same cup. A simple heart shaped card and a smaller one sewn in with script stamp. It also has gold Stickles on it but you can not see the accents in the photos.

It was a lot of work and a lot of creative fun!
Here they are ready to go out in the mail.

What are you creating lately? 



  1. These are absolutely gorgeous! I am amazed by the difference the 'light' made to your piccies. This is just the sort of tip I need - my photo's never really show my projects off in a good light (no pun intended)

  2. Fun! I love this post Terri. I can just tell how delighted you are to create. It makes me happy. Hugs, H

  3. They are simply beautiful!

    I well remember getting valentines when I was a little girl - and sending them, too!


  4. So so beautiful cards Terri.
    Wonderful work as always. Love them all. xoxo

  5. Beautiful, Terri! I remember getting and giving those adorable Valentine punch out cards in elementary school. My Dad would also give me a little heart filled with chocolate or a little heart charm on Valentine's Day. xo

  6. Only as grown up- I have known about Valentines day- as it is rather new in Denmark to celebrate that day, but I love the idea- and the beautiful cards and things you have created and send out for your lucky friends, are a very sweet way to say :I treasure your friendship.

  7. Hi Terri :) :)
    Your VAlentine's cards are so CUTE!!! I really like the aquas, pinks and reds in the cards :) :) Oh, and that red ribbon is just divine :) :) I"m working on knitting socks at the moment. It's slow-going, but I'll finish them one of these years :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  8. You made some pretty Valentines!!!I'm still working on mine!
    Yes, always loved Valentines day in school.

  9. Your cards and ATCs are divine. The lace heart on the backgrounds you stamped and embellished are beautiful. The teacup is the finishing touch and so you my dear. I still adore Valentine cards like the ones from grade school. Every year I buy at least one box of current ones...however they are cheaply made and not the same. Happy Hearts to you...

  10. Valentine is not somethng we use to kno when I was young, but nouw I kove to mak something secial to the love of my lif..
    I Love your creations!!

  11. Terry...these valentines are so pretty! and you are getting them done in record time! Wonderful job!

  12. Your valentine cards and ATCs are absolutely amazing, Terri ... beautiful with color and composition!
    Love them all!


  13. I love these cards! I love the gold lettering and gold border, and the soft blue is really different. Really beautiful.

  14. Terri
    these are all so sweet! I love the color combinations and delicate details too! Your recipients are sure to squeal with delight when they open their cards! Happy Sunday to you!

  15. Beautiful cards. I remember those school Valentines. We made a box for everyone to put our cards in. Great memories. Thank you.

  16. These are amazingly gorgeous!!!! I especially love the one with the vintage lace! Love the fact that they are the size of ATC's which were about the size of Valentine's cards when I was young! Great job Terri!!!! Katherine

  17. These are beautiful Terri! I love getting Valentines! I have even foregone Christmas cards in the past & sent Valentines instead!! Your friends are lucky indeed to receive these treasures! :) Becky

  18. Hi Terri, What beautiful Valentine's. They are gorgeous! I always loved getting valentines, my favorite ones were the ones with the silver glitter! Have a great day. Hugs, Terri

  19. ATC cards are so very tiny. This must mean that your cards are only about three inches by four. How absolutely darling!

  20. charming. Of course, I love the teacup theme. I belong to a Tasha Tudor group and we are doing a Valentine exchange. I guess better get going. Have several ideas floating around in my head...oh which one to choose!
    Always an inspiration to visit your blog.

  21. These are so beautiful!!! I would love to receive one of these on Valentines Day! : ) You are so talented and creative. Thanks for sharing your hard work with all of us.
    Love your blog!

  22. Terri -

    These are so sweet and beautiful! You have such a wonderful gift.

    Elaine Allen

  23. You are just the bestest creator of fun things. And oh the beauty and yes you do love your gold trim! Can't wait till March when the three of us get together. Beautiful Valentines !

  24. Beautiful Valentines Terri, I love the gold trim at the top and bottom. Have a super week. Hugs, Linda

  25. Beautiful! You are going to make some little hearts beat very fast out there. I can just imagine their faces as they open the envelopes.

  26. Hello dearest friend.....hello, hello, hello. How I have missed you - me here not feeling very creative..furiously scrambling to keep things going....but they ARE going and it's smoothing out a bit.......and so I shall write of it all......but need the quiet and time for a good, good write.

    In the meantime...sending big love.
    xoxox Rella

  27. I just love these little cards so much. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Terri...those are fabulous! I love them! What a creative lady!

  29. Oh Terri....these are so BEAUTIFUL......what am I creating lately.....a new Blog Roll....I just deleted mine accidentally.....what a job!!



  30. These are jaw dropping gorgeous Terri! Wow!! They are so beautiful, and the colors and details are magnificent!
    Thanks for your kind comments! The soldering is a bit difficult, but nothing that patience and practice can't fix. No, I didn'y get any burns, but close! My hands shake now due to illness, but I like it anyway....I like grungy and old looking things, so it helps in that manner!

  31. Some very lucky Valentine recipients are going to be pleased as punch to find these in their mailbox. Very beautiful indeed!

    xxoo Loribeth

  32. Terri, I love your Valentines! The color palette and tea cup images are so beautiful!

  33. I love the cards, they are beautiful! What a lovely thing to find when opening mail - Someone will feel loved:)

  34. Love all the Valentines & cards! So Pretty!! I think it is my favorite time to make little cards & do paper-crafting. I enjoyed my visit today & loved seeing your tea cups too. Have a lovely rest of your week! xo

  35. I love your blog and Tea Cups, they make me smile. I would love to win the Cd by Craty Secrests will you please enter my name in for this giveaway? Thank you so much Pam


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