Monday, February 20, 2012

Tea Cup Tuesday-Bohemian

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday! 

I have a new cup to share with you today....cost me all of $4.50!
You may laugh at the title as it probable isn't European,
but it looks Bohemian to me because the design is unconventional and artsy!

 The coloring is gorgeous to me, and I am loving how paper thin she is.
She is a footed cup, her feet being detailed in green.

I do so love the sweet gold details.....sigh......

I have held the plate a bit off alignment with my camera to hopefully show you the hand painted gold designs.

 What a fanciful handle!
It has a tiny green thumb rest off to the outside near the top. 

The base has four feet, that I find interesting as well as the way the cup bumps out where the flower cameos are located around the cup. The lip of the cup is somewhat octagonal just like the plate.
As you can see it does not sport a backstamp...booo hoooo!
Just this tiny black dot.
I am sure some of you could tell me what country this cup was manufactured in.

Please do tell! Lol!

Here she is, sitting pretty in the golden afternoon sun.....

 I am hosting a Milestone Giveaway and have created a bracelet to give away as well as two fab other prizes. If you haven't signed up to win just yet, click HERE to go to the post where you can leave a comment to win! I will announce the winners on my birthday March 12th!
(Btw, some of you want to know how I made the above flower charm, thinking it was a piece of china....but surprise! is an image in a jewelry frame, sealed with Diamond Glaze...Totally easy to do.)

*Blogging Tip*
I have added Google translator to my site at the request of a sweet blogging friend. It was surprisingly easy to do in less than 5 minutes, and it will make it much easier for visitors to translate the page. You can see it at the top of my right side bar. I thought maybe some of you might want to do it too:

First go here Now go to:
Step 1. Choose "Add Translation To My Entire Website" (if I isn't already picked).
Step 2. Choose the language your blog is written in.
Step 3. Skip
Step 4. Skip all but look to the far right for an orange and blue button that says "Add To Blogger" and just click that. Automatically it is added to the top of your gadgets bar, usually on the right side of your blog!

Now anyone can choose another language at the touch of a button in moments!

If you would like to join in and share a tea cup favorite of yours, just go and create your post about your tea cup and then come back here and link that specific post below with Linky tools. Then we can all come over and visit you! Martha and I totally enjoy coming over to your place!

I want to thank each one of you for your visit!
Having you stop by and leave a comment really warms my heart!


  1. Terri, I'm swooning over every detail of your teacup!! from the colours to the detail of the handle, the base the saucer ... it is breath taking!! xo HHL

    P.S. Thanks for the translator tip.

  2. Oh, Terri that is one of THE prettiest teacups I've ever seen. What a wonderful bargain! I used to join in on the Teacup Tuesdays, every now and then, but kind of just let it fall by the wayside. Would it be okay if I posted one of my previous ones? I don't have that many teacups!

  3. Ohh LOVE the cup and saucer...I collect pretty ones from thrift stores and make candles in them! this one is particularly pretty isn't it?

  4. A lovely teacup! You are probably looks Austrian or German to me. Thanks for the translator widget, I had been trying to find it to no avail!.

  5. Hi Terri: Your cup is amazing. Ruth, thinks it is German or Austrian, I think it could Nippon. They did make some amazing pieces. I guess we will never know. It is beautiful. Have a great week dear friend, Martha

  6. What a beautiful teacup and saucer. It's just delightful. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Terri, WOW ... who cares where this cup was made ... it's simply stunning! Love the color mix, the thinness of the porcelain, the beautiful handle ... there just isn't anything that isn't lovely about this cup. Thanks for the instructions for the translator. I've been wanting to add it. Happy Tea Day!

  8. What a charming teacup, Terri, love the colours! I would love to see your collection. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Thank you for your comments on my teacup candles! Lovely Man actually went thrifting all on his own the other day and came back with four more pretties for me! Guess what I'm doing on my days off!

    Ro xx

  10. Ooooh, ahhhh! What a lovely cup. I especially like the elegant handle and feet! The bracelet is ultra pretty! THANKS for hosting, Terri :)

  11. Terri .." Bohemian" is the perfect name for this pretty cup... She is definitely unique ( Ha Ha)... the colours are fabulous....What a great find..ENJOY !!!!!

  12. Your cup is so so sweet, just like you Terri! I adore this color, and the gold highlights are gorgeous!

  13. What a beautiful cup and I love your description of it! The handle on it is so pretty! I don't know anything about cups so I cannot help you. Sorry! That bracelet you made took my breath away. I so love the colours you have chosen. The winner of this lovely bracelet will be very lucky indeed!

