Monday, July 25, 2016

Tea for Two-wish you were here

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday!

I have tea for two today, one for me and one for you....
If only it could be!

Would you like the rosey Rosina?

Or the fruity Paragon?

 We are having Chamomile tea today...
would you like cream or sugar?

How are you doing? 

How is your family?

I have had a rough two weeks,
but tea with you will help : )

Tea time helps me focus on the positive. 
It must be the quiet moments.

Sometimes it is the little things that cheer,
little bits of beauty,
roses in creamers,
unexpected hugs.

How do you cheer yourself up? 

Chatting with you is good medicine : )

Wishing you the very best week possible!


  1. Roses and tea are the most perfect combination!

  2. Hello Terri, I so wish that we could share a spot of tea. I am sorry to hear that things have not been going well for you lately. I pray that it will turn around soon. Wishing you JOY, Kim

  3. Oh my- either of these gorgeous and elegant teacups would make me happy! I'll take mine plain please. Sorry to hear you had a bad two weeks. I hope things are in the upturn now and much improving. Wishing you a lovely day!

  4. I love both your tea cups. I use honey in mine and no cream. Thanks for your invitation to tea.

  5. Oh, yes.... let's have tea for two and give each other hugs!

  6. Terri that teacup with the strawberries in the bottom is gorgeous! Great shot of it! Have a great week friend!

  7. Your tea things are so dainty and beautiful - I can't pick which cup I'd like - they are both lovely. You can choose when we have tea - wouldn't that be a hoot. And now I must catch up on blog reading, as I'm so far behind after a week of vacation.

  8. Dearest Terri,
    You know I`m so sad for you, my friend, and only wish for you, to soon feel better.
    I would have had even chamomile with you, if I could only be there, :-) ( you know I`m not that fond of chamomile) .
    Dear you, your beautiful cups are so very lovely, and it would be such a special experience, holding one in my hands, sitting besides you.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  9. Dear Terri:
    I felt like I was really there enjoying your teawares with tea. I loved the special tea. Your cream and sugar and all your lovely pieces make it so special. Saying a prayer now!

  10. I love your tea time. I especially like chamomile tea. I have had it a lot in the past few months. It is a very calming tea for me. Your teacups are so pretty.

  11. Tea for two sounds delightful and I must say my afternoon cuppa is a quiet and comforting time all to myself.
    Wishing you sunny days ahead Terri.

  12. Hi Terri: So sorry you have not been well. My mom is still sick too. I will be praying. I see the link did not work. Sorry, hugs, Martha

  13. Dear Teri, I hope and pray that you will be feeling better. Yours is the very first blog I followed, and it has given me such joy to read your beautiful posts and the see the lovely crafts you create. I do not have chamomile too often. . .but it is a very soothing tea to have when feeling the need for some comfort. Sending you good thoughts, and a virtual hug!

  14. I'll have mine in the fruity Paragon, please, with a little sweetener :) Tea with a friend always makes one feel better.

  15. Sipping tea with you dear is a lovely way to spend this very hot afternoon. My energy level is gone and I am vegging in the shade with AC and the Ceiling Fan to cool our triple degree weather. May you have a much better week ahead my friend.

  16. Tea time with yu Terri is always a joy! Love both the Rosina and the Paragon, and as usual your photos are stunning! Have a wonderful week!

  17. Awww Terri dear one, I'm sorry you've had a rough two weeks. Your tea for two certainly cheered me. If I could I would bring a tea time treat to go with your camomile tea and we could talk and talk. Since you've asked, I would love the Paragon teacup to sip from, for I love the old fashioned beauty of it, and adore the strawberries in the bottom of the cup. I would share with you a hug before I left for home, and wish you a better week ahead.

  18. I've never met a Paragon that I didn't like so I'd pick your pretty fruity teacup!

  19. Hello Terri

    If only.....

    Well, if you made me choose I'd pick Paragon and yes, thank you, Chamolmile would be lovely....

    Sorry to hear you've not had a good couple of weeks... hope things are getting better now.

    Is the rose from your garden? It looks beautiful.

    Flowers always cheer me up.

    Love Karen x

  20. Hi Terri, I always enjoy seeing your tea cups. You have a beautiful collection. I'm happy to see the photo with two cups and saucers stacked on top of each other as I have had to start doing that with my cups. I am running out of room in the china cabinet. I can't wait to see the finished chair.
    Joyous Wishes, Linda

  21. Terri - oh my goodness you take such beautiful pictures!

    You tea time is absolutely gorgeous!

    Sorry you have been having it rough - sending up some prayers for you, and sending lots of love and hugs.


  22. Summer greetings to you Terri. I am sorry to hear that you have had a few tough weeks. I have too. Blogging and reading other people's blogs is good medicine, heh? I do adore all your cups and love anything with roses. So pretty.

  23. Another beautiful post. I'm glad that you find comfort in your tea ritual. Quiet time with a cup of tea and a good friend has powerful restorative properties. I continue to pray for your healing and wellness.


  24. Hi Terri! Sorry you had rough times, I really hope you feel better! I would love to drink a real cup of tea with you and cheer you up! Lots of love!!!

  25. Hi Kindred...what a beautiful and magical post...such exquisite tea cups and saucers! The pink roses are so bright and uplifting! How I would love to sit have tea with you!
    Beautiful images...stunning! You always enchant my heart with your beautiful photos and displays!
    Hugs, I hope things are brighter and all will be sparkling again, sorry you had some rough times! a friend always if you need me!
    Blessings sweet friend!
    Wishing you love and hugs

  26. Tea for two sounds wonderful! I wish I lived closer.

    Sending big hugs your way,

  27. Oh how I've missed your beautiful posts Terri. I know you have been going through some rough health problems and I pray that your health improves soon. Do find comfort in the things you love and that touch your heart.

    So happy to see that you are following your heart and that you are able to share all your pretty teacups with us.



  28. Dear Terry
    Your cups are beautiful and you always créate lovely posts.Today I have posted a new tea cup and I´m glad sharing it with you

  29. Thinking of you....

    Just about to put the kettle on :)

    Karen x

  30. Tea with you was wonderful. It warmed my heart much. Im okay thank you.... How are you. I will take just a touch of sugar in your lovely teacups both are lovely.. And the beautiful roses, all just perfect. Thank you for sharing such a lovely post. Happy weekend with love Janice

  31. Dear Terri,
    I'm sorry you are back to rough times. I have also been having a bit of a tough time but time will surely help, and a cuppa tea too of course. Your teacups are so pretty. Wish we could sip a cup together. I have been absent from blogging off and on for most of the summer but thought I would stop by and say, "Hello." I hope Hermine hasn't touched you in any way. It sounds like a very bad storm coming up the coastline. Take care, my friend.


  32. Hello dear Terri ~ I think of you so often and hope you can feel my virtual hugs being sent your way!

  33. I was just thinking of you and hoping things are better. I have worried about you. I am wishing you all the best and saying a prayer for you.
    big hugs♥,

  34. Hi Terri

    Thinking of you today

    Hope you are enjoying lots of cups of tea :)

    Karen x

  35. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at


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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!