Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Tags and Giveaway

Hello All!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
It is now mid December and we are in full holiday spirit!
I have been stuck in bed with a flu, and I am dreaming up all kinds of things to make!
Soon, I will be up again and at it.

Last week I was able to begin some Christmas fun in my art room,
I started with jewelry and ended up with some tags.
Here are three different styles for some of my family. 

Mary in silver and cream.

I really do enjoy the stitching!
I am not sure if my sewing machine agrees though! Lol! 
Paper and layers of all kinds of things! 

I have a passion for glitter,
but try (I did say try) not to go overboard...

Here is a festive holiday tag, with a familiar angel image.
I like to use bits of old things...
Like the lovely blue bit of paper here is from a hundred year old paper book.

Mixing old with new...

A softer, more romantic angel tag...

I used a tissue paper transfer of a really old French receipt for the background...
and bits of an old vintage table cloth....

And I tucked in a little piece of that old pale blue paper here too.
I love the mix of fine glitter and round dots of glitter.

It really does help me get into the holiday mood to work on these for loved ones.
My shopping is just about done, only a couple last minute items,
most of ours gifts are home made.

(ooops! See the nail in the wall??? I forgot I moved a picture to be fixed!)

Here is the new organizer I just finished last week.
It was so much fun!
I really recommend it as a gift for an artsy friend.
My husband gave it to me last year,
(bought at Archiver's)
and I just couldn't let this Christmas come and go without it being created.
(I will share close up pics in next post)

You can see the corner of my newly covered couch, and I promise I am really going to share a full image!
I had a crazy idea to repaint my room and I was waiting to show it off with the new color...
we will see :  )

December Celebration Giveaway!

# 1.....a FREE  online  Domino Book Class!
 Hosted at the fabulous
Creative Workshops !

I am having a sale on this class too,
so everyone gets something : )   The best price this year!
$25! $45
a good sale price for the holidays!

# 2..."Peace on Earth"
Domino book is going to travel to one of you as it is one of my giveaways!

And here is the back view....
This tiny bottle brush tree was green,
until I followed my own video tutorial and bleached it!

and for my dear tea loving friends...

# 3...This vintage English tea cup by Mayfair!

# 4...This bracelet by Sally Jean Alexander!

If you love any of these items, leave a comment saying you would like a chance to win! Make sure you leave contact info, or hit the e-mail me button on the right side of my blog and let me know privately.

Best wishes to all!


  1. So sorry to hear you were down with the flu, hope you are feeling much better. I love your tags, I would use them as ornaments. The tea cup is so lovely. xo

  2. Creating lovely items is a great way to get over being ill. Your tags are pure divine glory. All the details and bits of beauty really make them special. Holiday Bliss Dear...

  3. Terri, you are so talented. I almost had tears in my eyes when I was looking at those beautiful tags you made. You do have the magic touch! Hope you get over your flu soon. I'm having trouble getting over mine. But, it's slowly going away. I guess it has to take the time that it has to take! That's what I keep telling myself. Take care!

  4. OOh I so love these lovely tags. You give me so many ideas. Thank you xx

  5. Oh Terri it´s always such a happiness to come here to your blog and watch this fabulous new pieces you create with so much love and show them in such an artsy wonderful way!

    And yes! I always want to win...
    but it´s a winnig for me to stop by here..
    this makes my day!

    xxx Susi

  6. and forgot to write that I hope you are well again! Take care of you Terri!

  7. Oh dear, feel better soon!
    I would so love to win the sweet domino or the class!! Thanks for being so generous!

  8. Oh no Terri get better soon and can't wait to see the new wall color and love the cupboard i love anything with drawers to open there something magical about not knowing what hidden in each one
    ☆҉ ‿↗⁀☆҉☆ have a Merry and Bright Christmas☆҉ ‿↗⁀☆҉☆
    hugs WeNdY

  9. Hope you're feeling better soon, Terri! Love to be included in your give away. Gorgeous projects you have created.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower; your blog is such a delight :) Please enter me in your giveaway. I would LOVE to win.

