Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's Up?

Hello All
Here it is already the middle of January!
We have not had the weather we would have expected. In fact my daffodils have pushed through the earth and are up 4 inches now...I don't think they realize it is only the beginning of winter! Last year it was a few weeks yet before they showed up early. This is also the first year I still have herbs growing outside. Are you experiencing the same thing?

Now that the holidays are over, it is that time of year again, time to clean up, organize and clear out! I have been doing exactly that in my art room. I took before and after pictures....but turns out, I am too chicken to share just how bad it truly was : )

Now I am all clear to get moving on new projects. Yay!

Some jewelry...
 Today I was remembering back to the first jewelry i have ever made...and I was shocked to realize it was more than 40 years ago! Back then in the late 60s we were making macrame bracelets and chokers with shells and you remember that??? Then in the 80 I learned to wire wrap! Now I am learning to metal stamp and some other really cool things I have been experimenting with. I will show soon : )

Doing a little crochet.....

I am working on some Valentines with My favorite Paperwhimsy girl!

And I am hoping to start two new videos, free and a class at Creative Workshops.

 Art and Soul 2012 Virginia Beach
 I am getting excited about Art and Soul 2012 this March! This will be my first year attending. I have always wanted to go and I have always wanted to take a class with Sally Jean Alexander. So I am really thrilled that I am signed  up for 4 of her classes...wooohooooooooo! And, the best part....I am going with not one but two blogging friends, Jan and Marlynn! Super woooohooooo! If you are interested in a retreat filled with fabulous opportunities to be creative and mix with like minded people thank hop on over to the website and see all the amazing teacher to choose from! Just click HERE.
When the time comes I will be sharing my experience on my blog here so you can see how it is!

 Bye for now!
I am off to hop around and see your blogs!


  1. You have been busy! I love that flower you are crocheting. xo

  2. Don't you love cozy-ing in with new projects? What I love most about winter (even in the 50 degree weather).

  3. Oh have to remind me that I need to clean up and organize my mess...:) Can't wait to hear about your trip in March! Thanks for the gentle nudge to get things ready for 2012. Hugs!

  4. We are experiencing exactly the same early spring signs here, I only did a blog post about it myself yesterday. I have been trying crochet flowers too, I think I have quite a lot to learn though! Your valentine looks lovely. Have a happy Sunday. Elaine x

  5. Ha!!! I did all that macrame stuff too! I think everyone I knew got stuck with at least one plant hanger!
    Can't wait to hear about your retreat. I'm also going to one in March and I can't wait! Oh, and it's 14 BELOW right now....blech!!

  6. Beautiful jewellery and loving your great crocheting. x

  7. Hopefully now that you cleaned your work area, you will still be able to find what it is you really want! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Have fun in March!

  8. yes we have the same thing here! Eveything id growing already... but now it is freezing.... for the very first time this winter!!

  9. Hi Terri, Yes, we are having a mild winter. I am sooo happy about that and I'm ready for spring. Your flowers are beautiful. I taught myself how to crochet back in the 70's. Granny squares, actually made some hats. For some reason I cannot remember how to crochet. I'm looking forward to your new classes and the projects you share. I wish you would have shared those messy studio photos. It would help many of us feel better about our own clutter. lol Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Linda

  10. Regarding the weather, I read many years ago that gradually the United States' weather across the continent will be basically all the same and milder. One wonders...We have our first snowfall as of last night, and here in western Oregon, this should last, at best, a day or two, and then it's on to the beauty of spring blossoms.

    I have taken Sally Jean's class here in Portland where she lives, and it was fabulous. I just soldered some pictures yesterday. Enjoy that class, Girl!

  11. WHHHHOOOOOOOOOO, we're going to A&S. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be attending my first A&S with you (and Marlynn).

    AND, I can truly understand NOT showing your 'before' photos of your studio. Not long ago I thought about doing the same thing, and like you, chickened out. It was really embarassing how sloppy it was! heeeeee

    Ok, you crochet too!? What don't you do, dear girl??????

    Thinking of you....with love,

  12. Loved your post, Terri--it's been a very warm winter here in the Sacramento area, too. I love the photo of your jewelry--it looks so pretty, and I can't wait to see more of all that you're working on! And, boy do I remember the macrame era in the late 60s--I was one of those macrame-ers, too! (PS-you should see MY craft room; I'm keeping the door closed right now, as it's a big mess!) Hope you're enjoying the rest of your Sunday!

  13. That was delightful to read, Terri. I have done many of those things at various times in my life. I took a class with Sally Jean at Silver Bella a couple years ago and she was wonderful. I really felt that she had a lot of clues that made the whole soldering process a lot easier for me. Now...have I done any since! But I think I could!

  14. New projects! Fun! The crochet is beautiful already.
    I cleaned up my little workshop. I'm sure it will be back to a disaster state by tomorrow morning. I hope you have better luck keeping yours organized.

  15. Have fun at your workshops. It is always inspiring to learn new techniques. Can't wait to see what you make! Happy New Year. Loribeth

  16. Hi Terri,
    Happy New Year. Just wanted to pop in a say hello and let you know I am
    Life has been, life and all that goes with it. We made a cross country move and are now in VA living very close to Cristina and family. I have just started blogging again and it feels right. Hope you are well, I have missed you.


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