Friday, January 18, 2013

Looking Back and Grow Your Blog Party

Hello All!
Not long ago I was taking a nostalgic look back at my first days blogging.
I had been inspired by all your amazing blogs and decided to give it a go.
All I  knew in the beginning was that I wanted to be more creative,
and I wanted to create art that felt good, and affirmed my life...
and so I named my blog Artful Affirmations.

It seemed like a big step to take almost 4 years ago,
I had no idea what a "blogger" was, or how to create a template, or add a gadget!
I am no expert now, but boy have I learned a lot!
Thank you dear hubby, daughter and son who helped me out,
they really have made it easier for me to learn.

My Blessings of Blogging...

#1 ...Friends!
Yes, real ones, even though most I have not met in person.
This is really the best part of blogging for me.
What a great way to meet new people of like mind!

April 14th 2009 was my very first blog post...
which means I am coming up to my 4th anniversary! Wow!
I can't believe it has been that long.

Karen from Missy K and Melanie from Artful Interludes were my very first visitors!
Two people I still know today!
In fact Karen just won a prize in my December Giveaway.
I also enjoyed quite a length of time swapping with Melanie over at
Marie Antoinette Mail Art group. 
Thank you two for commenting!
You may not know how much hope you gave me that  some one was listening! 

Since my blog has a wide focus of interest, I have met those who love mixed media art, who love jewelry making, who love to knit and crochet, or to journal, and many who love tea cups!

I have enjoyed meeting each and every one of you!
You have all taught me so much in many different ways.
Just reading your comments and e-mails warms my heart!

2... Blogging has helped me get to know myself better,
Posting and sharing has helped me grow in confidence.
I really didn't know how important creating was to me until I began to blog.
Watching others creatively express themselves
gave me courage to try many new things.
Supportive blog friend's kind words
have given me hope and courage to grow as an artist.
I still love to try new things...and I call myself "Jack of all trades and Mater of fun!"
and my motto is
"If your having fun your doing it right!"

 I love paint, pencils, paper, fabric, glue, vintage beads and much!!!

3... Hosting Tea Cup Tuesday made me to learn new things about the computer and tea cups! Lol!!! 
Now I do know how to "add a gadget" or "link up" a blog hop!
I have had to learn many things to keep it going.
Martha of Martha's Favorites and I thought how much we would love
to share our tea cups
with each other...and Tea Cup Tuesday was born!
We have known each other online for 3 years at least,
and we just spoke on the telephone
for the first time....this week! That was amazing!
Martha is a gem!
I have many other fellow tea cup enthusiasts who
have taught me a lot about china as well.
You are all fabulous!!! Thank you!

Today I am enjoying blogging more than ever!
I have enjoyed many swaps and hops.
 I began creating video tutorials a couple years ago and now have 8 videos
and a Fairy School tutorial series. All Free! I found out I love sharing this way. 
I don't think I would have found this out if I had not blogged : )

I want to thank Vicki at Two Bags Full for inspiring me to take a look back at my blogging experience and for giving us a chance to meet even more creative bloggers!

which is being sponsored by Vicki at
Thank you Vicki!

To whoever invented blogging...
I raise my glass to you!
Thank you!
From my Heart!

And to say "thank you" to all I am offering another giveaway...

Just leave a comment and a way to reach you.



  1. Terri I can truly relate to your post. Blogging and meeting like-minded souls, being accountable, trying new creative venues, finding confidence, affirmations from others says it so well. Congratulations Dear on your upcoming 4 year Blogiversary. Lets keep it going. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts!

  2. i just started following you recently - so happy to have found you. love this blog party. such fun!! please enter me in your giveaway. so exciting. have a great weekend. ( :

  3. I am so glad I met you through blogging, and I enjoy all of your posts, seeing your creativity, and learning what you like! You didn't mention the beautiful photography skills that you share...your posts are gorgeous! Hugs!

  4. Dear Terri
    I love your "looking back on 4yrs of blogging"!
    You've said it all - it's such a wonderful journey for us meeting with like minded souls throughout the world - what could be nicer?!

