Monday, November 1, 2010

Tea Cup Tuesday-Oh No!

My husband said to me...

The good news is, your cup arrived from Ebay. (Yea!)

The bad news is, I backed over the box with the van! (boo hooooo!!!)

Isn't this a gorgeous cup and saucer? I was so sad to see the plate broken and I have been searching on the Internet for a replacement plate. No luck yet, but maybe some day.
I am going to glue the pieces back together for now, and look for a plate that compliments the cup. I have also registered a request for it on
I am not angry with my hubby though, oh no, he is such a wonderful partner! The postman put the box on the floor of the garage instead of walking to the porch. But I am not mad at him either. Things happen sometimes. And that is o.k.
As much as I loooovvveeeeee teacups, I love people more : )

As you can see from the backstamp, this is a Queen Anne tea cup, and the pattern number is 4751. I think it may have been created between 1936 and 1950.

I just love the pastel blue and pinks of the floral bouquet.
I am finding I really love a yellow cup!
And I adore all the gold trims!

The handle is simple enough, with a little gold trim and a very mild thumb rest.

The floral bouquet on the front of the cup is so lovely!

Thank you so much for stopping by today. I have been away in the U.K. for the past two weeks. It is nice to be home. I have some special things to share yet from my trip and some things I have been creating to share as well, so stop by again.

If you would like to join in today, please make your tea cup post first and then come back here and sign up with Mr. Linky. Just fill in the two blanks and then test the link to make sure it connects with your page. I was unable to find some of you last week. I really do love coming to see your tea cups. Once in a while I will go to a post and there isn't a tea cup in it. So, please remember, this is about tea cups. Share the maker, the history, how you came to have it, what you love about it....stuff like that.

Have a fabulous week!


  1. OO such a shame !! I admire the way you cope with this little disaster, of course there's worse in move, but it is an deception, I imagine.

  2. So sorry your saucer got broken! It is very beautiful. If I ever see one I will pick it up for you. We have miss-matched tea cups and saucers all of the time in our thrift store.

  3. So Sorry!!! I understand as I just crashed a stack of Blue Willow saucers to my ceramic tile floor last week! But they are lovely and while hunting a replacement, I bet you can find a lacy white to compliment the cup until the right thing comes along.

  4. Oh Terri, How sad! The teacup and saucer are just beautiful! I bet your hubby felt so bad. But, like you said, things happen.
    I hope you find a replacement for that saucer!

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Great attitude! After all things are merely things, however your things are lovely. I'm a softie for yellow;)

  6. Terri you are a very wise woman to understand that people are more important than material items. Your cup and saucer are truly beautiful. Happy sipping...

  7. Hi Terri,

    Oh so sorry to see your beautiful saucer was broken. It is such a lovely set.


  8. Thanks for your visit and comment. Now I can see why you would love to float peeps in your beloved teacups. Sorry about the broken plate, but it's a good reminder to me, to walk behind the car before getting in it. Thank heavens it was just a plate. Follow up with UPS, they may cover it.

  9. That is a beautiful set. The yellow and gold is lovely and so is the pretty bouquet. I hope you can find another saucer.

  10. Oh, what a beautiful set!! I LOVE the yellow, the pink and blue flowers just look so pretty with it.

  11. What a very gorgeous teacup. So sorry about the saucer. My daughter's sweet friend brought me a very delicate teacup from Chicago. It was all wrapped in tissue, but when I went to unwrap it, the cup got away from me and broke into many many pieces. I was so sad, but I did glue it together, and it sits high on a shelf. It was such a sweet thought. Thanks for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday.


  12. What a beautiful teacup, Terri!! Such gorgeous colors!!

    Even more beautiful, though, is your attitude. You are very gracious...I'm not at all sure I would be responding as graciously as you are, I'm sorry to say.

    Glad you're home safe and sound. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.


  13. Oh sorry for the saucer, these things are such a depression... but your cup is marvelous like your above's.. its beautiful, love the handle very much, its artistic and very traditional...
    I am joining your party too
    hope you would like to pay a bit of your time for me

  14. Hi, Terri,
    Oh dear, I am so sorry your saucer got broken. You, however, have a very positive attitude about it and that is very good. I will be on the lookout for that saucer, and if I see one, I will let you know. I, too, am loving that pretty yellow with sweet, sweet flowers. Happy November and tea party, my friend~Vicki

  15. Oh Terri, sorry to know about your saucer, but am pretty sure, you can find the replacement soon. nevertheless your teacup just lovely! Like you, I am beginning to like yellow too and recently just acquire one Royal Albert teacup as per my post :-) thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see whats the latest treasure from UK! till then! toodles!

  16. So sorry to read about your saucer.
    The set would have been stunning - but I bet that you little orphan cup
    will still be loved and cherished for itself.