  14. such a beautiful baroque teacup, lovely! Have a nice early springday!

  15. Hi Terri,
    your new cup is "Bohemian", at least it looks so. Alas, I don't know anything about this cup except, that I love it. But maybe Maria Andrade knows something. She is an portugese china expert. I will give her a link to you blog. Your bracelet is really amazing and beautiful. Although I don't sign in because I already won a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for your kindness, for sharing this beautiful things and for hosting this sweet event.
    best greetings, Johanna

  16. Oh my word!

    That is truly one of the most beautiful teacups Ih ave ever seen!

    It looks Bavarian to me.

    I love it so much, oh and your pictures of it are AMAZING!


  17. Hi Terri,
    Your cup is another gorgeous beauty you spotted and brought home for a bargain!
    The hand painted details are beautiful!
    Unfortunately I can't tell you where it is from :(.
    I've noticed that Johanna mentioned me, but unfortunately I'm not the expert she takes me for... without a maker's mark or backstamp it's very hard to tell...
    The little dot could be a worker's mark but even that is uncertain.
    Judging from the very thin paste, I would say it's oriental, but using a European-type decoration.
    Enjoy it because you found one more treasure for your collection.

  18. fuauu Terri
    sua xícara é magnifica,
    amei amei todo detalhe..
    a cor é lindíssima!
    parabéns você fez excelente aquisição!

  19. Your cup amd saucer is a treasure and seems Bohemian. The sheerness is so evident from the photo. How amazing and elegant is the pattern with the roses and turquoise plus gold. It has a very unusual foot! Happy Tea Party! Pam

  20. Lovely cup of tea this will hold. This is stunning! Tfs!

  21. Terri, it is amazing how many cups, you have collected ,dear- one more pretty as the other, and some so very fabolous.
    This is just so cute, with all the gold and lovely colours, and I like the 4 feets.
    Terri ,could I please have your adress,dear? -just want to send you a little something.

  22. Dear Terry
    Really marvelous!
    This week I could'nt have my tea in time
    comming here is always a great pleasure for my eyes watching such pretty tea cups

  23. She is exquisite! I love the design and the colors...very beautiful! She must feel wonderful in your hand.

  24. I am so late today! happens. I love your teacup. The colors are so lovely!

  25. How beautiful! I love the colors - and did you notice how beautifully it co-ordinates with your bracelet, color-wise? You find the most wonderful teacups I have ever seen. Thanks so much for sharing them with us,

  26. Dear Terry I just found out your lovely blog and Im already in love with it.
    the last cup you ha found is really amazing. It's been a while that I'm looking for something like this. I really love rococo and fench style and this cup reminds me a lot Marie Antoinette's ones.
    Can I ask you some advices where to find theese levely items?
    Thank you very much. I'll follow you.
    Have a good day and congratulations for you new cup.


  27. Terri, I love your cup and what a find! It's gorgeous!! I haven't participated in Tea Cup Tuesday for a couple of collection of teacups is small. I need to buy more so I can post about them! lol Sounds like a good reason to go to the thrift and antique shops, right?! Hope you're having a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Cindy

  28. You've outdone yourself, Terri - lovely cup today - and totally Bohemian! A fun word that conjures all sores of fanciful artsy thoughts in pattern and design. Perfect description!

    My post is a bit off the beaten path this week - somewhat distracted. But, back on track next week as I'm gathering all things green for March and spring - we're getting an early one here and I can't be more thrilled!


  29. Hi Terry,
    Thank you so much for visiting me to my blog, and also thanks for the chance to liking here.
    And I love your tea cup,
    Laura =)

  30. Your newest tea cup is beautiful. I love the colors. What a joy it is to see your collection as you share it with us. Blissful...

  31. I missed Tea Cup Tuesday this week, but simply had to come back to see what everyone was up to. I am so glad that I did! Your tea cup is enchanting. So much so, that I had to "pin" it.

  32. I love the very intricate pattern to this teacup! I can just imagine its delicate feel. The shape is beautiful! Hopefully someone can identify it for you! thank you for hosting and for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  33. Oh Terri that cup is adorable ...definitely my fav up to now. And HOW much?? £2.85??? What an incredible bargain.. :-)

  34. This teacup is just too beautiful to soak in. Lovely. Thanks for the instructions are such a good teacher!


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!