    It's always a pleasure to visit you.

    Very well said - thank you!
    Shane ♥

  5. What a glorious story Terri. I certainly enjoy blogging too.


  6. Hi Terri! I don't remember how we met, do you? It was probably one of those "accidents" when one of us blog hopped from one to another, etc. I sure loved being involved in Tea Cup Tuesdays...and I really plan to get back to that soon. Your blog really is lovely and you're so talented. And oh my goodness....That book you're giving away has my name on it!! Blogging for Bliss!? That's me! :)

  7. Terri,
    I have enjoyed your tea parties for several years. Your blog is always so beautiful.

    Jocelyn @

  8. Hi Terri
    Great post and fun look back! Have fun blog hopping.
    Hugs and love sweetie, Marilou xoxo

  9. I feel exactly the same way. Blogging has also brought lots of new friends into my life. Somehow it doesn't really matter that we may ever meet. It's kind of like having pen pals only much much better. I would love the chance to win this giveaway as I need as much help as I can get because I still have so much more to learn about blogging.
    Blessings to you
    Melanie @ French Blue and Peachy Pink Blogspot

  10. Your blog has been an inspiration to me. I love and admire your work and look forward to continuing to see your creativity and talent expand.

    I have a ton of "Pansy" tea cups I have wanted to share, I just have not had the guts to do it yet. Soon I hope!!

    Thank you for all you do!

  11. oh what a wonderful post Terri! such inspiring artwork!

    xxx from

  12. Hello Terri
    Yes it's a pleasure to meet other bloggers and share with them, a very large exchange around the world of beauty and creativity!
    Hug and kisses

  13. o my goodness, your work is beautiful Terri! You inspire me greatly. Thank you for sharing your story, it was heart warming to read.

    hugs, Wendy of AppleApricot.blogspot

  14. Such a beautiful array of creations and a lovely post, I wonder sometimes what I did before blogging, inspiring.
    Chris x

  15. That was a great post Terri! I keep wondering if I really want to start a blog and your story has me really thinking about it.....

  16. Lovely post, Terri. It is so much fun meeting bloggers. Some I feel like I've known forever -- there is that *click* ... maybe it's the tea! :D :D :D


  17. Terri, that was a wonderful account on how Blogging has liberated you and given you so much enjoyment. I enjoyed reading every bit of your reflections. Thank you for sharing. I too have enjoyed meeting so many people, as yourself, through blogging. Enjoy your Day !

  18. Congratulations on your almost 4th anniversary! I too didn't have a clue what blogging was...visited a couple and found that inner voice saying "jump in"! I did and like you have truly loved it, what it has taught me and especially the friends which is the best part! Still have lots to learn!!!
    Sweet post.

  19. Hello Terri
    A heart warming post that I can relate to and I have enjoyed joining you for tea when I can.
    Please enter me for your giveaway.

  20. Your blog is beautiful! I, too, have learned a lot about myself since blogging. Please enter me in your giveaway. I am following you now. I'd love to have you visit my blog. Please follow if you like, but don't forget to say hello!

  21. Hi Terri.... kindered spirits! I love your Teacup Tuesdays! Here's to 2013!!
    Sweet Blessings, Chris

  22. I love your blog, The photos that you post are incredible as is your art work. Thank you for offering a giveaway!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. blogging is not one of my fortes. i have let my blog lapse for over a year. congratulations on the time you have spent. i know that it means alot to me. rush88888 at gmail dot com

  25. Oh Terry such beautiful photos of your work and I sat reading with a brew, it's been far too long since I popped by xx

  26. Dear Terry
    I´m very glad meeting you ,visiting your blog is always a pleasure

  27. what a beautifully expressed post Terri! I feel the same way you do about the blogging experience-I can't believe it took me so long to take the plunge but what an experience this (almost) year has been since starting my own. I'm grateful for your support too. Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway.If I don't win, I may need this book anyway :)

  28. What fun to look back on your start in blogging! I always love visiting your blog and look forward many more fab posts. Hugs! xo

  29. Hi Terri

    You have such a beautiful blog...

