Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gothic Arches and Halloween Fun

 Hello All!
How are you all doing so far this week?
I hope it is a good one for each and every one of you.
I will be picking the winner of my Domino Book Kit tomorrow night! Yay! I wish each of you luck.

If you have not yet entered to win, just go to THIS post.
Make sure you leave info on how to reach you if you win.

I have had a few moments to play and created these Gothic Arches for a swap over at Paperwhimsy.

Creating is such an enjoyable venture! I was thinking today about how young I was when I first realized that making things from paper is my favorite thing to do...and I had a memory of sitting at the kitchen table cutting out paper dolls the way my grandmother taught my sisters and I, I think I was about 6 or 7 years old.
I still love making things with paper!

I have been out and about in Blogland and was unable to comment on some blogs.
Just know, I do love to visit you!
Hugs to you all!


  1. Your Gothic Arches are simply fabulous. Looks like a fun swap. I would love to see you post a photo of some paper dolls you were taught to cut out of paper. My sister and I still love paper dolls and we are OLD! Fabulous Fall dear...

  2. Hi Terri...I really love the Gothic Arches and they put me in the Halloween mood.
    I think your fall cups are lovely! I especially like the green handle on the second cup. Such an interesting wonderful touch.
    Happy Fall.
    Love, Linda

  3. OMG Terri your arches are fantastic.
    So many gorgeous details.
    Stunning work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. I love these arches! They are so spooky! What a great project! Marilyn

  5. Wonderful Gothic Arches Terri, I remember cutting out paper dolls from the McCall's magazine when I was very young and just holder enough to handle scissors. I've loved paper ever since and same for fabrics. Those were the only things to play with way back then, paper dolls and scraps of fabric.. Have a wonderful week and I hope you have a chance to play catch up in the blog world. I have been busy also and getting less blogs posted. Working on trying to catch up and create and blog too! Hugs my friend, Marilou

  6. Dear Terri, your arches are WONDERFUL ,love the crow, and all the little extra`s you added.
    I started with paperdolls ,also, had a sweet "Big" girl as neighbor,whom drawed fantastic,and gifted me with her handmade dolls :)
    Terri I just switched to Firefox-from Internet Outlook -that did give me acces to comment on all blogs, where I before could not!

  7. I love these. I hope you will come join my linky party!

  8. wooow this looks wonderful! beautiful, I love it! I am crossing my fingers for tomorrow!Have a nice day!

  9. Hi Terri, your gothic halloween are wonderful. I like the arches, too! and the buttons, and lace...very nice. You are an especially talented lady.


  10. Hi Terri,
    I love your arches! Such a fun swap.
    I played with paperdolls too! And I still have some! :) I love just looking at them.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  11. AND I GET ONE!!!!!!!


    Yes, commenting on BLOGGER is getting more and more frustrating. It has something to do with ones COOKIES. I love cookies, don't get me wrong, but apparently these cookies are interferring with comments. SO, if I can't leave a comment, I try to email the person.

    Have a great day my sweet Terri!

  12. Hi Terri, Love the gothic arches! I would play with my shoe box filled with paper dolls for hours. I've been searching for the feel of the paper from the 50's. Linda

  13. Fabulous Gothic arches, I wish I had been able to look over your shoulder when you were making them.

  14. Gorgeous work! I too have always loved paper and cutting things out. When I was little I would cut images out of catalogs and create layouts of what my "adult" kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. would look like. I used to (and still do) LOVE paper dolls.
    Have a great weekend.
    Take care,

  15. Oh, Terri! Your arches are just gorgeous!!!!!! You have such wonderful talent--these are incredible!!!!

  16. Terri, your gothic arches are gorgeous! The colors and details are absolutely amazing!

  17. Hi Terri, Your Gothic Arches are beautiful! I love the cream and black, just perfect. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing. Hugs, Terri


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!