Monday, August 9, 2010

Enjoying Tea Cup Tuesday!

Thank you all for your kind wishes while I was away. I am home now and excited to participate in Tea Cup Tuesday with Martha and you! Martha and I first thought of hosting this because of our love of collecting tea cups. I also love drinking tea. Proper English tea.

I am an equal opportunity tea cup lover and I use all my cups regularly. There is just something wonderful about having a cup of tea! At least there is to me.
It has something to do with savoring life.

So this week I am showing off a new cup that I picked up on my trip. One of seven that I came home with! This colorful and fun cup was made by the Rosina China Company, again, from Stoke on Trent in England. So many china companies produced their wares there.

I think this cup is fresh and fun! The summery blue and pink colors and the daises feel very lighthearted.

From what I could gater on the Net, this back stamp could signify the cup was made in the 1940's. In later stamps the crown is open on the bottom.

This cup has a beautiful split loop handle. Can you tell?
And speaking of handles, one thing I find fascinating about tea cups is the various handles they have. I know some of the names they go by, but not all. I thought I might show you a few other cup handles, just for fun!

This is another cup and saucer I picked up on my trip, it is a demitasse set. See the fancy loop handle? I will tell you more about this cup on another T.T. post.

And look at this one...I have seen others like it called "French" handles. This cup was all by itself in a shop, the front of it is very interesting. I will show it another time, after I find out more about it. It doesn't have a back stamp, so research could be slow.

I have named this the "bat" handle! See what I mean?

And I believe this handle could be a "D" handle. So similar to the ring handle.
Handles can really add to a cups charm. Some have gilding on them, dots of gold, little swirls, some are very plain loops (the oldest cups). I love them all and am always looking for handles styles I have never seen. I love to learn new things, so if you know a more proper name for these styles (if I have made a mistake!), please let me know : )

Fancy is all good, but in truth, my favorite cups to drink from have handles that are very comfortable to hold.
I hope you enjoyed my little show and tell. Head on over to Martha's place and see her goodies.
She is such a lovely lady, and I am so blessed to be sharing such fun with her!

If you would like to participate, please remember this is about Tea Cups, so make sure you have tea cups in your post. We love to see yours and hear about their history or how you acquired them. Once you have made your post, come on back over here and link up with Mr. Linky below. Just fill in the two blanks and you will automatically be added to the list.
Have a fantastic week!


  1. I love the aqua and pink of the cup, and the info on the handles was fascinating!!

  2. Wow..ever so beautiful and enchanting Terri! I find it fascinating to learn about all these dfferent things..the handles are gorgeous. I learned about mustache cups from Martha..i was wowed! I love it all and love that you both host these parties..if only I had more tea cups to share!! Maybe i'll think of something creative to do! happy tea!
    thanks again for the wonderful gievaway!

  3. "Oh I LOVE that tea set"... The color is SO unique... Wow AQUA with the roses is to Die For!!!

  4. Beautiful tea cups. I didn't realize there were so many different types of handles. Very interesting. Thank you for hosting.

  5. I missed you, Terri...I'm glad you're back.

    Wow, seven teacups on your trip. What a fruitful trip.

    The teacup you're showing today is gorgeous. I LOVE those colors!!

    Yes, the handles of the teacups are all so interesting. And I definitely agree that the one looks like a bat. Very appropriately named!!

    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Terri, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip! I love your first teacup; love the rose and aqua. They are two of my favourite colours. You did well to pick up seven teacups while away. I'm like you in that I enjoy a comfortable handle too. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week.


  7. Terri, Honestly, that is one of the prettiest teacups I have ever seen. You chose well!

  8. Hi Terri, I love your new tea cup and I can't wait to see the others, it is so much fun to find them while on vacation, great memories. I hope you had a wonderful time, we missed you. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

  9. Thank you ladies!
    I forgot to mention that my cups were all $10 or less, one was only $4!!!
    There are many more types of handles and I will show more next week.

  10. Hi Terri :) Oh my, I love this pretty new teacup of yours! Love the pinks and the aqua blue...very striking and so lovely! I've just bought a couple of teacups on Ebay, with large pink roses, and can't wait to get them!! One is coming from a seller in Canada, so it may take a little bit to get here.

    Happy Tea Tuesday to you!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  11. Wow, that teacup is a beauty. Can't wait to see the other six that you bought on vacation.

    It was interesting seeing all the different cup handles. I'd never seen that "bat" type handle before.

  12. I SO agree with you on the importance of a good handle to drink with...very interesting shade of aqua in that first cup!

  13. Thanks for visiting, Terry. No, the cup you saw in the background is not Limoges. It is marked Mignon ZS&C Bavaria. I found that this china was made in 188o' is a pretty cup I found in a flea market. With that age--I can not help but wonder what women have used it before me???

  14. Hi Terri, the tea set is marked 28 P 50 K and then there's a little, somewhat rectangular figure with small letters or numbers under the 28 P 50 K but I cannot figure out what they say. Your teacup sets are so exquisite and delicate. I love the patterns and colors....Christine

  15. Bonjour Terri - I really love this tea party and have been wanting to join so here I am! I so love your collection of teacups, they are so charming.

  16. Hi Terri: What a beautiful cup. I just love it. I can't wait to see the rest of your treasures. I missed you. Glad you are home. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  17. I always learn so much from you as well as enjoy seeig some of the prettiest teacups. This one is so special with the colourings.
    I will be paying special attention to teacups handles.
    Happy you are back after a wonderful holiday.
    Blessings, Pam

  18. The handles really do add to and "make" the tea cup, don't they? I too prefer comfortable handles but if teacup is very beautiful I can forgive a handle that doesn't fit my fingers well.