    Nearly four years wow?!

    I loved reading this post..... it sums up so well how I feel about blogging and blog friends too :)

    hmmm the book looks very interesting too....

    Karen x

  30. Lovely work!!! Just hit the follow button :):) Thanks for joining the party!!

  31. Your blog is lovely and your teacup party sounds fun. Thank you for sharing. ~Elizabeth

  32. Yay has been a great joy getting to know you these past years..and your blog has been a constant beacon of light and inspiration..i treasure your friendship and creative spirit!I love everything you shared and wrote and ALL the gorgeous creations to match!
    Hugs and blessings..thanks for the magic and sparkle you share and shine out!

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your wondeful ideas with us. Your Fairy School project is giving my granddaughter ans I some much needed time together.

  34. Wow, Terri, I adore your work! You are very talented!! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog - so glad we could party together thanks to Vicki! I am your newest Follower and will be adding you to my blog list too - looking forward to reading and drooling over more of your posts!

  35. I just found your beautiful blog through the blog party and the sweet comment you left on my blog. Thank you! I'm so excited to find your blog and can't wait to dive in further. It's gorgeous! I'm interested to read more about your "Teacup Tuesdays" too. I'm loving tea these days and have always loved old teacups...although, I don't have any, yet. I'm about to become one of your newest followers. I can't wait to see more of your blog....past posts and future ones too. :-)

  36. Dear Terri,
    Whatever you do: mixed media-jewelery-paper art-or your beautiful tea cup posts,-I love to visit, and be one of your friends among bloggers! You are alwayes the kindest friend and a great inspiration -Thankyou!

  37. Your blog is beautiful. I am like you use to be in not knowing how to do some of the 'extras' on my blog, but I am learning. The book you are giving away looks like it would be very helpful!!

  38. Terri,
    And I so enjoy your blog!! What would we do without blogging???

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway and you can find me at Debbie-Dabble..


  39. Hi Terri, we are already blogging buddies but I just had to stop by to see your post today! :D
    It is so much fun to visit new blogs in a quest for new friends to share art and ideas, and well, a little bit of life together here in cyberspace!
    Happy hopping today.
    Beth P

  40. Hi Terri,

    I'm now a new follower and fan. We share many similiar interests and we are next door neighbors. I live in SC. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thanks for visiting me earlier.


  41. How much fun it was to visit your blog! I, too, just love blogging and am happy to be a part of the Grow Your Blog party. Happy weekend!

  42. What a gorgeous collection of art! I received your AWESOME give away and it is the dearest thing ever (posted on my blog) will always treasure it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  43. You have a beautiful blog Terri. I became a follower so that I can visit again. warm wishes from Canada, Susanne

  44. Beautiful blog. I love tea cups!!!! A few years back I passed up a gorgeous set at a local antique shop (I thought the asking price was too much. When I finally caved and went back, it had already been sold. I still think about that set. /sigh

  45. Lovely blog!!! Following you now and looking forward to keeping up!

  46. What a lovely blog you have, thank you for sharing your story and for the chance to win :)
    - Jeanette

  47. How sweet of you! I always enjoy visiting you and now I've learned even more about you! Happy blogging!

  48. Beautiful blog- glad to see you at the party:)

  49. Hi Terri
    This is a lovely post. I am glad you blog too! I don't do mixed media, or art with your romantic style but I love to look at at and am always amazed how absolutely beautiful your work is.

  50. You have a lovely blog, thank you for sharing. I am a new follower and 'Grow Your Blog' participant. Have fun at the party!

    Evalina, This and that...

  51. Always look forward to Tuesday to see what lovely cup you are going to show. I cant pass a charity or antique shop now without looking for china..... thanks for being such an inspiration. Linda xx

  52. Terri you are a stunning and well acomplished blogger and I have loved following you and learning from you these past few years! I hope your blog hop goes well.


  53. Hi Terri,
    I loved hearing your heart about blogging and to see what wonderful benefits you've had. Particularly as new blogger, it is very encouraging! Thank you for visiting me and commenting. I look forward to getting to know you better!

