Monday, February 18, 2013

Tea Cup Tuesday-Toast and Tea

 Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday with Martha and me!
Come in and choose a comfy seat by the fire...

 Would you like a cup of tea?
Here is a pretty cup for you...

Would you like some Earl Gray or some Assam?

Your lovely cup has beautiful flowers!
Very cheery for a dull February day.

Such a dainty golden handle too.
Just enough room for two fingers.

Sponged gold around the rim and a gold handle give this 
curvacious beauty a very elegant and grand look!

Hammersley is the maker. 
And the pattern is kindly marked on the bottom as well...
Lady Patricia.

We have hot buttered toast, and here is some jam...pomegranate, grape and lemon.

 I will use my old favorite.
She is fairy light, paper thin, and oooh so delicate to hold.
Tea in this cup taste heavenly! 

I think I will have some Earl Gray.

My cup is much older than I am, and she shows the loving ware of being well used.
I can see why, I delight in her too, and can only imaging the generations of ladies
(or even men and children...) who have also held this cup full of hot aromatic tea.....

Did they sit still by themselves, reading a book?
were they sharing tea with friends, and having a chatty time?
Maybe the maid brought in on a tray with their breakfast, the Sketch
and some flowers fresh from the garden?

I do wonder.

And I wonder about you : )
How are you doing? What have you been doing creative lately?
How do you nurture yourself during winter?

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by for tea and a visit!
I am so glad you came by!
If you would like to join in Tea Cup Tuesday,
just create a post with a tea cup in it and link that particular post up below.
Martha and I really truly love coming to visit you and we
also love to see your tea cups too! 


  1. Hello Terri,
    Oh, I love your first teacup; fancy-schmancy! Such a sweet shape with lots of gold and florals; darling! Your secomd teacup is cute too. I often wonder when I sip from a found teacup where she's been and who held her in their hands. Little works of arts, is wrapped up in every teacup.
    Thank you for sharing and I hope your new week is off to a lovely start.

    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Ah, toast and tea. My go to comfort duo when not feeling well or a light supper is in order.
    If teacups could talk they would probably be the best story tellers. I like a teacup like yours that has room for a finger or two through the handle.

  3. What an absolutely beautiful post, Terri - your china, toast holder, yummy toppings - all look grand.

    I looooove your super thin pretty teacup, that is just precious!

    Thanks for hosting.

  4. Hi Terri,

    Your posts are always so charming :) Your tea cups are beautiful - if only tea cups could talk :)

    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  5. Oh I love both of your teacups today. I also like the idea of toast, jam and Tea. Enjoy your day.

    Jan ♥

  6. Your teacups are just beautiful! And I really like that toast holder. I think I may have to try to find one someday.

    I think I will have a slice of toast and call it a day!

  7. Terri,your teacups are so beautiful. I so love tea from a china cup.
    I haven't organized a tea for ages,so won't link one today. I have been busy sewing and baking. I would love to sit and take tea with you.

  8. je viendrais avec plaisir
    m' installer devant une tasse de thé
    cette finesse de la porcelaine
    que l' on approche de ses lèvres
    est une sensation très agréable
    bonne journée
    je ne fais pas toujours un billet
    avec le thé
    puis-je quand poser une petite image ?

  9. Hello, Terri :)
    Beautiful cups! I'll take Assam please, and some lemon curd. Your photos are lovely and the quote at the top is one of my FAVS! During winter I like to nurture myself by eating lots of home made Minestrone soup, filled with veggies. I also like walking daily because it is cool and I can enjoy the scenery without perspiring, which rarely happens in August! haha

  10. Dear Terri,
    you share two wonderful tea cups and your toast and jam makes my mouth watering. I would love to have a cup of Earl Greay tea, please. How nice would it be to have tea together. The cups look so cheery in this cold and colorless time. Yesterday I saw the new Royal Albert patters. You would love them, too! Thank you for the cozy tea time and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. love the teacups you chose for today, so lovely just like you.

  12. A lovely tea. Your teacups are so pretty. Thank you for hosting today.

  13. Always nice to see your china and fancy jams as well thanks for sharing xx

  14. That is a lovely teacup! I am happy to join in the fun today. I have your hop on my hop on it page. Hugs!

  15. Hello Terri, I just love tea and toast! So very comforting! I'd love to use the Lady Patricia - that was my mother's name - it would be nostalgic to me.
    I do appreciate you sharing and hosting,

  16. What a beautiful teacup and saucer! I love your other sweet teacup as well though. I just discovered you today and am linking up! Hopefully I did this right! I am off to explore some more posts....:) Come visit me sometime...Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  17. Somehow, I'm thinking that your tea tastes much better than mine, drinking from the beautiful cups - in fact, I'm sure of it! Lovely way to start my morning - Happy Tuesday...Tanya

  18. Hi Terri, I do not have a new tea cup to share today but I wanted to stop by and see your post. Both of your cups are pretty and I've been inspired to make myself a cup of tea in a few minutes and read this snowy afternoon. I also wanted to let you know that I have just finished your Altered Domino class and I have made two books. I'll be uploading photos to the class site soon and I may show them in post at the end of the week. I loved the class, thank you. You always are an inspiration and I really enjoy your teaching style. Joyous Wishes and hugs, Linda

  19. Your heavenly posts and photos lift my spirits today and make me beautiful everything looks! How I wish I could join you today, but I am with you in spirit! Big hugs my friend!

