Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tea Cup Tuesday-Thrifty Find!

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday.
Today I am sharing a great thrift store find...
This lovely set of Haviland dishes! 

I was delighted to see this set of 40 pieces sitting all alone
on a dusty shelf in the clearance room of a thrift store.

Ten cups and saucers....pretty in Pink!

This set has a sweet pattern on a creamy white background...

A lovely floral spray of roses.....

The Scalloped edges add to the romantic pattern...
She really does set a pretty table!

There is extra texture added along the edge, a frilly relief in white....

 The cup is a simple clean shape with a very plain handle.
When holding it in the hand it feels ever so light and fine!

This Bavarian company is like so many British pottery companies, in that two people go into partnership and create beautiful pottery, but they are so unhappy together they split and go their separate ways. Each of them becoming famous for their china. It is also like British companies in that they went through several name and owner changes through the years.

Fritz Thomas left his partner in the late 1800 and began his own company in 1908, with his new partner and with great success. The backstamp on this set varies, some are as above, and some have just the orange number and some do not have "Germany" on them. I could not find these exact stamps in my research, but many similar, and I would guess they were manufactured around 1939-52.

Last year I posted about my trip to the Winchester's Discovery Center's show "Tea Tales" a historical look at Britain's favorite drink. You can read about it HERE.     Well, I forgot to share this tea cozy with you that yI saw at the same show. I had meant to, but forgot! So here it is . She is dated between 1920-30. 
Isn't it just lovely?

Downton Abbey ATC Swap!

Only two more days to sign up!
This is a 3/3 ATC swap centered around The fabulous Downton Abbey series.
Due to me by April 12th. I will swap them up and send them out.
I am very excited to see what the other swappers are creating! 

I am still working on my soldering skills.
Next post I will share my new pieces...I am getting a little better! Yay!
Tiny steps...lol!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
I appreciate your visits and your lovely comments : )

If you would like to join in with Martha and myself, just create a post with a tea cup in it you would like to share, tell us about it, about how you got it, what you love about it...and we love a picture of the backstamp if you can, thank you : ) Then come back here and link up below with Linky Tools.



  1. I (((LOVE))) your new thrifty find! I would have been dancing in the aisle with excitement over it! I also LOVE,LOVE,LOVE that tea-cozy. I copied a picture in HOPES of one day MAYBE I'll try to make on just like it...
    I'm anxious to see the swap. I wish I had time to participate, it looks like SUCH FUN!
    Big Hugs to you,

  2. Thrift store finds are always such fun - especially when you find so many matching pieces together!!!!I would love to play in this ATC swap, but may have to wait til the next one - too much going on right now!!!My tea on tuesday posting is lacking any teacup pix - but plenty on the newest family member- drop on by, if you get a chance!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!