    Have a blessed Christmas,

  11. So sorry to hear you have had the flu - no fun! I hope you are 100% better soon :) Your tags are stunning! I am blown away by your beautiful talent. And your giveaways are so lovely! The domino books is beautiful.
    Enjoy your weekend, my friend!


  12. The lacy tags that you made are so beautiful!!! If only I could be half as creative as you... :-) Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

  13. Terri,
    Your tags are beautiful!!! I love that you missed the nail on the wall in that last photo! I do stuff like that ALL the time! LOL! Would love to win a goodie from you!! Cheers! Becky

  14. Hello dear Terri, I am so sorry to hear you have the flu! I hope you will feel better soon and be well in time for Christmas! I love the gorgeous Christmas tags you made, especially the Let it Snow, little girl angel. You are very creative and talented! Your dear ones will love these. The organizer you altered is beautiful. I love the entire vignette as well as your white slipcover! Your giveaway is fabulous and so generous! Thank you for visiting me and for your very kind words. I was sorry to hear about your brother! That is so sad! I am 43, and did not have any cardiac care until I went to a cardiologist on my own when I was 17. I had my first open heart surgery when I was 22 and my second one, last year when I was 42. I am so blessed to be here and thank the Lord for keeping me going all of these years! I am thankful for the Mayo Clinic and the incredible team that cares for me too.

    How wonderful you had vintage poodles in your home when you were a little girl, and a poodle too! I love her name. I had one too, her name was FiFi, then I had two more poodles, Pepe and Pixie and now I have my sweet poodle Pearl. I always have to have a poodle, they are so sweet and pretty! :D I know you could crochet a rose! Merry Christmas! Hugs, Paula xoxo

  15. Terri, your tags are just gorgeous! I'm so sorry you've been sick, yet still upbeat about Christmas! You're a champ! :)

  16. As you probably know I share your taste for glitter and sparkle and really enjoyed seeing it on those gorgeous tags. What a treat for the recipients! Hope you!ll recover soon! Hugs

  17. Everything you do is so beautiful!! It is just amazing! I would love to win your class so that I can watch you work and learn some of your secrets!! Hugs!!

  18. Oh Terri as always everything is stunning, I just love your style! And what a generous giveaway you have. Thank you so much for sharing your tallent and generosity with the blog world. I am glad to have met you and to be able to view your tallent.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

  19. Oh my goodness, Terri, your tags are gorgeous!!
    Feel better soon!
    Cerri xo

  20. Firstly, dear Terri, I wish you to wellness ASAP! And now to say of course I would love to win that domino book or the bracelet, or whichever, but I am already enrolled in your class, so pass on that one for moi. I cannot tell you how inspiring you are to me. I love the angel tags. So pretty, and the one hundred year old robin's egg bleu piece of paper is exquisite! Your little organized cupboard is beautiful! Beauty is what it's all about!
    Hugs and more hugs, Christine.

  21. Those drawers are fabulous, I love the colour you choose and the tags are beautiful.

  22. I am blown away by your creations. One is prettier than the next. The tags are incredible. I wish I could create things that lovely.

    Of course,I would love to win any of the beauties. I hope you feel better soon and enjoy the holidays.

  23. Your tags are so gorgeous Terri-such fine details! I don't know how you're able to capture the sparkle and glitter so well-I can't seem to do it. Hope you're completely well very soon. Take care.

  24. Sorry you've been sick with a bug, Terri. I haven't been feeling well either the past two days. Take care and feel better soon, my friend.
    Your tags are just gorgeous! I can tell you had fun working on them. Love lots of sparkle! Enjoy your weekend.

    Christmas blessings,

  25. So sorry you've been feeling under the weather - hopefully the bug has left the building and you're on the mend. Your tags are lovely - I love the image of Mary!

