Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Tea Cup Tuesday Everyone! How I love Tuesdays!
Sharing with you all, and coming to see all your lovely china has been a real thrill.
Today I am sharing with you 3 cups that speak to me of summer. I really enjoy using them everyday. A good cup of English Breakfast tea is fabulous in one of these pretty cups.

This first cup I have had about a dozen years. It was made by the Rosina China Company, in Stoke on Trent in England. It is a footed and waited tea cup shape.

I love the roses, and all the gold accents around the edges and the handle.

By the look of the backstamp, this cup may have been made in the 1950's

My second cup here also has beautiful roses. It is one of the cups I purchased on my last trip. I love how you can see the stem so clearly. This cup is just slightly waisted.

Just one simple beautiful rose adorns the plate.

Royal Tuscan made this cup and saucer.
If the country name is on the cup, you know it was made after 1891. If it also says "Made In" then you know it is a cup from the 20th century. I knew this cup was not that old. But some cups it is hard to tell and these two bits of information can at least put you in the right century : )

Here is my third cup for today. This Royal Albert has a very fancy shape, with raised designs. The roses are simple like the old roses used to be before hybridizing. The handle has a split loop with a thumb rest. This cup has a slight waist as well.

A simple saucer, but very pretty.

This is one of Royal Albert's Friendship cups. You would think that it would be easy to date a cup from Royal Doulton. It is not very old. But my search online did not bring up any information to help me with any kind of firm date. But I do think it is within the past 30 years.

I thought I would throw in another type of handle. This one is a "seven" handle. How do I know....well, I named it myself! I looks like a seven to me.
This cup is not waisted at all. Can you tell?

Next week I am hoping to share some cups that I think are unusual, maybe for their pattern, colors or style. If you would like to join me in this theme, please do. Otherwise, please share with us any tea cups that you may have. Martha and I love seeing your lovely china, hearing of their history or how you came to have the cup.

To play along, create your post with your tea cup(s) in it. Please do not sign up if your post does not include a tea cup. Then come here and sign in with Mr. Linky below. All you need to do is fill in the two blanks.
Thank you so much for dropping by!


  1. Hi Terri,
    You surely do have some very fine teacups! Very pretty roses; love the pink! The 'seven' handle really does look like a seven! You always share such an interesting post with a wealth of information. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.


  2. Hi Terri!

    All of these teacups and saucers are beautiful but, i really love the second one! I LOVE the saucer with the one big flower! You don't see a large flower like that on a saucer very often. Just lovely!

    Have a wonderful week and thank you for hosting!

  3. Dear Terri, You have such a lovely cup collection. I love the second one the best! I am having a giveaway for a gift certificate from CSN do drop by and enter~ I hope to find some new tea cups to share. As my lot has run dry, but I wouldn't want to miss Tea Tuesdays with you and Martha~ xo Theresa

  4. I just love seeing all your teacups every week. These are beauties!

  5. Hello Terri :) These teacups are just so beautiful, and you know how much I love rose cups! I like how you named the handle "seven"; it does look like a 7 doesn't it :) Always so much fun participating in this party :)

    Happy Tea Tuesday to you!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  6. Beautiful tea cups and love the 7 handle!!!!!

  7. Hi Terri, I love all your beautiful tea cups, they are beautiful. Thank you for hosting this wonderful event. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

  8. Your teacups this week are really pretty. I love all the different roses and the fancy raised designs on the Royal Albert cup are gorgeous.

    Great name you came up with for that handle - it does look like a seven.

  9. Your tea cups are just beautiful, Terri. I lok forward to seeing a part of your collection every week.

  10. LOve your teacups Terri! Thanks for hosting this beautiful event! Take care..


  11. Hi Terri, Three goreous cups! To me you can never go wrong with roses :-) I appreciate that you and Martha both explain terminology... I am enjoying learning :-)
    Thnaks for visiting me and thank you so much for being our hostess :-)

  12. Terri..another exquisite post of dazzling cups..just gorgeous and so romantic looking..I am smitten with them all!!
    THANKYOU..I just receievd my package ..I am thrilled and thank you once again..I posted on it ..hope you enjoy!
    HUgs and much thanks!!!