  54. Hi Terri
    Thanks for Stopping by my blog. I love it here at yours. This has been such a haven for me. Can't wait to share mixed media ideas with you.

  55. Hi, Terri! I truly enjoy your posts, no matter the topic, and have learned and been inspired by you. Congrats on your 4-year Blogaversary!


  56. I love your work, especially what you do with punches. I am now a follower.

  57. Thank you for visiting my blog! You have such a fabolous following!! What numbers!! and I loved your comment "Aren't we lucky!" I agree whole heartedly! Come visit me again sometime!

  58. Terri, I've enjoyed your blog in the past, your creativity is awfully inspirational. Thanks for stopping by my place today.

  59. Such a sweet little 'one love' birdie goodie. Is it a pouch of some sort? Love the style of your blog and crafts, very angelic feeling.

    Thanks for stopping by Bird Lady Blog

  60. Terri, I tip my hat to you and thank you for all your inspiration! I adore you blog and learn so much. Your post was beautiful and insightful. It's nice to have someone express what so many of us are feeling.
    I'm still new to blogging. I don't give it was much time as I'd like,but I'm working on it.

    The book looks great.

  61. Terri,
    You are so sweet! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, Betsy's Heartstrings. I too am learning lots about blogging, I have a long way to go, but bloggers are so friendly and willing to share information, that makes it so fun. I LOVE your art....It is so original and beautiful, Please sign me up for your giveaway, it would be so nice to have a book about blogging! Never thought of THAT, a novel idea! LOL
    Hope your weekend is full of heartwarming fun!

  62. Hi Terri, thank you for have visited me! I like your blog and I'll keep on reading herafter. I partecipate to your giveaway, too.

  63. good morning, I found you threw the blog party-you have a lovely blog, and I am reading more about the tea party-sounds fun, I may be back to check this out. I am retired and live in rural Missouri-I share all my doings and fiber crafts, some recipes and more Kathy

  64. Hello, can I be your newest Blog Buddy? I just found a lovely comment you left on my blog. I have enjoyed reading about your blogging journey. What luck for me to stumble on your Give Away too. That looks like a fantastic read. xxx

  65. Right back at you Terri! You have been very supportive of my little blog which doesn't get read by that many people but gives me joy none the less. Thanks for always leaving such kind comments. They make my day! xxoo Loribeth

  66. I am your newest follower and I am delighted to have found you through this party. It sounds like we have many common interests and I am looking forward to future posts. I have added you to the sidebar on my blog, as well.
    Clinking my glass in your toast to blogging!

  67. Hi Terri! Your blog is amazing! I am now where you were a few years back...learning and wanting to see where this goes. You have been very encouraging:-) So very nice to meet you!


  68. Tea Cup Tuesday - what a wonderful idea! I love your creations - they have a vintage and nostalgic touch to them that I so admire. x

  69. Oh Terri, I love your blog and I thouhgt yours was much older than mine , but no, only a few monhs!
    thank you for your inspiration!! I love coming here!

  70. Oh, I love your textile art -- it's very much 'up my alley'! I'm your newest follower!

  71. Hello Terri,
    Thanks for posting on my blog, and your kind comments. Gosh I have enjoyed this little peek into some of your creations. They are so beautiful - and that book looks very interesting - count me in!

  72. What a lovely post! So many positives have come from your entry into blogging.
    Love your art and your blog.

  73. Terri,
    Your blog is beautiful! So nice to meet you via GYB.

  74. Hi Terri. I've already left a comment earlier. So, this one doesn't count toward the prize : ) I just wanted to say thanks for popping into my blog and saying such generously nice things. Have a great day.

  75. Hi Terri, I have visited you often and have seen the transition of your blog. I love your tea cups. They are just amazing! So are your crafts, Terri. Blogging for Bliss looks like a fantastic book that any blogger would enjoy. I'm now following you, Terri.
    Hugs, Beth

  76. I am new to your blog + enjoy seeing you combine tatting, buttons, etc. Very creative!!! Enjoy the day

  77. That really brings back familiar memories with the not knowing how to work Blogger! LOL! You have a gorgeous blog. It's a real gift coming by your blog. Like opening a magazine.

