Monday, May 30, 2011

Tea Cup Tuesday-French Aqua

Hello All!
Welcome once again to Tea Cup Tuesday...hosted by myself, and Martha from Martha's Favorites. Both of us are having a wonderful time sharing our tea cups and visiting you and seeing your beautiful tea cups. My Cup today is from France. I picked it up at a huge antique mall a few weeks ago. The bold aqua color caught my eye...and since it was bargain priced, I brought it home!

It does seem plain from some angles...

Until you look directly across from the handle and you find this gorgeous "S"!

And this bamboo style handle is really stunning with the coloring and gold trims.

This gold design on the inner rim looks hand done to me.

All in all, I am glad I found it!

Here is the backstamp. It is from France, and the crown stamp is really lovely, but I don't recognize this symbol. Maybe some of you do? It could be a very popular brand and I wouldn't know it!

(Now before I forget...I must remember to tell you that I am having a month long giveaway! Yes! I will be having at least 6 items to win!!! I will be posting all about it June 1st!)

I am participating in a really fabulous swap at Marie Antoinette Mail Art Ning group, a Tea Cup book swap. We are all sending in 4 pages, we create a page for ourselves as well as a cover.
This below is my cover page.

Aqua is such a beautiful color! I really loved working with this color scheme.

Thank you so much for stopping by today. Some of my Blogger issues have been fixed...YaY!!!
I am hoping this post goes well too. I have missed visiting your blogs in the past two weeks or so, I could comment on some, but then not on others. Hopefully today I will be able to comment on every ones blogs.

If you would like to join in on Tea Cup Tuesday, please create a post with a tea cup in it that you would love to share. Then come back here and link that post to Mr. Linky below. Just fill in the two blanks.

Hugs to you all!

I am also joining with Trish at Sweetology for her first ever Tea Party Tuesday!


  1. Your teacup is fabulous! Wow! That teacup book is amazing! Have a most lovely week!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your teacup book is beautiful, Terri! Love the color of your china teacup, too! Thanks for hosting your blog party! Bess

  4. Hi Terri: Love the cup! Stunning as usual. What a great idea to have a teacup book! I just made one like a house for my Mother. It was harder I thought, because the space was so small. It did come out cute. I want to be in your give away! Have a wonderful week my friend. Martha

  5. Hello Terri,
    Your aqua tea cup is swoon worthy! I adore that colour. Please sign me up for your Giveaway. Thank you.


  6. Terri, I love the tea cup and it is elegantly simple. It would have caught my eye for sure .

    Your art is so pretty and well crafted. To me your art always appears what I believe it is, works of love.

  7. Terri what a beautiful turquoise teacup! the color is so rich and vibrant. Your teacup pages are so beautiful too! please come and visit me this week.
    P.S Thanks for the info on my teacup and saucer a few weeks ago, so interesting and good info to know!

  8. Terrie- your tea cup is stunning. I look forward to hearing more about your give away and looking into the marie antoinette swap.
    Thanks for cohosting this fab event!
    Blessings, L

  9. Sorry...on twice from the 2 memes...I love the aqua teacup...don't recognize the maker off hand either what a forgeous color! Thanks! Ruth

  10. That is one of the prettiest teacups I've seen!

  11. I loce the beautiful colour of this cup: And also the MA Tea Cup Book Swap!!

  12. ooooh, pretty the handle too! Your mini album pages are gorgeous! Love the tulle~

  13. What a beautiful cup Terri. It's has a classic stylish French simplicity. That aqua colour is perfect. I love your teacup book elements too. It looks like being a wonderful project for you all to share.

    I have also been having awful trouble comments on blogger.


  14. gorgeous, gorgeous aqua teacup!!!! love the handle and the pattern, i just loveee the color soo much!! lovely photos too!! i would love to participate in your giveaway but not sure if it's okay if i live in the UK? xx Susan

  15. Lovely cups, such a lot of pure prettiness! Valerie

  16. Hi Terri, if you show us your beautiful mugs is a joy to observe, each precious detail! The paper of cups are equally romantic aqua blue that looks definitely romantic. Greetings, Rose Marie

  17. Hi Terri,
    oh, how I love this bright aqua of your cup. This is one of my fav colors. Love the tea cup book also. You are such an artist in this cute romantic things.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  18. I love the colour of your teacup. Have a lovely day.