    The teacup you have chosen is beautiful and I always appreciate a teacup featuring even a hint of blue.

    Will you do a post sometime on researching the origins of teacups? Especially when there are no clear markings...

  19. Just when I think you can't find a prettier cup and saucer you do! This set is absolutely beautiful and so glad to hear that you use them regularly, I'm not into just putting them on a shelf, you discover so much more about a cup by using it, and I'm an ex-potter, so I should know, lol. And tea drinker, lol. Should you ever get to Stoke on Trent I can recommend the Gladstone Musuem, a real eye-opener :)

  20. You mention that Stoke on Trent produced large quantities of pottery, did you know that because of that the area is also known locally as "The Potteries"?
    I live about 20 mins drive away from there!

  21. Glad you are home, and that your trip went well. I just love it when we can find a "treasure" for a small price. Loved hearing about the handles.

  22. Terri, I had no idea they gave different names for the handles. Thank you for that bit of interesting info! I'm like you, I like the ones that are comfortable and not too delicate.

  23. Goodmorning. Such lovely teacups! I was admiring a handle on one of mine the other day! I just love how you've featured these and tempt us with good things to come!
    I am glad you had a lovely vacation and most glad you've safely returned!
    Thanks for this moment of tea,

  24. Your new cup is lovely. I'm especially fond of aqua. Enjoyed the different handles, too. Welcome home!

  25. I agree with the above comments, this teacup is enchanting! The color is really special.
    Enjoy your tea party!

  26. Hi terri,
    Thanks for hosting! I loved your look at the teacup handles. It is such fun looking for all the little details.

  27. I really love your aqua & pink rosina teacup! I have few rosina saucers and one teacup. I really like the shape of rosina cup. look so dainty and sweet in colour!.. thanks for sharing. Have a good day!

  28. Terri,
    Your teacup collection is truly amazing. I keep thinking the one you show is my fav and then boom you post another and it is my new favorit. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

  29. I always love visiting on Tuesday because I learn so much about tea cups and china. I really enjoyed reading about cup handles. How fascinating and to think they also have as many different names as styles. Beautiful examples, too.

    Always fun to see your collection and can't wait to see the rest of the six remaining ones. I know they each have a glorious story behind them.

  30. Welcome home! Your new aqua teacup is exquisite and it was fun learning about the different handle designs.

  31. Very beautiful. I especially like the way the flowers go along the inside of the cup. I love when they have those extra details.

  32. What a cheery cup! I especially like the shot of its handle with the roses peeking through! That would make a fabulous greeting card! The other handles are fun too! Jacqueline

  33. Dear Terry
    I love your Rosina Tea Cup and it's beautiful colors and flowers...
    All what you say about handles is very is interesting and I would like know more about it,
    Having a tea with you on Tuesdays is always a pleasure

  34. I love that you have focused on the handels aren't they beautiful shapes? Well yes they are hence the reason you focused on them ha ha lovely sharing with you all

    Love Dawn xx

  35. Hello Terri,
    I visited on Tuesday, but did not have time to comment.
    I love, love, love the teacup with the daisies and the blue!! The others are beautiful as well, BUT the first one is absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Hugs, Laura

  36. I bought something yesterday (not sure what it is) because you had me looking at HANDLES. Too funny. It was a real impulse buy, too.

  37. I think this has to be favourite up to now....I would LOVE to drink tea out of that! You have such a wonderful collection Terri - where do you store them all?
    x Linda x

  38. Girlfriend - have we counted how many tea cups you HAVE???? They are so darn beautiful I can imagine just lining them up and with a cup of tea in hand, just looking at them, serenly rocking away in my rocker! They are all so gorgeous. Glad you are back. hugs,

  39. Hi Terri! I'm still trying to catch up on my blog reading and commenting! Your tea cup handles were so unique, pretty and interesting! I love the first blue and pink cup and saucer you showed, too. Gorgeous!! Sorry I haven't participated in a a couple of weeks. Maybe if I start today, I can get my photos and post all ready to go! :D

  40. Hello dearest Terri
    I never really paid attention to the teacup handle...very interesting! Your right tea in a china cup, some how makes the tea taste so much finer...I am not involved as yet,in this tea cup venture...but your are truly beautiful!!!
    Blessings until next time

  41. Hello there Terri!

    These pictures of your pink and aqua teacup are just so dainty and pretty!

    Thanks for sharing this with us for yet another delightful, 'Teacup Tuesday'!!..,

    ..,(Yes, I am a full week behind!..,Oooh my!.., I do love catching up as best I can however)!

    ~Oh do also come by and enjoy this week's delightful; 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'!..,

    .., Please come and join us for our weekly blog tea parties; for my 44th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', my 35th, 'Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee', as well as for my shared meme with my dear friend Pam for our 16th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'; there are many new delights that await you this week!

    ..,We always love having you join us and we thank you very much for also joining us in the past!..,

    *We;(Pam and I both, respectively);we both work full time as self-employed persons and we sincerely apologize when we are unable to get back to you as soon as we would prefer!..,Your blog posts are always so wonderful!

    Have a marvelous week! ~ Hope to see you soon dear lady!

    Cheers and hugs from wanda Lee

  42. Hi Terri, I found your site via bj at Sweet Nothings. I am also a lover and collector of tea cups but never knew all this about the different handles. I'll need to go look at all my cups in a different way now. I'm going to try to join your party tomorrow or the first Tuesday I get a chance.


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!