Thursday, July 22, 2010

French Friday Goodby

Hello All and Happy French Friday!
I have loved sharing my trip to France with all of you. It is time to have our last visit together as I am running out of things to share. I promise to go back to France and come back with more to tell some day not too far in the future. I happen to know for sure, that I will be in England this fall, and so I will have sharing to do then of English gardens, pubs, flea markets.....sounds fun!
Today I am reminiscing about the museums. There are hundreds of museums in Paris. EAch and everyone has fabulous things to see and learn about. My favorite museum was the Louvre. Definitely. My favorite place in the Louvre was Napoleon and Josephine's apartments. They were stunningly opulent. I visited it two times! I also loved the Cluny, small but it holds one of the finest treasures in the world, as far as my humble opinion is concerned.

This medieval Paris building and courtyard take you back in time.

It was raining the day we visited this small but interesting museum.

This is what I am talking about. The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries. Absolutely stunning in person. All six are displayed in a round dark room. I didn't want to leave, they were mesmerizing. The deep colors, the textures, the symbolism in the composition, is all enough to make one want to stay a long while. These incredible works of art are considered one of the most significant works during the middle ages in Europe.

And of course, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Who wouldn't love to see it! The picture is actually quite small. You can not get close to it. There is a barricade about ten or more feet from it, and hordes of people press towards that barricade trying to get close and to get a photo on their camera or phone. It is pure crazy on a Sunday!

This is part of a magnificent ceiling at the Louvre, just gorgeous beyond words!

Royal crowns in displayed in the same room as the photo before.

This view is here to show you what I mean about their being no end to streets to walk down. And this is just one view to the north, just one section of Paris! The green space in it is a famous cemetery. Maine Montparnasse Tower is the tallest building in Paris, and we were up on the 56th floor when we took this photo. This floor has a 360 degree view! It was raining, but it cleared enough to get this photo.

I do miss walking by the florists stands in the morning and seeing their gorgeous display!

I have never seen anything like this for sale here in my home state.

And this is my favorite treasure from Paris. I found this post card album at a flea market. It has 132 vintage postcards in it. I was so excited to find it! I was unable to bargain the price down for this one, unfortunately. But I couldn't go home with out it : )

Below (and the closeup above) is one of the post cards from the album.

This lovely French couple are waiting for you to download. Just click on the photo and then right click to "save as" to your computer.

And now it is time for us to say Au revoir to French Friday for now...until I return again!
Thank you so very much for all your kind comments about French Friday.
I am so lucky to have had it to share with you all.


  1. Terri, your pictures are wonderful. Oh the flowers are so gorgeous. What a wonderful place to visit. OMG and now you are going to England! One of the places I have wanted to visit for years. I love china of course and English cottages. Can't wait for you to share that trip with us. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Ohhhh I love your French Firday's!!! The pictures are so great! ~Shelley O.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your trip and photos with us. I have truly enjoyed re-visiting Paris via your travels. Happy memories...

  4. It's been so much fun seeing all your Paris photos!! Thanks for sharing them and the great postcard from your album!

  5. Terri thank you so much for sharing the beauty of Paris with all of us! You found a real treasure in that!

  6. Terri...this was so nice. Thanks for showing more of Paris..tht was one place I never got to see except for the metro and the train stations...I can still remember tracing my journey from Gare de l'est and Gare Montparnasse..
    I'm much more familiar with la Bretagne!!!
    The tapestry is interesting..and very beautiful. I remember touring an old castle in Germany that had a large tapestry..and it was green...the curator said that it was originally the one in your photo...but because it was never taken care of properly and because of light damage, the dyes faded to green...
    someday I'll try and get some of my France photos scanned. The firs visit I went to visit a male penpal who lived in le Bretagne...the second time a female penpal in Normandy...I'd been writing to both since I was a senior in high school..and by this time I was a junior in college...My friend Isabelle and I drove to "Mont St. Michel" and it was fabulous. It was February and very cold and the other photo you showed...but it was great...because there were hardly any tourists and those streets are very narrow. It was easy to navigate..
    You take great photos, Terri!!! Thanks for sharing this!!! I can't wait to see what you share from England!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  7. I couldn't have gone home without that postcard album either, it's stunning.