  17. Hi Terri,
    I am so sorry for this disappointment. The cup and saucer ist so wonderful. I wish you a soon replacement with a matching saucer. May be you can glue the saucer and use the set as candle holder like Sandi did. Or you make a nice tray from the saucer in the technique of the Lavender Hill Studio. Wish you all the best. You mamanged this little desaster really wise and like a loving wife.
    Greetings, Johanna

  18. Hi Terri,
    I am so sorry for this disappointment. The cup and saucer ist so wonderful. I wish you a soon replacement with a matching saucer. May be you can glue the saucer and use the set as candle holder like Sandi did. Or you make a nice tray from the saucer in the technique of the Lavender Hill Studio. Wish you all the best. You mamanged this little desaster really wise and like a loving wife.
    Greetings, Johanna

  19. ACK! Just the worst sound ever is hearing that tell-tale rattle in your package! The cup is just adorable though!!

    m ^..^

  20. Oh, your teacup and saucer ( even broken) are so pretty and happy! If ever I could call a teacup happy, it is that one. The yellow is cheery and the flowers just add to it.

    I hope you do find a replacement, but even if you don't, the cup will still hold tea!

  21. You are so right!! People are more important than teacups.
    I hope you find a replacement. Perhaps the saucer could be repurposed in a mosaic.
    Looking forward to seeing your British treasures.
    Have a blessed week.

  22. Oh no!!! . I think I would have cried a little. Fingers crossed you manage to pick up a saucer some where.

  23. What a beautiful shade of yellow! I like yellow too as I find it is warm and friendly. Pity the saucer got broken. Hopefully you will find a replacement soon. I'm certain you will match it up with a perfect saucer in the meantime. Have a wonderful day.


  24. Oh Terri, I am so sorry to see that your saucer is broken. It is such a beautiful cup, I am hoping that you can find another. Did you find many tea cups in England? I am so glad that you had a safe trip. Have a wonderful week and good luck on hunting down another saucer. Thanks for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday. Hugs, Terri

  25. Pretty tea cup but you are so's just stuff and in the end it really doesn't matter. Take the broken pieces and make pretty pins from them. I save my broken pieces for things like that.

    Will be looking forward to seeing your pictures of England. Looks like you had a wonderful time!


  26. Terri,
    waht a gorgeous tea cup!! I LOVE the colors!!

    Couldn't join up today as I am getting ready for a Craft Fair on Sat.....


  27. Hi Terri :) Taking a quick break from my sewing....sorry about your saucer, but you still have the beautiful cup.

    Happy Tea Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  28. Dear Terry
    Your tea cup is very pretty and don´t matter if the saucer is broken ...really your husband is for you more important than the saucer .Isn´t it?
    I hope your days in England had been wonderful
    Love ,Kisses and Hugs in this Tea Cup Tuesday

  29. So glad to have you home, Pet...welcome back. I can only imagine how upset your sweet mister was to run over that box..but you are so love people more.
    That is quite evident.

    xox Rella

  30. Terri, I think you can send this to a lady who has a lovely online shop who can make a beautiful mosaic out of it for you!!! All is not lost!!!

  31. What a shame. I wouldn't blame my husband either. Accidents do happen. Good luck on finding another.

    I broke a cup one time and found another one that looked good with the saucer so I use it like that. Not perfect, but it works.

  32. Oh Terri....i'm so sorry about your saucer breaking! I remember posting Tea Cup Tuesday and a Break, myself....but alas...what can you do!

    it looks like a clean enough break for now...glue it and with your positive attitude, I'm sure you'll come across another one some day...I'll keep my eyes peeled for you!

    thanks for your visit to my hearing from are you doing NaNoWriMo...I must check out your last post...

    ciao bella

    creative carmelina

  33. Oh, so sorry about the plate, the cups is beautiful! Yes, I love the yellow teacup! Wishing I had a few! I been looking on Ebay, I think you and Martha are out bidding me! lol I am just kidding! Happy Tea Time

  34. Hello Terri
    I do love to sneak a peek at your lovely tea cups as well as the others...even though I am not involved with Tea Cup Tuesdays.
    Sorry that your saucer broke, what a shame, it and the cup are so pretty!
    Love your pics from England!!!
    Blessings Tracy

  35. Hey Stranger! I feel like I haven't chatted with you in forever. I love your new cup. The yellow is just so yummy. I wish I had a matching saucer to send to you. I would love to make some jewelry with the broken bits though, I will admit. I'm sure another will makes it way to you. Can't wait to hear more about your trip. I love the UK and lived there for a bit many, many years ago. xoxo Rhonda...

  36. Dear Terri,
    As I have supported my doula clients, some through pregnancy and birth and others with new baby care these last few days I find I do not have the time to chat with each of you individually and thank you for commenting or participating in our Tuesday meme. Please know how much we appreciate and anticipate your contributions each week.

    Look forward to joining you around the tea table this week.

    Blessings, Pam


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!