Monday, July 11, 2011

Tea Cup Tuesday-England

Hello All

Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday, where Martha and I enjoy sharing our tea cups with all of you, and...the best part, we get to come and see some of your beautiful china!

Today, I am writing this post from England, where it is now just about Midnight. I had a lovely long day of sightseeing. The above building is Mottisfont. It began as a priory many centuries ago and eventually was built over into a personal dwelling as you see it above. It has endured many additions after it was purchased in the 1920s. It is now a part of the National Trust of England.

I was lucky to see this beatuiful tea cup in the study. It is a 19th century English Newhall porcelain tea cup (and set below). The design is really beautiful with the gold detailing the deep blue oak leaves, the acorns and flowers.

Two curators were kind to pick up a piece of the tea set (against the rules!) so that I could take a photo of any markings it might have. The only markings are these numbers in red. The staff was very helpful and patient with me while I tried over and over to get a good picture of the china.

Here is the beautiful tea set. The tea pot is really stunning, as are the other pieces and the wooden tea tray they are displayed on. The lighting was dim in the room and flash was not allowed, so I did the best I could to get a picture I could share with you all.

I was really excited to see this item!

It is an early Victorian mahogany sarcophagus tea chest! I have never seen a tea chest on a stand before. The wood is polished beautifully with age. The docent shared with me that she had never seen inside of it, but that it was said that it had three compartments, two for two different types of tea and one for mixing the tea together.

The priory itself was lovely to visit. On the grounds are fabulous walled gardens, with such a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and fruit trained to grow on the stone walls. It is amazing to see pears growing on a wall, all green and pink in the sun! I hope to share some photos later this week. In one of the dining (or was it gaming???) rooms the table was set with all of these fairy cakes! YUM! It is part of a special exhibit they have about Fairies!

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit. I had a great time visiting you all last week, although I may have missed the last few who signed up (hope to catch up soon!).

If you would like to join in the fun, just go and create a post with your tea cup in it, and then come back here and sign up with our linky system below. We are trilled to come and visit you!

I have not been able to do any of my usual blog visits for the past week, and I know I have missed many of your glorious posts! I do hope to have a chance to stop by for a visit when I return home and see what you all have been creating while I have been away.




  1. Oh my, what a beautiful place to visit! I've never seen a tea chest like this either!THANK you for sharing it!

  2. Well, I'm trying not to be green with envy, but you are in one of my favorite places - England - though I've never been beyond my books and BBC period drama! I inherited my love of all things English, Irish, Scottish, from my mom who filled my head with thoughts of tea and propriety - and Agatha Christi, too! Look forward to more posts about your trip. Think of me when you're enjoying tea in the garden of a thatched roof cottage!
    Miss Kathy

  3. Oh, how wonderful for you, Terri! And I just saw the beautiful tea cup and tea samples you sent to Snap at Tales from Twisty Lane! You're such a sweetie! Sorry I haven't been by in so long.

  4. How lucky of you to be on such a trip! Your photos are amazing!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  5. OH WOW!!!! You are in England! I am so thrilled for you. Really... I am like that. The only thing that would get me more wound up is if I could be there myself.

    Ooooooooh what a beautiful tea set with the acorns and oak leaves. I am drooling over that!

    YES! It looks like you have stepped into a BBC romantic movie.

    Have a wonderful time! Take lots and lots of photos. I want to see more!!! Lovely cottage pictures with chintz china. LOL

    Catherine XXX

  6. What a pretty tea set! Lovely for sure. Thanks for having us and enjoy England for me too!

  7. That mahogany tea chest is magnificent!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. What a wonderful adventure you have taken us on ... the tea set is brilliant and that tea chest .. WOW... enjoy your trip!!! and thank you for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday all the way across the pond...xo HHL

  9. I love Mottisfont...a lovely place. The teacup set is in a style generically called Imari or Gaudy English, one of my favorite styles! I know you are enjoying yourself...take lots of photos!

  10. that gold on the cup is out of this world..I am so lovley your travel tales!! Those fairy cakes...I just picked my jaw up off of the floor.

  11. Hi Terri,
    Well, aren't you having a wonderful time! Fabulous place to visit! I love that pretty teacup and how lovely the whole set is. I couldn't help but notice how deep the saucer is; almost like a little bowl in which the cup sits; adorable! Enjoy your visit and I know you are. Have a fabulous week.


  12. Terri, you are not far from me at all! I didn't realise you were visiting England again! A beautiful cup and fantastic pictures. I really hope you have a fantastic visit to the UK.

    Elaine xx

  13. this is gorgeous !! Enjoy your visit!

  14. Dear Terry
    Perhaps you will meet frederica there!
    Enjoy your days in England

  15. You take the most wonderful holidays! Thanks for sharing this beautiful tea set and have fun in jolly old England. Loribeth

  16. Terri,
    What a beautiful tea set and tea chest!! Stunning!! love the cupcake buffet!!
    Have a wonderful time on your trip!!