  78. A wonderful blog- so many interesting video tutorials... I plan to stop back and explore ;)

  79. I am your newest follower :D
    Beautiful blog and I love your lovely giveaway...
    I am looking forward to more inspiration posts from you :D

  80. Wow...what a beautiful post and ART! I thank you for visiting my blog and wanted to let you know that I was unable to get my post up for the party...but it's there now if you want to check back and be eligible for my give-away. BTW, I'm your newest follower and look forward to seeing your new creations!

  81. Hi Terri, wow, what a beautiful blog, I'm blown away!!!! Glad I found your amazing blog through the GYB party!
    Looking forward to visiting often for more wonderful inspirations!!!

  82. Your art is amazing. I would love to come back often to see what you are up to. I also have an appreciation for a lovely tea cup although I do not have any.
    I agree, a thanks to the person that came up with this blogging idea, it's a most wonderful activity..
    Have a great week.

  83. I love your thoughts on blogging. They are so true!!!!

    I am glad I popped in for a visit.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.!!!!

    Take care!!!

  84. I'm so glad I ran across your site last year! You have a wonderful sense of style and I get lost in your blog every time I visit! Thank you for sharing your creativity!!

  85. Your blog is such a delight every time I visit! Your work and photography are beautiful I'm still new at this so I really enjoyed reading about your blogging experience!

  86. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to stopping by more often. I would love to enter you give away and now follow your blog.

  87. Hello,

    Nice to meet you in this party.:)

    There is a giveaway on my blog,too.

    All the best.:)

  88. Hi Terri,

    Love your blog! I too am having fun with the blog party!I would love to win the book! Linda

  89. I absolutely love your Blog, Terri - so glad for this experience from Vicki - the party is introducing me to fabulous "like-minded" souls. A real treat. Hugs from Alaska. karen (

  90. Hi
    I love joining your Tea Cup Tuesday party. I love blogging also. I would love to win your giveaway.
    My Cozy Corner

  91. 'Happy to meet you, Terri, and thank you for stopping by my blog with your kind words too. :)

    And that photo of the sunlight hitting the full tea cup is lovely. ♥

    Best Wishes,


  92. Oh my goodness, Terri. Did I ever enjoy every word of this post. It was from your heart...and I feel the same way. I first started out in blog land in January of 2010...and you are one of the first bunch of blogging ladies I met. "with me from the start"....

    Blogging really does teach us so much about ourselves...I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.

    Your blog is always a fun place to visit...with my cup of tea (or coffee) in hand. I love watching your schoolhouse tutorials with my daughter....I feel like I know you!!!

    Thanks for sharing...

    Ciao Bella

    I would love to be entered if it's not too late!

  93. Wonderful reminiscing, Terri!
    and warm congrats on all you've become thru your journey ~ we're all beneficiaries :)

  94. Your blog is so lovely...blissful to read. I just found you through the blog party, and am looking forward to reading more.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  95. HI Terri! So nice to meet you and your blog!!!!!!!I have to check out the tea party!I love tea and antique tea cups!!!

  96. Hi Terri,

    Lovely to discover you and your wonderful blog.
    I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful projects and you are so very talented.
    Have a happy week

  97. Hello Dear Terri
    I'm a bit late here due to the horrific fires on our door step here where I live Australia but I just wanted to say your beautiful words are my exact same sentiments and blogging for me has opened doors that would never have been opened without the likes of sweet bloggers like you - you are one of the best!

    I so appreciate your beautiful artwork in mixed media, jewellery and paper arts that you share so readily with everyone. Thank you so much for your generosity and these are all the things which make blogging so special.

    Warm hugs dear blogging friend,

  98. Hi Terri,
    I enjoyed visiting your blog today. Such lovely artwork.
    Congratulations on your blogiversary. Blogging is so much fun!

  99. Hi Terri, I haven't been here for a long time and can see that I have been missing a lot! I enjoyed your essay on your blogging journey and seeing your artwork.

    Kathy M.