  26. Oh my gosh, I love them all! Beautiful! Hope you feel better soon.

  27. Hope you're feeling better Terri! All of your tags are gorgeous and your giveaways lovely as always. Mery Christmas! xoxo

  28. OH Terri, I hope your flu, is getting better now....
    Your tags are so very beautiful, I love your elegant touches in white, and all the wonderful glittery little adds, which looks magic, and wintery lovely-
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  29. What a very inconvenient time for the flu! I can just imagine you itching to get up and do your Christmas projects. The ags are gorgeous and so is that little organizer!

  30. Terri, I am always amazed at your attention to detail and the lovely themes you pick for your creations. You are a calming influence in my world. Thank you, once again, for offering incredible giveaways. A domino book made by you would be pure heaven, or tea in a wintery rose cup....but too late for me on the domino book video as I am signed up and enjoying every minute of having you as a teacher. Great job as usual.

    Fondly, Verna

  31. this looks all just like magic...I love all of... If I would have to make a choic it would be the little book with the brush X mas tree, it is soo beautiful!

    And we heard of course the terrible news of the shooting in the school, so terrible, our thoughts are with the parents and family. There is nothing to say...

  32. Hope you're feeling much better soon--it's no fun to be your beautiful tags!

  33. Hope you're feeling much better soon--it's no fun to be your beautiful tags!

  34. I love everything but would love a chance at winning that little domino book!

  35. Hi, Terri, my friend,
    I am sorry to hear you have been ill. I am sure you have had some time to think up many creative projects for the future. I always enjoy seeing your amazing art. You are blessed with a wonderful talent! You are having an amazing giveaway, too. Terri, I am wishing a blessed and happy Christmas! Love and blessings to you~Vicki

  36. Your tags are all gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. So many lovelies all through your blog. Thanks for the eye candy and a chance at the giveaway.

  38. Hi Terri,

    All of your items are just beautiful. Those tags are so wonderfully detailed..just tiny works of art and I love that domino book and would love a chance to make my own! Thanks and Happy Holidays to you. xx00 Loribeth

  39. Your projects are GORGEOUS, Terri! Hope you are feeling better and enjoy the upcoming holidays. Thanks for the inspiration:)
    d kaste at wi dot rr dot com

  40. Lovely tags!!! Nail? I didn't see that nail until you mentioned it. I was too busy drooling over all the pretty things in the photo. The items that you're giving away are also lovely, especially the tea cup and bracelet. I'd love to be included in your giveaway. Merry Christmas!

  41. Your tags are simply wonderful, Terri! Hope you're feeling better very soon!

    I'm going to take a little break. Sending warm wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2013.


  42. Thank you for the pleasure your blog has given me this year. Always inspirational. You have me hooked on tea cups too. Thanks for the chance to win something beautiful.
    Merry Christmas

  43. Terri, It has been a while since checking your blog-but I am so glad I did. LOVE your inspirationl tags-so very sweet. and your giveaway-WOW please sign me up! I hope you are feeling better real soon

  44. Terri you are so amazing ~ love your Holiday spirit! Thanks so much for showing your beautiful organizer, I just bought one and had no idea where to begin, but you have truly inspired me! And thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, you're great!

  45. These tags are STUNNING!!!! Pinned 'em. Just beautiful.

  46. I dropped in to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Hope this finds you well. I hope to be creating more art & sharing in the new year, but have been blogging at my craft site. I love these tags, they are so beautiful! Take Care Friend & all my best! Theresa @

  47. It's all so lovely!
    I am enjoying everything little thing~such details and joy in everything you make. Thank you for sharing with us.
    I love the tea cup. It matches a little teapot I have from my Grandmother. It is so sweet.

  48. Terri - I just love these tags - everything you've done here! You always inspire me and I'm jotting down ideas to try this new year as I comment to you!!

    Blessings to you in all your artistic affirmations in 2013!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!