Monday, April 9, 2012

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday.
Today I am sharing a great thrift store find...
This lovely set of dishes! 

I was delighted to see this set of 40 pieces sitting all alone
on a dusty shelf in the clearance room of a thrift store.

Ten cups and saucers....pretty in Pink!

This set has a sweet pattern on a creamy white background...

A lovely floral spray of roses.....

The Scalloped edges add to the romantic pattern...
She really does set a pretty table!

There is extra texture added along the edge, a frilly relief in white....

 The cup is a simple clean shape with a very plain handle.
When holding it in the hand it feels ever so light and fine!
(and I will tell you I paid a dollar a piece!)

This Bavarian company is like so many British pottery companies, in that two people go into partnership and create beautiful pottery, but they are so unhappy together they split and go their separate ways. Each of them becoming famous for their china. It is also like British companies in that they went through several name and owner changes through the years.

Fritz Thomas left his partner in the late 1800 and began his own company in 1908, with his new partner and with great success. The backstamp on this set varies, some are as above, and some have just the orange number and some do not have "Germany" on them. I could not find these exact stamps in my research, but many similar, and I would guess they were manufactured around 1939-52.

Last year I posted about my trip to the Winchester's Discovery Center's show "Tea Tales" a historical look at Britain's favorite drink. You can read about it HERE.  Well, I forgot to share this tea cozy with you that I saw at the same show. I had meant to, but forgot! So here it is . She is dated between 1920-30. 
Isn't it just lovely?

Downton Abbey ATC Swap!

Only two more days to sign up!
This is a 3/3 ATC swap centered around The fabulous Downton Abbey series.
Due to me by May 12th ( I accidently put April 12 earlier, and Elaine kindly pointed it out to me)
I will swap them up and send them out.
I am very excited to see what the other swappers are creating! 

I am still working on my soldering skills.
Next post I will share my new pieces...I am getting a little better! Yay!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
I appreciate your visits and your lovely comments : )

If you would like to join in with Martha and myself, just create a post with a tea cup in it you would like to share, tell us about it, about how you got it, what you love about it...and we love a picture of the backstamp if you can, thank you : ) Then come back here and link up below with Linky Tools.



  1. What a beautiful set of dishes! I so love the way you always describe your pieces. If I were reading this description in a book, I would be able to visualize every little detail because of your accuracy when you describe them. That tea cozy is so lovely! You must have quite a huge cabinet to be able to keep so many cups and assorted dishes! I look forward to the next cup!

  2. Oh Terri, to say that you hit the lottery with that set of dishes would be an understatement! They are absolutely dreamy gorgeous! I'm in love, and a wee bit green with envy. Okay, a lot green! lol

  3. Hi Terri: What a beautiful set. They look like Limoges. It was a great find for sure. Have a wonderful week dear friend. Hugs, Martha

  4. LOve those cups and plates, just gorgeous! Valerie

  5. Wow, what a great find! They are simply gorgeous. The scalloped edges look amazing. ~Michelle

  6. What a pretty and delightful set of crockery. I would not have been able to leave it there myself. So So pretty. Enjoy being its new owner. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Terri,

    What a wonderful and gorgeous find! I just love china from Bavaria. The pattern is so elegant and dainty with the spray of roses and scalloped edges. You are one lucky gal! Thank you for hosting our party.

  8. Hi Terri,
    what a beautiful find. Its almost a wonder, that such a complete set of that age is still living. It is so feminin and lacy with the little roses, the scalloped edges and the frilly relief. I am happy, you found it. And the tea cozy is cute and matches perfect. I am curious for your news about your soldering skills. You make such wonderful things.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  9. Beautiful teaset! I should thing that Bavarian porcelain is even a bit older than you thought Terri, a wonderful find! Hugs xx

  10. Terri how sweet it is-and there are also dinner plates I can see-they are adorable with the scalloped edge-such a beautiful set-and for that price-WHAT A FIND!
    Love the tea cozy, aswell.
    Hugs to you-

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. nearly forgot is is tuesday today as yesterday was a bankholiday here and I didn't work. This is a nice set!! It would be lovely to drink a cup of tea with it!
    Have a nice day!

  13. Your lucky day when you found this treasure! At the thrift store no less. I love the dainty rose pattern, and yes it is very romantic. I love roses and I love pink so to me this is fabulous. I enjoyed your interesting information on the pottery companies. Lovely post Terri.
    Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  14. Oh what a score! These cups and saucers are gorgeous! Terri you have got me hooked! I started collecting pretty teacups, with saucers, to make candles in. Last week I bought around six for that very purpose in the thrift store, but when I got home I found myself stroking two of them with thoughts of keeping them just as they were for myself! Help! This addiction is catching haha!

    Will share one with you later today when I wake up properly and get my camera out! Have a wonderful day!