  20. Dear Terri,
    Your teacups are beautiful. I love the floral pattern. Your toast & jam toppings looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Everytime I come over, you have some beautiful teacups and now I have a soft spot for cups too. Round november last year I've started to collect them. My husband is complaining about my purchases (LOL) but he love's to have a cup of tea ;)


  22. Such a lovely post and such lovely teacups!

  23. Good morning, Terri!

    Thanks for the lovely tea party! Your settings are so pretty. I hope you have a wonderful day,

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  24. Such pretty teacups this week! It is fun to day dream what kind of home our antique teacups had! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  25. Wow..what a spectacular post Terri..this is one of my new favorites for sure..super-delightful vibe..super enchanting photos..exquisite photography! Gorgeous cups!!
    Wishing you a beautiful tea time and sparkling week! I think tea time..quiet time is very nourishing for the soul..moments of reflection!
    HUgs kindred

  26. Dear Terri,
    I will be so happy to have a cup of tea with you, sipping from that lovely cup,with its beautiful flowers and all the gold. Thankyou I would prefer a cup of Earl Grey,while admirering your very lovely old cup.
    The toast with wonderful marmelade would be wonderful,too, and I think I would love to cut the toast in 3, so I could taste all 3 marmelades :-)
    Thank you dear for your invitation.

  27. Dear Terri,
    how much I love this Tea cup tuesday ...
    Beautiful both cups, even though my heart goes to the oldest, because of the amount of stories that keeps ...
    For me, Earl Grey, while I sit comfortably sit and listen ...
    Thanks :-)
    Mini lovely hugs

  28. Your tea cups are lovely. So delicate and graceful. Having tea with toast and jam is a wonderful way to relax and let the rush of the day fade away. I am having some tea while it is snowing. Honey Vanilla Chamomile. Blissful sipping dear...

  29. I still use mugs Terri. I guess it's like using the good china, only on special occasions. Very lovely.

  30. Terri, what a lovely visit to your Tea Cup Tuesday Blog today. If you have the time to answer, I have a question. Do you mind telling me what camera you use? I'm in the market for a new one, but am not a "photo buff". Your pictures are always so beautiful and clear.

  31. The teacup you offered us to sip some tea with is beautiful! The colors of the flowers are so vibrant! I was imagining myself sipping tea with you! Your jams look absolutely delicious! They look homemade. Is that a vintage toast holder I see? So sweet! I want one. Thanks for the lovely tea party!
    sandy :)

  32. Hola Terri
    Tu taza de hoy es una belleza y tu forma de presentarla también, eres una maestra en este arte. Te felicito.
    Debes tener una colección preciosa de tacitas antiguas.
    Un beso grande desde Argentina.

  33. These are just too pretty. So delicate and dainty. You have displayed them beautifully and I love to learn a bit of their history. Thank you for sharing.


  34. Hi Terri: Love your tea cups today. I finally got my computer and I am learning to use it. Sorry I was so late in posting. Sending lots of hugs, Martha

  35. Your old, worn favorite is my favorite too. I have one like her. The teacup that feels good in my hand, looks pretty to me, delights my heart, and the tea seems to taste the very best when drunk from her.
    I love the quote about bread & water, tea & toast !

  36. Beautiful cups, Terry! Now I'm hungry for toast with jam and a cup of tea but it's too late. It's bedtime and I won't sleep if I have tea.

  37. Hi Terri,

    Gorgeous teacup! You find the most wonderful treasures. I always love a little toast with my tea. Thank you for hosting.

  38. Such pretty cups and thank you for the invitation. I love tea and toast - it starts my day but tea in a pretty cup is good at all times of the day. I should know. I am English.

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  46. Hi Terri, What a beautiful blog you have! I've become a follower, and hope to participate in future Teacup Tuesday. I see several of my tea blogging friends are here. How fun!

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  48. Love this beautiful design, and now I am inspired to find a toast holder. :)
    Visiting via Linda's Random Creativity blog. Her altered domino book is gorgeous.
    Loved visiting today.

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  52. I'll take a cup of tea with you by the fire in any of your pretty teacups Terri!
    I am one who enjoys winter and being inside. I never get bored...the days are never long enough. I have been doing a lot of work on my Etsy this week. I really enjoyed the month of February and Valentine projects. I've also tried to improve my blogging. Now I'm looking forward to Easter projects and exchanges.

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  55. Your jams sound you make them yourself? Yummy!!!
    I think its a lovely idea to imagine who held those cups before you....
    Hugs xxx
    PS Thank you Terri for your wonderful comments about Peachy.... they mean such a lot.

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  57. Hi Terri, I would love to drink a cup of nice warm tea with you... it is so cold here! Beautiful cups!

  58. Dear Terri,
    I think your pictures are beautiful. I love the clever way you photographed the handle. I hadn't thought of that way but it really makes you take notice. Beautiful and charming cups and as always, a lovely place to visit.

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Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!