Monday, November 21, 2011

Tea Cup Tuesday-Thanksgiving

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday once again! Yay!
As you all know, Martha and I get quite thrilled with china, especially tea cups.
So, a couple or more years ago we set up this blog party, and it has been delightful!
I am thankful for Martha, for T.T. and all of you!

This time of year, I find myself getting nostalgic and full of gratitude.
There are just so many things to be thankful for!
It is wonderful that we have a holiday that is about Thank Full Ness.

My cup this week:
Old cup, but one I am so thankful for. It is a corset shaped cup and one of my favorite colors. I have set it by a new vintage sugar caster. I have never owned one of these before.

This sweet cup has such a lovely color of blue.

Sweet roses too.

It has this sweet handle with just a though of gold.

As you can see, it is an Aynsley, made in Stoke on Trent, England. This company is one of my favorites. They often do this corset shaped cup, in fact, I think this cup is from a series.
I have it in rosey pink as well.

This shade of blue can be hard to find. lately though I have been lucky and have found three new tea cups that I adore in similar shades of blue green.....and am saving to share later.

I really adore this caster! I have seen stunning ones in silver,
but this hand painted one really got my attention.
And of course, right now a silver caster would be very pricey!

The backstamp shows that it is made by Noritake, in Japan. This stamp in red was used up until 1938/9.
The M in the wreath is for Maruki. Gosh, it is older than me!

I am so thankful for my family and home, for my husbands work and my kids health.
I am grateful for my country, my friends and my neighbors. 
Words really can not express how full my heart feels today!

I am wishing all of you, the best Thanksgiving possible. May your heart feel full.

Thank you so much for visiting.


  1. Teri, your tea cup is beautiful... pale and blue green is a fav colour of mine. Your sugar caster is darling!! Thank you for hosting a great gathering of blog friends! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.. xo HHL

    P.S. sorry I posted twice on the linky .. I had errors the first time I tried and didn't think it had posted. xo

  2. LOVE!! This is one of my favorite colors too. It's so pretty. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Your muffineer matches the teacup beautifully! A lovely combo! A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! We are so blessed!

  4. Teri - I really love this shade of blue green in teacups, too - and have recently come to find about four of them for my collection, Odd, not normally a color I'd go for, but when I've found them in teacups, it is such an arresting shade! This one you've featured is especially pretty - love the shape. The sugar caster, also unique - but what else would I expect from you!


  5. Hi Terri~
    What an elegant cup and colorful caster. I have a pewter Colonial style caster we bought in PA which I love. Your caster would make such a charming touch to the tea table. I like how you photographed the cup on the book page. Cute bleached tree, too! Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks again for hosting. xo

  6. Teri, I love this colour too! How artistic your pictures are this week. I love the way you describe your teacups!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I love the cup, the caster, the photography AND the sentiment behind your whole post.

    And I am thankful to have you in my life, as well.

    Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  8. Oh, Terri, I adore your aqua cup! One of my favourite colours as well as the corset shape! The sugar caster is adorable! What a pretty tea post you have today. Very pleasant to the eyes. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.


  9. Hi Terri: That tea cup is stunning as is your sugar caster. Yes, I was a school principal for 25 years. I was a much braver woman than. Where did she go? I want you to know, I am thankful for you in my life. You are one who has cryed with me. I am grateful for our friendship. Hugs, Martha

  10. Dear Terri,
    the soft blue cup is a treasure and the sugar caster is just the right choice to it. I love the little rose inside the cup. What a fun to realize, that the china is older than you. chuckle. But from that you can see, well kept treasures have no age.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Aloha Teri,
    Your teacup is beautiful! I love the color and shape. Thank you so much for sharing every week.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

  12. The teacup is beautiful and I am discovering this particular color is fast becoming one of my favorite colors. Aynesley sure did make some of the nicest and most appealing teacups. Everything about that teacup seems perfect. Thank-you for hosting this Teacup Tuesday. Happy & blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours too !

  13. Gorgeous Gorgeous blue teacup you have! i'm soo drooling over it, totally love it! it's one of my fave color, just beautiful! thanks for sharing that so i can make a note next time im hunting for teacups on ebay or local thrift stores. Beautiful! thanks for hosting and sharing!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and loved ones.


  14. Hi Terri! Such a bbeautiful heartfelt post..wishing you mnay blessings! Beautiful cup..I love the corset shape too...and the color is incredible! Thanks for sharing another magical cup..and I so look forward to more blue-green ones you mention ..Yay!!
    Wishing you a wonderful TG!

  15. I love the sugar caster. They make a lovely gentle, yet colourful combination.

  16. The blue is such a calming color and I love the shape of the teacup. The sugar caster is great! What a unique set they make. So beautiful and I love how you displayed them.I am thankful that I have met you. I do enjoy your blog. Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Hi Terri.....thanks so much for stopping by so I could participate in Tea Cup Tuesday~Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday sweet lady. Your tea cup is divine....I don't collect them as many of you ladies do...but I do love to see all the beautiful ones out there.



  18. Hi Terri, I love the color and shape of your tea cup. I also just found out about sugar casters by seeing your lovely caster.

    My mother used to buy tea cups (yard/estate sales)for me when I was a first married. Somehow they have all disappeared in all of our moving ;( Oh how I wish I still had them!

    I just want to let you know that I just now added your link to my post:) I had added Martha's but it was so late last night that I forgot yours. Thanks for hosting!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  19. Such a lovely post... Love love the color of your cup and beautiful caster... a great find and truly a lovely match for this cup and and saucer...Sorry , I'm a bit behind today ..but better late than never.... Hugs

  20. Such a lovely post with so much to be thankful for. Your teacup is beautiful as is the new sugar caster. The colors and roses are so soft and stunning. Happy Thanksgiving Blessings...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. such a nice cup!! have nice day, with your family.

  23. Simple and elegant--just a beautiful teacup--love the canister, also! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Terri--you are such an inspiration to me!

  24. Oh so beautiful Terri! And thank you for your words of encouragement! Happy Thanksgivings and Blessings my friend!

  25. I wanted to stop by and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!

  26. Happy Thanksgiving Terri...I hope you have a lovely time with your family.
    Your Christmassy pieces are delightful - your house will look amazing!

  27. Dear Terry
    This week I have problems to link my tea cup
    I´ll try later again
    Delighted to share a tea with you again

  28. What a lovely cup Terri, and I agree that the robin's egg blue is such a pretty color. The roses inside accent it beautifully.

    I, too, am thankful for many things, and I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

    Big hug,

  29. Hi Terri!
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for sharing the pretty pictures. I LOVE the aqua teacup. I am always looking for aqua and pink ones to add to my small collection.

    Happy holidays!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!