Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday Fun!

(vintage tin canister front)
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Today is another beautiful but hot day. Big fluffy white clouds floating lazily across the baby blue sky. I guess it's too hot for them to move too.
Above is a photograph of a gorgeous tin canister I found at a shop a few weeks ago. I fell in love with the colors and patters. It is a little rusty here and there and that makes it perfect for me. (I am a little rusty here and there too!)

Here is an update on the cloth doll I am making. Her name might be Maria Antonia, after Marie Antoinette. I have made her a ribbon choker with a vintage rhinestone. I am still awaiting the Tibetan goat hair I ordered for her hair. And I have not raised enough courage to do her makeup and shading just yet....

I have made her a tiny pair of shoes.

Using some Duponi silk, some vintage rick rac lace and some blue silk ribbon.

This Marie has a bit of a vintage feel with all her old lace trims. Also, the linen material I am using was once a pair of pants 30 years ago!

I have been enjoying color lately. Sometimes I make things in all soft white, and then I suddenly need to work with strong vibrant colors. Hence, these watercolor ATCs. I just love watercolors! Especially the shimmering ones. I am fascinated with the patterns that emerge as I drip paint on a moistened piece of watercolor paper. I find it very relaxing to play like this.

Thank you for stopping by. I truly enjoyed seeing all the beautiful tea cups people shared for Tea Cup Tuesday. I appreciate all your comments! Thank you also for all your sweet comments about my last doll post. I do appreciate your continued support. French Friday will be ending soon. The next post will be my last. I am running out of things to share! I have really enjoyed posting about Paris. I am so glad many of you have enjoyed it as well.
For now, take good care of yourselves.


  1. She is beautiful Terri and the little shoes are just too precious! I can hardly wait to see her finished...
    Tina xo

  2. Just look at her!!! Perfection. Her choker is lovely and her shoes...well, they are just wonderful. How I love that silk, both fabric and ribbon. Your photos are so sharp, so clear that you draw us in. thank you for sharing the process.

    Hugs ~ Rella xox

  3. I do believe you have a shoemaker in your past ancestry. You DO make the most beautiful little things! Darling.
    And your doll is coming along nicely. She has a sweet face, but I'm with you about giving her makeup. Maybe a 'wee' bit of blush?
    I'll miss French Fridays, but you will just have to go someplace next year and share pictures! HEY, maybe we'll go camping, us girls!!!
    Stay cool, have some iced tea, and continue on your doll making.
    BTW...those bright colored papers are just yummy!

  4. Teri I just love her little shoes. She is comming along nicely....perfect in every way. Just jump in and finish her face. I have made hundereds of dolls (in a past life) and I used real blush with a little stencil brush for their cheeks and color. Too a q-tip works well to add color on her face.

  5. Love the pretty tin Terri!
    And your doll is Gorgeous! I love the dress color...and those shoes are just amazing! I'm so, so impressed!

  6. Gorgeous..awww..she is super lovely Terri..she is going to be a charmer for sure! i love color bursts too..they are always so rejuvenating and refreshing! you are so super talented..i always love to see what you are up!
    Pure magic!

  7. Terri,

    I love what you are doing with the doll. She is so beautiful - you have exquisite taste. And the tin!!! My favorite colors...Enjoy.


  8. She is gorgeous Terri. Can't wait to see her completed. Thanks for showing us the progress!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Big fluffy white clouds flying through the purest of blues, butterflies and cotton candy--delightful summer days! And oh I love love Maria Antonieta... She is lovely, I'm going to ask her is she is willing to lend me her lovely shoes for the fairy dance we'll have in our garden tonight at dusk... or maybe she can join us and bring you too! ;)


    Hugs and blessings


  11. I love the tin/canister.. I have a few in my collection, made by Daher. and the doll is beautiful! you are so creative!

  12. Your little dolls shoes are just adorable. It'll be lovely to see her finished. So sorry your next post on Paris will be the last, I've really enjoyed reading about your travels and finds. Have a good day :) PS You've inspired me to track down teacups just so I can take part in Teacup Tuesday, lol. I don't need much encouragement to look around charity shops and antiques malls though :)

  13. Your Marie is just gorgeous! I admire your work and blog! I made a Paris inspired card, if you would like to take a look... it would be a honour for me!!

  14. Terri, yesterday was so busy, and so was Teacup Tuesday! I hope I can catch up soon! BUT...upon seeing more pics of your lovely doll...oh my! More and more delicate details are emerging! You have such a touch with the needle and thread! She's beautiful! I can't wait to see her when she's finished.

  15. What a wonderful creation is now coming to life Terri. She is absolutely adorable. Thank-You for letting us have update on her. The name sounds just right too. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. Hi. Just found your blog. Hope to join you on a future teacup tuesday . . . too late for this one.
    Lovely blog! Welcome to the 50's!
    ~ Julie

  17. Oh Terri,
    She is just charming, and the shoes...oh my.

    Have a wonderful day,


  18. Maria Antonia is beautiful. I love her shoes. You are really rocking this cloth doll. Happy creating...

  19. I am really enjoying seeing your gorgeous doll come to life Terri :) Your work is perfect, oh and you are a super photographer, loved all the photos of France.

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Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!