  19. Dear Terry
    I thought I was save but I have lots of problems with my blog now
    My comments don´t arrive to your blog!!!
    A beautiful color and a beautiful cup...your works are lovely

  20. Love the colour and that back stamp look beautiful to Loving the Marie tea cup card it is a fave colour to using with pink or brown yummy

    Love Dawn xx

  21. Beautiful... gorgeous color and the inside rim is exquisite! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Your tea cup this week is just wonderful! So elegant and exquisite in that beautiful aqua colour with gold!
    Unfortunately I can't help you identify the backstamp, although I've already made a little research.
    Congratulations for having bought that beauty!

  23. Terri,
    This is so beautiful. I love your cup and your teacup book is stunning. I, too, love those colors. My in-laws may have sold their house...which would mean...tea cups! Well, boullion cups, anyway! I am cracing tea cups more every week!!!

  24. Your monogramed aqua teacup is lovely! I don't recognize that backstamp either. But I'm sure someone knows. And what pretty teacup tags!!!

  25. OH my...I looove aqua beautiful Terri!! Just a dazzling spirit all in aqua-blue/ of ym fave colors!! I wonder what it would be like to see a picture of aaaaall your teacups together? a beautiful rainbow and array of charmers!!

    Lovely post of treasures!. ooh those are so pretty...super-wonderful as always!
    Have a happy week!

  26. Hi Terri,
    The color of that tea cup is amazing, my favorite color these days!
    Your art work is beautiful, I do hope you consider joining in one of my swaps one day.
    I hope you are enJOYing a lovely week,

  27. Happy Teacup Tuesday! Such a beautiful and colorful post... my favorite color (besides pink!). Such pretty artwork too.
    Have a great day.

  28. What a beautiful teacup - my favorite color AND with my last initial on it. Gorgeous.

  29. My daughter's name is Sarah and she will swoon when I show her your post here! The colour is happiness itself, isn't it?! I love it, and I'm so glad you shared it! Tea cup Tuesda's rule! I miss joining in on all the fun! Maybe next week.

    Ciao Bella!


  30. Wow Terri!! That cup is just lovely..that color always makes me dream of Tiffany's.....and diamonds....aaaaahhhhhh....Can I just say thanks so much for linking up to my Tea Party today?! I thank you for joining me. I will never know or really question the joy a simple tea cup can bring to so many but I feel so lucky to know it's precious secret and beauty. On another note, that book is amazing. I can not fathom the talent it takes to do that. I have wanted to host a M Antoinette tea party so bad and this might just be the inspiration I need. Do you find your graphics online somewhere. Those would be neat cut out and placed on sticks as cupcake toppers! How cute! HAve a wonderful week.

  31. Hi Terri, Oh that is such a beautiful tea cup, I have never seen one like that before, love the beautiful aqua. I love, love, love your beautiful pages, I can't wait to see them in person. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri

  32. what a gorgeous tea cup! I just love the aqua shade! and your sweet altered teacup art is GORGEOUS! love them so much!

  33. What a beautiful color, Terri. I love the shape too, very exquisite...Christine

  34. Hi Terri: This beautiful shade of aqua is just like Tiffany is it not? Your France teacup is truly beautiful. I am sorry I know nothing about china. Love your teacup book cover. Your art is so fancy and feminine and pretty. Happy June 1st. It is raining and hailing here!!! Smiles...

  35. Your cup is so stunning, even the crown stamp is gorgeous. The pages you did for the book are also amazing. I think the color combo is so incredibly beautiful and I sigh that I did not join in...but I am soooooo happy that YOU did.

    Much love
    xox Rella

  36. The colors are just unbelievable! I love your creativity and creations. Oh....I could visit your blog all day.
    Lady Linda

  37. Hi Terry! I'm so happy you found my blog. I've been visiting yours for some time now. I love the colors in this post. The cup is beautiful and I love the Marie work you have done. Such wonderful texture and eye catching colors. Nice job!

  38. Terri, your tea cup is beautiful, I love that color!! And the monogram is so elegant!

    And, your tea cup pages are deliciously beautiful! I'm so thrilled that I will be getting one. Yay!

  39. What a vibrant colour that cup is!! Must be lovely to drink out of :-) Your collages are wonderful always.

  40. This is lovely, Terri! I recently participated in a swap that you hosted; it was my first ever, and I really enjoyed it! Thank you! I love reading your blog posts, and have tried my hand at a few of your tutorials. Soon, I hope to have my blog started so I can meet other people who enjoy the same things. You have been an inspiration to me.

  41. what a fabulous teacup!!! also a fab blog! you have 1 extra follower!!!



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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!