Monday, November 1, 2010

NanoWriMo! Hooray!

What the heck is that you say???
Nanowrimo is an abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month and it begins today.
During the month of November hundreds of thousands of people pledge to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days. Yes, you read that right! If a participant finishes before midnight on the 3oth of November they are considered a winner.

This will be my third year participating. I have won twice before. My dear hubby has also won twice. This year I am writing the sequel to my novel from last year "The House With Three Front Doors". Both my husband and I are quite thrilled to be writing again this year.

Are any of your writers? Are any of you published authors? Have any of you ever dreamed of writing a novel? I would love to hear from any of you who may also love writing stories.

Hugs to you All


  1. Oh this is great, Good Luck for this year participation.
    I would like also to write a novel but it sounds mostly easier than it is :(
    I am interessted to read your novel when its finished.
    Bye says creativemaman

  2. Fabulous Terri!!..Congrats to you for doing that..shine on..sparkle rock!!

  3. Good for you! I started a novel a few years back - it was a mystery - but somehow it got put aside.

    I love, love writing!


  4. Good Luck! My daughter and granddaughter have participated for the last two years and are doing it again this year! They are winners, too! And they love doing it, just as you do! Not me, I have trouble just writing posts and comments! Lol

  5. Terri, I wrote a 783 page novel back in the late 80's. It was a typical romance novel, set during the Civil War...called Beloved Rebel. I never had it published....lots of rejection notices and then motherhood and homeschooling.

    However, since completing my homeschool journey back in July, my desire for writing has returned, and I'm in the process of fleshing out another novel as well as putting together a non-fiction piece about my painful battle with fertility issues.

    Good luck on your novel. I am excited for you.

    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Congratulations to both you and your husband. I have a niece in Ann Arbor who is obsessed with this each year. Happy writing...

  7. Wow, Terri...for some reason I didn't know you were a writer, too!You have been blessed with many talents!! I think you probably know my answers to your blog questions about writing, since we've corresponded for so long! I'm not "officially" participating in NANO, but am going for the word-count every day, to try and get my memoir completed! Good luck to you!! I'm very excited for you!

  8. I have always wanted day.

    m ^..^

  9. Wow Terri you are a braver woman than I am! I have thought over the years about writing but never had the patience or courage to give it a real try. I admire anyone who has that determination though....happy writing and I hope you guys win again!
    Tina xo

  10. Oh Terri...I never knew you wrote?!!! I love writing...
    and self published a childrens book a couple years hubby did the illustrations....

    I so wanted to join up to write this month...but I feel swallowed up with stuff...and time limits..and blah, blah..blah.....

    it's already the fourth and My word count is ziltch!


    you have fun though....and how grand is it that you and your hubby can share this same passion together!

    i love that!

    ciao bella

    creative carmelina


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