  15. Happy Easter !! WOW to find a complete set how wonderful is that!... It is truly a lovely set.. xo HHL

  16. What a sweet set of china, Terri! Very dainty! Great find and thanks for sharing with us and enjoy your day.


  17. Being a dish hoarder myself...I do love those dishes. A great find! Nice pictures & description.

  18. These are so delicate looking. Pure elegance!

  19. Wow, Terri, your beautiful finds are just amazing! I love the soft look. The tiny roses are just precious. The tea cover is simply beautiful. I remember my grandmother use to do this sort of work. I sure wish I had some of her things today. We just never really think of the value of such an art. All BEAUTIFUL!

  20. What a gorgeous set of dishes. Pink flowers and scalloped edges..does not get better than that!

  21. I always love the prettiness on your blog, and that tea cozy is something!
    I learn more about tea from you than anyone else!

  22. What a lovely find, Terri, and so perfect for Spring! I think tiny pink flowers are truly my favorites! Thanks for sharing.

  23. A little late...had a medical meeting out of town yesterday. Love your dishes! What a pretty pattern! You usually don't find so many in a set. A great find!

  24. Amazing to have found the pretty Bavaria tea set in a thrift store. Excellent find, and I must say (Ed Grimly at your service.) I should like to shop at that thrift store.

    Those ATC's are so fabulous, but alas, I shan't be making any due to time constraints in my world.

    Ed Grimly, incidentally, in case you're wondering is a hilarious character created by Martin Short. One should Google and find him on a You Tube video.

  25. Forgot to mention that I adore that tea cozy!

  26. The dish pattern is so delicate and lovely. Good job on the find. I love a bargain like that. It makes a heart soar.
    I also adore the tea cozy. I used to have a collection of such but it got to be one of those obsessions and I had to stop collecting and sold them all. Love this one.
    Happy Springtime, Oma Linda

  27. What a great buy, Terri!
    The decoration is so delicate and pretty with those pink roses!
    And the tea cozy was really worth the photograph!
    Thanks for sharing.

  28. What a wonderful find! The set is beautiful and sweet. I love the photo of the tea cozy, too! Have fun with your soldering--I can't wait to see what you've created--I'd love to get back into that when the weather gets better. I have to do it outside, as the smoke from my soldering iron bothers me. I just taught myself, but I could use some lessons!

  29. You are so lucky!! I love these dishes! I find more of the German china here too than I find of the French. Just a great find! Hope you had a lovely Easter!

  30. The pattern on your *new* dishes is so dainty! What a great find! Love the tea cozy, too. I love embroidery. Happy Tea Day!

  31. What a delightful set. It has such a good home now! The peach highlights in the roses are wonderful.

  32. Terri,
    Those are incredibly beautiful. I can't believe how inexpensive they were. I love pink flowers on china. I will never get enough!
    Big hugs,

  33. A lovely set Terri, a great find. I am hoping you mean the ATCs are due with you by 12 May as you said in an earlier post or mine will not be there in time. Elaine x

  34. Hi Terri,
    What a beautiful set. I love the pink flowers and delicate design. What a wonderful find! Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful week my friend.


  35. Gulp.

    I am speechless about your treasured find.

    WOW is all I can muster..........

  36. Terri - You stumble upon the best finds! What a charming set, indeed - and all seemingly in such good shape! A lovely table setting - now you must host a tea party!

  37. Your blog is a joy to visit, Terri. (Where do you keep all that crockery!!).
    I love the ATC's. Just read a story about the redoubtable Maggie Smith who is, apparently, more scary in real life than she is on the screen - especially to the producers and directors of her movies and TV appearances.

  38. Terri, what a wonderful and rare find for a thrift shop purchase! LOVE the delicate pink pattern on them! Good for you for finding them all dusty and forgotten! Forgotten and dusty no more!

    XO Diane

  39. Hi Terri!
    your dishes are so pretty! What a lucky find. I just love the pretty pink dainty flowers.

  40. Wow Terri! Those are so beautiful and romantic. You scored big time :) Now I want to run out and start scouring more shops for more treasure!

    Thanks for coming by my blog and following. I look forward to returning here and seeing what wonderful treasures you share!

  41. Terri,

    Stopping by to thank you for becoming a follower. I've been a fan of your blog and a follower for quite a while and really enjoy it!


  42. Sooo beautifully-sweet and lovely..yes the scalloped edges do it for me...charming..and soft pinks are divine! yay..another fabulous tea-dream-time!!

  43. Hello Sweet friend,
    The amazing find of rose spattered china is so wonderful it took my breath away. It seemed to remind me of something in my childhood...and yet I cannot put my finger on it. I know you are just loving it and I do hope you take tea with them at least once a week!!

    The video I was just about to watch was Downtown Abbey...I know...about time, right? It was actually my oldest son who pointed it out to me. He and his wife love it. Gosh I just love that boy!! lol

    Sending love and sprinkles of joy
    xox Rella

  44. What a gorgeous find and really a bargain. I love the floral decor and the scallopped edges in contrast to the rather simple yet extraordinarily elegant shape of the cup.
    and BTW I LUV Downton Abbey. Have only watched season 1 and can't wait for season 2 to come on tv.


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!