Monday, May 7, 2012

Tea Cup Tuesday-Blue Beauty

Happy Tea Cup Tuesday! 
Another week...another cup!
Last week I confessed I had run out of new cups to show you...
This little blue cup came to my rescue! Yay! 

It is such a sweet cup!
I was thrilled to see it sitting on an old hutch in a antique store.
I am very lucky that I seem to find pretty cups for a good price.
(although I don't need more cups....)

I just get all excited when I see them!
Especially if they are a gorgeous blue like this one...
have lovely gold designs on it like this one does. 
(the gorgeous rose in the cup is very convincing as well!)

Blue and gold really do complement each other so well!

Any way I look at this cup it looks beautiful to me : )


She does sit a bit off kilter. 
(but I don't mind at all)
I am not sure why...
but every now and they I find a fine cup 
That lists to one side....

And this handle.......Oh my! how gorgeous is that!

Delicious Assam!
(does anyone else here breathe in their tea before the first sip?...
what an aroma!)

This beauty is from one of my all time favorites companies....Aynsley! Yay!
Love it when I find one of these cups. 

Thank you all so much! I had so much fun last week visiting you all.
If you would like to join in and share a tea cup of yours just go and create your post with  your tea cup in it, then come back here and sign up below. 



  1. You new to you blue teacup is GORGEOUS!!!

    And definately, yes, I always breathe in my tea before the first sip. It is such a nice scent.

    Lovely post. Thank you for co hosting a wonderful linky party!

  2. Oh Yes! It is so gorgeous! and LOVE that blue...YES, I do love the aroma from the fresh brewed tea...It's so much fun to just sit and let the steam envelop you...I tried to get Hubby to savor the moment and he just "TOOK at BIG DRINK"! Oh well! I tried!
    Have a wonderful week,
    Thank you for being such sweet co-hosts
    Big Hugs,

  3. I do so enjoy your posts with the tea cups ... my mom collected a few and had them on display. Alas, I don't have the means right now nor the room, so I will have my collection right here at your blog.

    Happiness to all.

  4. Hi Terri: What a wonderful new cup! Love the color and the roses inside. You have a gift to find them! Have a great week my friend. Blessings, Martha

  5. Hi Terri, you cup is really beautiful! Your pictures are wonderful too. And yes you do need another teacup!
    Thanks for sharing. It's so nice here finally. Such a fine spring day!

  6. What a lovely, gentle tea cup. Just the sort to enjoy a cup of tea in after a hard, challenging day. Great to be back, I had planned a few weeks rest, but I know it has been longer than that!

  7. Gorgeous cup! But I must admit, I prefer coffee - hope that hasn't shocked you too much! I drink coffee out of my tea cups! Valerie

  8. Hi Terri!
    Very pretty teacup I love the soft blue and the lovely roses. Your blog is beautiful. Thank you for hosting.

  9. How magnificent Terri..ooh...I want that one ha ha..lucky girl! so pretty! yes i do breathe it in tea time is meditation time!
    dazzling post..and yes fabulous handle!!
    Wishing you a most beautiful day!

  10. Your new tea cup is just lovely Terri.

    Oh and your tea looks so delicious.

    Have a great Teacup Tuesday.


  11. Terri, your new teacup is stunning and how pretty she looks holding the tea! I can understand why you had to bring her home; another beauty for your collection! Thanks for your visit and your sweet comment.


  12. Lovely is the word to describe this teacup and saucer! I was not surprised it was by Aynsley for they produce some of the "loveliest" designs. The blue reminds me of the color of a pale blue egg.
    Thanks for hosting the Teacup Tuesday.

  13. This is gorgeous! I love the blue and the rose design. Tea does always smells so delicious! Thanks for hostessing! Michelle

  14. What a glorious new addition to your collection! I LOVE the colors!!!

    Be sure to visit to learn about my $100. HomeGoods/TJMaxx Giveaway.

    - The Tablescaper

  15. oh how pretty are your teacups Terri!!! I love the amazing photos you took!!!!

  16. Terri,
    How pretty is this teacup! Thank you for hosting.

  17. Your new blue and gold teacup is beautiful. The rose on it is so pretty. Yes, I do breathe in the aroma of the tea before I actually sip it.

  18. Terri - You have a gift! How do you find these incredible little works of art - so serendipitously - and at just the right price?! This is a lovely cup - the rose inside is a winning compliment to your blue and gold! Makes you smile as you sip - and the uniqueness of a little listing makes it even more special.

  19. Hi Terri,
    What a gorgeous teacup. I love the color and the rose inside. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful week.

  20. You have found a treasure once again. The colors and gilding are just so refined and romantic. That rose really puts it over the top beautiful. Serene Sipping...

  21. Oh, my! This is such a dreamy cup! LOVE the blue and the rose inside - exquisite! I appreciate you hosting and sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  22. Hi,

    Wow... that teacup is fantastic.

    I guess, this is my first time visiting you and if I new you have a party, every Tuesdays too, I would love to join. I put you in my bloggie friends list, so I could join you this coming days.

    Lovely site, indeed...

    Happy mid-week to you & fam.

    Greetings from a cold & windy Stockholm,

  23. Dear Terri,

    I absolutely love this exquisite teacup.., Oh my.., So pretty! I especially love the colors, the gold and floral, pink rose motif. It's Just beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your encouraging comments, as well as, thanks for co-hosting Teacup Tuesday with Martha.

    Cheers and hugs, Wanda Lee

  24. Hi terri,
    how amazing. Despite this truly wonderful tea cup is made by Aynsley, the inside rose looks very similar to RA American Beauty. Would be a nice collection too to colect only one pattern in all different kinds and makers. I love this rose and the outer decoriation is really noble. Thank you for sharing your treasures.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  25. I love the tea cup. It is just such one of my favorites. So elegant and beautiful. That it has a rose on the inside of the cup makes me like it even more. I wish you a nice weekend Zinnia

  26. Yes, that blue cup is wonderful! My sister is one of those who can spot the rose china from the doorway of the shop! I made her walk behind me one time and she kept picking up great stuff that I had just walked by - go figure!

  27. So pretty, Terri. I can smell your tea right now! There is something magical about coveting teacups, isn't there?

  28. Hello dear Terri,

    It's been a while since a visit, but I always think about you, and the acceptance you so willing gave to me when I first joined the blog scene.

    Your cup is so pretty, with just a breathe of blue color and the pretty rose is always a treasure to see.

    You have become quite adapted to soldering. The necklaces are lovely. You always add a certain touch to everything you do, giving your work style and grace.

    Enjoy a wonderful day,
    Marianne o's

  29. Hi Terri, Your Aynsley tea cup is a stunner! I must say, though, it's okay if you don't post 52 new and different tea cups every year - you can do some repeats. We really don't mind! Some things bear repeating!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!