Saturday, November 19, 2011

Deck The Halls Sunday-New Tree

Hello All!
Welcome to my newest blog hop, where we get a chance to share our Christmas projects, either for decoration or for gifting. I love making my own decorations and have for many years. I also enjoy creating gifts for my friends and family. So if you would like to share too, just join in below with Linky Tools and we can come visit you and see your holiday crafts. 

Last week I found a silver vintage-ish tree. I loved it right away as the silver color is not shiny bright silver, but a vintage silver color that would do well with silver or gold accents. 

Here it is brand new and bare.

And here she is in her "Charlie Brown" stage...Lol!

My theme for this tree is all things Jane Austen!
The image at the top of my post is the home where Jane spent her first 25years.
I have cherished Jane's works, and became even more interested in her when I visited where she lived her last days. You can see that post here.
She wrote a number of her books there, although they were not published then.

Above is the first ornament I made from some old tart tins.
The print behind is from Pride and Prejudice.
(little tree bleached in my newest Video, see below)

This ornament is not quite done.
She needs more sparkly of some kind...
Very simple fanned cardstock, a silver glitter medallion behind an
image that could be least I found it under the heading of "Images of Jane Austen"
I want to embellish this more, I just haven't been inspired just yet as to what I want to do.

It is backed with text that is a copy of a letter Jane wrote to her brother.
(see me reflected in the mirror ornament taking the picture???)
I have a long way to go yet with this tree. I am glad it is only November 20th! 
Plenty of time for more holiday creating!
Next on my agenda is little vintage looking Christmas stockings.

And just in case you missed it, here is my newest video:
"Bleaching and Dyeing Bottle Brush Trees for Christmas"

(Please excuse this picture of me! It is a very unflattering freeze!)
I also have a Holiday Banner video you might like as well and you can see here

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. That tree is going to be so beautiful when you are finished. I like your theme of Jane Austen. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. xo

  2. I'm going to go back and read your post but I just wanted to tell you I like your video.I've seen a few videos on the same subject and yours was the easiest.Last year after Christmas I bought the trees. Now I'm not afraid to start.Thank you.Denise

  3. Wonderful video .. thank you for sharing! I am off to give it a try.


  4. Well, the tree is really not what I expected. Somehow I was thinking it looked more like those silver trees from the '60's. Oh, your tree is truly vintage-y and sweet. AND the Jane Austin ornaments are so pretty Terri. Love the shades of blue with the gorgeous images of Jane.
    I think I confessed to you that I don't remember reading her books, but how can that be? I'm much to old NOT to have read perhaps I DID but was very young. I think it's about time to revisit Jane, don't you?
    As usual, your post is inspiring and heartwarming. Just the perfect way to end the day!
    Warm hugs

  5. Your tree is so pretty! I love the aqua with the metalic tones. LOVE Jane Austin!

  6. What a FUN link-up! Your tree looks wonderful. Love the theme and colors you used. The tiny bleached tree looks charming inside the clever. I will try it if I find some mini trees!

  7. Your little tree is beautiful and I adore your theme of Jane Austen for the handmade ornaments you make so wonderfully. Happy decorating...

  8. What a great idea,
    the tree is gorgeous!!

  9. Terri, your tree is so beautiful,--in Denmark it is not possible to buy trees like your`s, we almost alwayes only have real trees for christmas- and if fake, they are only green---
    Also very difficult and expensive to buy the smal ones you are bleaching.
    But how beautiful they are your little Jane Austin ornaments, on that fairy tree. Thankyou for alwayes wonderful tutorials from you- to us.

  10. this is allready beautiful, and it will be... gorgeous!!! Happy Thanksgiving

  11. Terri
    oh I love your tree. This was just the post I needed to see! :) I have a pattern that hubby is supposed to make one for me...but he keeps getting stumped. I should have grabbed the silver tree at J's last week and snipped off the branches instead!
    I love your gorgeous handmade ornaments! Truly beautiful! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Great tree, great ornaments, great post! It just so happens that I'm reading Pride and Prejudice at the moment. For the first time too, can you believe it? I'm loving it. It's funny how one can miss out on certain things in life...I'm an avid reader but despite all I've heard about Jane Austen I've waited this long to read any of her works! Thanks for the opportunity to share.

  13. Hi Terri,
    that tree is absolutly great.
    Thx for the video, maybe I will have time to try it.

    This is a great chance to show the decoration of each one.
    I will craft something this week.
    Hope I finish it early enough.

    Have a nice week
    regards creativemaman

  14. Everything is beautiful. The little ornament could be all done by my standards. I look forward to seeing her finished by your enchanting imagination.

  15. Hi Terri, Your tree is beautiful. If you look closely at my Deck The Halls entry photo you will see that you have won me over to the bottle brush trees and wreaths. I never gave these little decorations a second glance. I only thought of them as decorations for train yards. Thanks for sharing. I love your theme and the ornaments. You have inspired me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Linda

  16. Adore Jane Austen, in fact spent yesterday watching my favorite Jane movies and making Christmas ornaments.

  17. It's beautiful! I have always wanted a tree like that. What a lucky find!

  18. These are beautiful and oh, so clever. penny

  19. Terri, your tree is lovely. The idea of having a "Jane Austin" Christmas theme is great. I've never had a theme for Christmas, and I think I will try that this year. I so enjoy your blog posts and videos. I'm also one of your domino book students, and that class was a joy to do! Thank you so much. Holly M.

  20. Your video was great. Thanks for sharing it with us. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving.♥♫

  21. Your Jane Austen theme is perfect! and your ornaments are most creative!! Can't wait to see the finished tree..xo HHL

  22. OH . . . I LOVE Jane Austen and what a great idea to do a themed tree around her! Your vintage tree is to die for! Lovely!

  23. What a great tutorial on bleaching and decorating the trees! Definitely trying some of these this year! Thanks very much! I'm a new follower!

  24. I am a day late, but I made it :)
    Love your tree Terri, and the pretty, pretty ornaments.

  25. Hi Terri,
    Oh, I just love your tree! The ornies are very sweet and I'm loving the aqua theme as it's one of my favourite colours. Love the teensey bleached tree inside the tart tin too. Adorable ornaments! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day.


  26. Oh, I just love the tree, Terri--and your ornaments are fantastic! I think the one with the image of Jane is perfect as it is, but I know what you mean about wanting to put finishing touches on things--everything's just lovely!

  27. Terri, this was so awesome! I want to do a family craft today for Thanksgiving and this or the Love banner might be it. I have a question non craft related. In your Love banner tutorial you are wearing a beautiful lace blouse cream with a gathered neck. Wherever did you get this? It is just what i
    I'm looking for something like this for the holidays. Also do you have a dvd for sale with your tutorials?

  28. I love your tree and that ornament has inspired me to try a new technique! You also have created a monster - I went to Hobby Lobby and bought almost every bottlebrush tree they had, lol! And the little wreaths! I used them both in my piece this week. Thanks so much for the inspiration! :-)

  29. What a fun stop, Very unique story on Jane and I love your ornament and Vintage tree.

  30. Hello Terri! Your Tree is so Gorgeous and your Ornaments so Lovely! Thank You for Sharing the How to Video on Bleaching and Dyeing Bottle Brush Trees! I love the Look of them!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  31. Oh Terri...I'm so happy I was lead to your blog. Love it!!! Your tree is going to be beautiful. I love both of the ornaments and I think even if your muse doesn't whisper what to do looks pretty as is.



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Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!