  8. It has been a pleasure visiting Paris together with you during the last weeks... all travels finish some day but we keep lots of wonderful images to remember
    I love your dolls and your tin canister...that blue color and the marvelous flowers are really beautiful

  9. Thank you for this nice visit of Paris, I love to see "my" town through your eyes! And thanks for joining my blog!

  10. Terri
    oh my each picture is like a movie! That post card album - what a treasure! Each one is so pristine and lovely! thank you for sharing your beautiful trip with us all! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. I really enjoyed these photos Terri... you captured such beauty!
    Those bouquets are fabulous, as are the postcards.
    Thanks for sharing one with us..... :-)

  12. Thankyou Terri for sharing your magical has been a delight riding alongside you and your adventure..thanks for taking me there! BEAUTIFUL!

  13. I've so enjoyed these posts, Terri! You just have to promise to put me in your luggage when you go back to Paris!


  14. Adieu, Paris! It's been a great time spent with you and Terri! Sigh, another day!

    THANKS for the lovely picture that you are sharing with us (aren't they adorable?) and wow, what a great book of cards you got. It was worth whatever you paid!

    ENGLAND? Where? When? I'd love to travel along with you. My ancestry is from there and I definately NEED to visit one day soon.

    Thank you Terri, for sharing your trip with us and for all your beautiful pictures. You are a wonderful photographer and a wonderful friend.


  15. No, no, say it isn't so...
    I have so enjoyed your French Fridays, ooh la la.

    But I suppose all good things must end, anyway I heard that somewhere, LOL. Yesterday I ate some wonderful macarons from a small french bakery across the street from Seattle's Public Market. So delish. Can't wait for September 4th when I fly off to "belle pareee"

    Merci, ma belle ami for all the wonderful French Fridays!!

  16. Terri, I so wish I could have stowed away with you! *sigh* What a dreamy time you had.....

  17. Terri, I have SO enjoyed your French Fridays, and I'm sorry they are over. I'll be looking forward to your English photos later this year.

    I am actually surprised that you were even allowed to take pictures inside the Louvre. What an amazing experience to go there...and to get up close and personal with one of the most famous paintings of all time.

    Your postcards are GORGEOUS!!!! And so are those flowers from the market. Ahh, such loveliness.

    Finally, I'm so glad your package arrived. You are most welcome for everything. I thank you for being my blogging friend.

    Blessings, and a happy weekend,

  18. Terri,
    Wow, your pictures are just beautiful! I love your blog and will be signing up to follow~
    Thank you for sharing!
    We should do a "grab your button"
    exchange, let me know if you are interested~
    Have a good evening!

  19. Your photos of Paris are fantastic! Loved everyone of them.

  20. What a beautiful souvenir of Franch you came home with! Love them!

  21. Oh, I'm going to miss French Fridays. I have so enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing your wonderful vacation with us.

    I love your postcard album. What a beautiful find!!!!

  22. I have enjoyed this so very much and I can not believe your coming to England. You must let me know if your coming to the North West of England nr Manchester this is where live and I would love to take you to see some lovely places there is Lyme park look it up on the internet SO COOL it was the house where Mr Darcy was in the Jane Austin film Pride and Predjudice I am sure you know all about it lol I am very lucky to live in an area where there is so much with in an hours drive any who even if we do not meet I am sure you will have a super time Oh and I know of a super market in Bakewell the place of Bakewell tarts and cwonderful tea shops!

    Love Dawn xx

  23. I just found you!!!

    I have been through a few of your post...they are trully wonderful.Your blog is the kind that I could only hope to create.I am sorry to hear this is the last of you "French Friday" All your pictures are BREATHTAKING!!!
    I can just see my self there through your eyes.Thank you for sharing your picture.
    I am glad that I can go back on your lovely blog and view your pervious ones.I know I will have much to see and enjoy.

    I look for ward to your pictures of England,I have been there twice and feel in love with the country...if I didnt have children and grandchildren here I would be on there in a heart beat.
    I am off to see more...
    Tracy...Mrs G.

  24. hello, I came by to late to join in the party so I decided to take a little tour of your French Friday post. I am so glad I did, you brought back some of my trip memories too. I've been to this little museum and loved it. I enjoyed the The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries and brought home pillows covers. I also have a collection of plates with the Tapestries. Thanks for a stroll down memory lane, next week I hope to come early to your party.
    Happy Halloween

    The French Hutch

  25. I enjoyed reading this post and seeing your wonderful photos--I can only dream of visiting Paris, but your French Friday posts are the next best thing!

  26. Just found your French Fridays. I love Paris. I haven't visited the city in a long time. Your pictures make me want to revisit the city.


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!