  13. Terri your teacups are beautiful. I am enjoying this visit with you and so many others.

  14. These are such beautiful teacups today! Little works of art! Jacqueline

  15. thanks for sharing your beautiful teacups with us, I love to read anout it, I didn't know there was so much to know about them ans I can say I look at teacups in a different way now

  16. I linked up today...I've got work tomorrow..but I"ll stop by for a proper visit then :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  17. As always, I have learned a bit more about teacups and how to kind of tell what century they are from. I have tried to do some research on some of my teacups, and even with the name of the pattern and maker, nothing pops up, so I guess our tea cups are also mysteries! Who doesn't love a good mystery, especially when the mystery is a beautiful tea cup, such as yours.

    The raised pattern on the one teacup actually looks like a scalloped shell.Very pretty. Thank-you again for hosting these Teacup Tuesdays~

  18. Tea cups and vintage china are my new found love. I just love the delicate beauty each cup holds.

    Thanks for the tidbits of information on dating china. I'm really quite an eclectic collector and enjoy learning about my newest vintage beauties.

  19. Hello Terri- Your teacups are so lovely and thank you so much for the information. It is always very helpful. I want to learn more about the history but some are harder than others to learn about. Take care.

  20. What lovely cups. Do you have any of the others in the Friendship series? I had only one for years, not even knowing it was part of a set...since I found out I have been able to purchase two more at a very good price.

  21. I always love seeing your teacups, Terri. I think the title, seven handle, is perfect!


  22. Dear Terry
    I think I never am going to feel tired or bored watching tea cups...Your roses tea cups are lovely,all them ,each one is diferent and charming
    Every Tuesday is a happier day for me

  23. I am really greatful for the information and tips you give Terry. As I don't class myself as a serious collector but I really enjoy China TC&S and they give me great joy.

    As always you have the nmost gorgeous china and all are wonderful although I thnk the 1st s myu fave this week

    Love Dawn xx

  24. Hi Terri! You have the loveliest tea cups and I always learn so much from each of your posts. Thank you for another Tea Cup Tuesday!

    Susan and Bentley

  25. Hi.....I just found you over at Kiki's what a pretty blog you have.....and what a great idea to have everyone join you for tea.

    I have been scouring flea markets for pretty cups....I have managed to find a few pretty tea things....but they are not easy to find at a reasonable price. Oh well.....just keep on looking.

    Your cups are lovely.



  26. These are all so, so lovely! Very delicate and pretty.

  27. Dear Terri,

    My your teacups just get prettier by the week!.., i's really hard to pick a favorite! Yet I must say the pink one as well as the interesting handle caught my eye!

    Thanks for hosting yet another delightful Teacup Tuesday!

    Please kindly pop by to link up with my 44th 'Tuesday Tea For Two', and also our other little blog tea party that I so love to co-host with dear Pam also, for our 16th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' Terri!..,

    Next week sounds fabulous!

    ..,I've found just the teacup to share next week, which I was delighted to find and purchace just two days ago while antiquing with a dear friend!.., Fun!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda lee

  28. I am so late making the Teacup Tuesday rounds today. But I'm finally here.

    As always, all your teacups are beyond beautiful. I think I like the second one best, the one you acquired on your trip.

    Again, I appreciate all the backstamp information you share with us. It is very interesting.

    Have a lovely evening,

  29. I love the 'Rosina' teacup, very pretty!

  30. Terri
    this is so sweet! I really love the pattern and it is very similar to a small set my Mom gave me when she moved a few years back! beautiful!

  31. Hi Terri! I'm late! But don't they say, better late than never! :-)

    You have more pretty ones today!

    Hugs, Diane

  32. I have the tea cup, saucer and dessert plate at the very top!!!! I bought it in London. It is one of my favorite cups. I love how vivid the pink is. I also love this blog!

  33. Hey Terri! I didn't "get it together" in time this week to participate, but I sure hope to next week. I've got a couple of new cups I've been anxious to show!!

  34. These are beauties my dear! Hugs to you

  35. Your tea cups are so lovely, as usual, Terri. The first three are not made by the same company but they sure can be used to match each other. Love the pink roses. I love the color of the last one too. I like orange...Christine

  36. They are ALL so beautiful. And LOVE the "7 handle one"(I WANT to see the whole cup now)... Yes you can officially call it that, it's in the same dictionary us girls use with the word "THINGY"... LOVE these new words! Hugs, Donna


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!