  17. Hello Terri,
    oh wat a super charming post you shared today. I love the photos of this stunning tea set. Looks somehow Empire Style, doesn't it? Everything is very nice and I loved to see it. But I am off from this cupcake stands. OMG, that lloks so tempting and I would die to get one of those just in this moment.
    Thank you for taking us with you on this lovely tour.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  18. Love the tea chest, and fairie cakes!!! Thanks for the tour.

  19. Looks like you are having fun in England! The English Newhall porcelain tea set is gorgeous (how nice for the staff to help you with the photos) and I do LOVE that tea chest!!!! Thank you so much for the tea cup ... it is my post today. Just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Hi Terri, What a wonderful post, I hope you are having a wonderful time. Have a safe trip. Thanks again for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday. Hugs, Terri

  21. oh wow, what a gorgeous tea set! love the view and the tea tray too! it's like a fairy cakes heaven i see in those photos! yummy!! looking so colorful and adorable! enjoy your stay and thanks for hosting another tea cup tuesday!

  22. Terri, how delightful!! What a gorgeous tea set, and you were sooo lucky to be able to take photos.

    Are you sure you were in England, because it seems you have the luck o'the Irish!

    I've been to England once and it was lovely. Enjoy your visit.

    Saying 'hello' from Texas,

  23. Oh how wonderful! To be in England! I love the entire post. The teacup is perfectly enchanting. The fairy cakes are adorable, the espaliered fruit is one of my favorites from the world of formal gardens. Thank you Terri. As ever you are inspiring with your eye for beauty.


  24. Hi Terri - I tried to link up but never having done this before I went into Linky and then couldn't change anything. I guess I better practice this a bit. Love your post. Deb Ottawa, Canada.

  25. Hi Terri, What a lucky lady you are to be on such a special trip and to share it with us.We miss your posts, but have a most enjoyable time in the UK.
    Love to you,

  26. Terri -

    You lucky girl! I know you are having a fabulous time. Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing them with us. And that Cupcake display - oh my!

    Elaine Allen

  27. Oh, wow, this is so wonderful. Enjoy your trip, and thank you for taking us along. Lovely tea set and the tea chest stand is really awesome. Thanks for hosting.

  28. That is a beautiful place, Terri, and I think the cup is simply elegant! I love the fairy cakes and the presentation...WOW!...and I think it is so cool that you still organized Tea Cup Tuesday from England. Thank you!!!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I so look forward to your Tuesday posts. Will be sure to make a visit to Mottisfont- must admit I hadn't heard of it even though my husband and I visit National Trust properties in the south of England all the time. Glad you are enjoying your trip - wonder whether you have been adding to your teacup collection?!

  31. Hi Terri!
    So, you're in England, so close to me! and living these days by the same GMT time...
    I loved this post of yours, specially that marvellous and very old New Hall tea service. This is precisely my favourite area of tea cup collecting so I thank you very much for sharing these superb pieces, even more 'cause I had never seen this New Hall pattern.
    I'll show some of my bute shape English cups very soon, you inspired me!
    If you're in London, my number two capital city (next to Lisbon,of course) you mustn't miss the recently refurbished and re-opened ceramics section at the Victoria&Albert Museum. I'm looking forward to visiting it very soon, at least until the end of the year...
    Have a good time in Europe!
    Maria Andrade

  32. How lovely to be in England. Since I have never been I shall travel along with you if you don't mind. I love this visit today.
    Enjoy every moment and safe travels my dear.
    Since I have been gone with no internet I am catching up and love your FREEDOM banner. You are uber talented.
    Happy travels...

  33. How fun to be in England! I Sooo want to go there someday. You are enjoying my 'dream'. :o) I'm very happy for you and very much enjoyed this post and the photos. What a beautiful tea!


  34. You have surely shared something to behold! Wow - it is just so incredible! Have a wonderful time!

  35. Oh you must feel like you are in a dream. How delightful. Thank you for sharing the pix. I especially love the tea chest. Such a treasure.
    Love, Lady Linda

  36. Welcome and I hope you are having/Had a wonderful stay in England!xx

  37. how amazing, so many beautiful sights to see!
    have fun and take loads of pictures for us!

  38. Oh how wonderful that you are traveling someplace so lovely..enjoy every moment, my friend.......I so look forward to the photos that will surely follow. Biggest hugs
    xox Rella

  39. Terri..How lucky you are to be in England!...OMG! you're quite the traveler these days! lots of wonderful memories and adventures!...good for you dear,have a fantastic time!
    Hope you find lots of fine teacups there to share with us on ~Teacup Tueday~
    Melanie :)

  40. Hello, Terri...hope you are having a great time. I just wanted to let you know I've used the first of the lovely items you included in the Marie Matchbox. It's the pink ribbon rose. Hope to you more soon.

    Have a glorious day,


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!