  100. I have also found creativity within me that I never knew existed before blogging, and also a love for art.

    Your new follower
    Lesley x

  101. How very nice to meet you Terri! I too enjoy blogging and sharing my creative meanderings and meeting people from all over the world. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  102. Am new to blogging and love your blog! Am enjoying your blog and learning! Thanks for your posts.

  103. hi terri! i love your blog! you are very inspiring, everything you said, i say "ditto!" all this is why i have started blogging, tx so much for sharing. tx for trying to follow my blog, you mentioned you could not find the follow icon, it is on the rt column, not too far down, it does not show the peoples faces/icons, i could not figure out that part but if you click it, you should be able to follow still, no pic though! tx again! aloha, angi in hana

  104. Hi Terri. So nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog Party. Thank you for the thoughtful comments on my blog. I think your work is beautiful! I'll be a new follower of yours too.

  105. I am finally getting a chance to visit some blogs (thanks for stopping at mine). Love reading yours and enjoyed teacup tuesday.

  106. Such beautiful things on your blog! I loved reading what you love about blogging. I'm smitten by the fabric collages you've shown, as well as the wonderful teacups.

    Would love to have you visit my blog as well!

  107. Hi Terri, July will be 4 years for me, too. I really have tried so many new things I never would have imagined. And my crochet skills have improved greatly. Before blogging, I could barely read a pattern. Your collages are gorgeous! It's so nice to meet so many people all over the world. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  108. Hello Terri!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind comment!
    Indeed, I do love the works of E. Gaskell! I have read all of her more popular books many times and am working on the less popular ones. The Cranfor and Return to Cranford mini series by BBC are Excellent. I enjoy all of the BBC adaptations of her works though. Each time I watch one I decided "this is my favorite!" until I watch the next one, then I have a new favorite. So I have concluded that they are all my favorite, each in their own way and for their own reasons.

    Sorry to ramble, and thank you again for stopping by!


  109. You have a lovely blog. I absolutely LOVE teacup tuesday!! I'm a new follower from GYBP.

    I'm hosting a giveaway as well.


  110. Hi Terri, Here I am from the GYB hop. I love collecting tea cups and drink endless cups of Earl Gray, so I'm so glad I found your site! I'm a photographer so photograph tea cups quite often, (they just sort of get in the way of my idea how that I've followed so I'll see you soon. :)

  111. visiting via Vicki's GYB Party and have totally forgotten what I read. since opening your blog, I've had to deal with a sick dogs, cleaned up sickness, let dogs outside, back inside, recovered the chair...
    heck, if I had half a brain, I'd close w/out sending my comment.
    all righty then.....send...!

  112. Oh, goodie, I found some other bloggers who like teacups. I've got a great collection hidden in an old library card catalog. I'll have to get them out and take great photos of them. Anyway, I found you via Vicki's Grow Your blog Party. I hope you will also visit my blog and see what I'm up to.


  113. Hi Terri. You blog is lovely. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  114. So very nice to meet you through this party! I love what you wrote and yes it is so nice to get to people this way! What a wonderful Give-Away too!

    I can't wait to read more of your blog and see some more of your pretty pictures :)

  115. What a beautiful post. I loved reading it and am following along too.

  116. LOVELY post - working my way through the final blogs on Vicki's last section of her GYB Party...this time, from the bottom, up. BEAUTIFUL blog - will enjoy looking around here some more today - Happy Tuesday - Tanya

  117. Hi Terri! I've been watching your Teacup Tuesdays as well as your great tutorials for a few years now. I know it's time for me to begin a blog, but I'm a complete newbie and scared witless, lol! Since my one little word for this year is grow, it's time!! Thank you so much for the inspiration and your many kindnesses! Happy Anniversary! Deb

  118. Thanks for visiting my little corner of blogland. This party has been so much fun, like you I am still trying to get to visit all the blogs. I've loved visiting yours and look forward to seeing many teacups to come :)

  119. Hi, Terri,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! Yours is lovely, too - such a wonderful style, and the teacups are beautiful. Looking forward to more great posts from you!

    Less B*tching, More Stitching!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!