Thursday, April 19, 2012

Charmed for Life : )

Hello All!
Feeling better today...Yay!
So I thought I would show you a little more of my soldering progress.
I find I learn well through trial and error! Lol!
And since I have had such magnificent errors, I have learned some fab lessons!

The other day I heard about an art school that has it's students create art each day, everyday, for class.
But then, the rule is that you have to burn it, that day! Every day!
All your art from that class is burned all semester long!
The lesson?.....maybe that it is the process and not the product?........
maybe not to take themselves or their art too seriously?.....

When I think of this slant on creative learning and I look at my soldering process, I can relate.
At first I was terrified to do it wrong and waste supplies. I quickly learned that I will definitely ruin supplies! And each charm is not a keeper! Lol! So I am learning to take them apart well too, and start over.

Basically, what I have learned is to "Stop fretting and just PLAY!"

I am basically soldering everything that is not nailed"Oooh, maybe I could solder that!!!"
Trial and error! Soldering a vintage wooden domino was tricky, I didn't know if it would burn or melt or ??? But it turned out fine...see?

Then I decided to get a little risque and try something really different, at least for me : )
This necklace about memories of home, was an interesting effort. 

I used a vintage post card for the images, and a piece of old rhinestones off a broken necklace.

Here is the back of the charm...where i decided I wanted two jump rings, and the charm can slide. 

I call this one "French Date" as it contains a piece of 94 year old French document paper.
There are a row of rhinestones at the bottom and top, but I am not sure you can see it here.
Also, I have German glass glitter inside.

And this is the back.... 

This is another effort in fun...
The Fairytale charm drips with magic!
There is German glass glitter inside this one as well. 

I do love the look of the glass glitter adhering to the inner sides of the charm.
This is also my first practice with doing dots. 
They are tricky! 
I have heard that no two dots are created equal and not to try to make them perfect.
Good thing!

I have plenty of more projects on the go!
 At least in my mind!

What have you been up to this week?


  1. Hi Teri -

    These are glorious! I love how they turned out. I have been dying to learn how to solder. I have plenty of books that explain how to do it. But, when doing something that could cause injury or fire, I like to learn hands on with someone. Unfortunately I have not been able to find someone local who teaches it. One of these days - sigh.

    Elaine Allen

  2. oh, yours are gorgeous!!! I make solder pendents for my booth, and you are right, trial and error!!! I want to make the box ones, but alas, I am not that talented!!!!

  3. A good lesson, Terri. One that we ALL can use. It's the process that's important!

    Oh, your new creations are splendid. Using the rhinestones was a great gives the piece a Victorian feeling. And your dots are fine. They don't have to be perfect, as it gives them character.
    French Date is divine and the your necklace chain configuration makes that necklace so intricate.
    Job well done, girl. You have progressed SO fast ~ I think you have the knack!
    Glad you are better.
    Warm hugs

  4. Terri your soldering is making me happy because it is wonderful and you never give up. Play and practice is perfection. I think you are doing an amazing job and I love the fact that you are trying no matter what the results. Your charms are glorious. Creative Bliss my dear...

  5. Dear Terri, they are so lovely, and so wonderful, all. but love most the one with the rhinestones on top, must have been difficult, to make them sit steady there!
    I just need to work more with my soldering as you do, -your work is great, and so beautiful, and they are also special.

  6. Those creations are just beautiful Terri. You are so talented and I love to stop by and see what you have been coming up with, it always surprises and charms me!
    Tina xo

  7. WOW Terri- you are getting really really GOOD at your art, my dear!

    I think you are so right about creating - just jump in and plya- love that attitude.

    Wondering- you have any interest in soldering old broken bits of gorgeous feminine delicate antique china? Write me an email if so.

  8. Wow! Love, love, love your artful creations. The last is my very favorite. Ü

  9. You are doing really well Terry, I tried soldering and didn't do nearly as well. I actually didn't enjoy it, maybe that made a difference. I could always try again I suppose, as I love the little charms you can make :)

  10. I am impressed. Perhaps I'll go back and try try again. My first try was terrible!

  11. wow these are all stunning cant pick a favourite there all i have some pipes want a little soildering lol!!such beautiful work and your new hobby is really brilliant im so happy you are getting pleasure form it and learning lots thanks for sharing with us gives us the pleasure of seeing such wonderful creations hugs sassyxx

  12. Gorgeous art!
    Only yesterday while browsing the net, I came across an arty book on soldering.Have been wondering if I should give this a go...think I will!

  13. These are absolutelu gorgeous, stunning, drop dead amazing Terri! I love each one! Keep going!

  14. OMG! Each and every one is incredible!!! So love them!

  15. Wow Terri these are beautiful! Great job!

  16. you are doing so beautiful on your soldering.. i admire your talents.. and those shaker ones are gorgeous.. i should hint to my daughters about those box ones... love all the vintage goodness you use..
    have a wonderful weekend and again thanks for sharing with us
    big ladybughugs

  17. These are absolutely beautiful Terri! I could see these published in a magazine ..these are exquisite and very special!
    Shine on..and happy creating!!

  18. So much talent! The pendants are lovely each one of them too! Lovely creations, wow! Thank you for your wonderful comment, I so appreciate it sweet lady. Hugs,

  19. Hi Teri,
    Absolutely beautiful work, love them all. Hugs...Lu

  20. OMG Terri these are all a dream.
    So wonderful soldering work. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow !!!

    Have a sunny weekend my dear friend. xoxo

  21. Hi Terry,
    looks like you have a lot of fun soldering and you do it so beautifully.Love all of your charms.
    Have a great weekend.

  22. Gosh Terri, your piece of art is amazing. I could never do such beautiful work. Its a pleasure to see what you create. Have a good Day Rita xxxx

  23. Terri they are all so lovely! You are truly a soldering guru:)

  24. Oh wow...Love your creations this week...they are getting better and better. Love the fairy tale one.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Rosesinwinter.blogspot.comApril 20, 2012 at 8:53 AM

    Your soldering is wonderful, I have wanted to do this for years and have yet to get my courage up, yet years ago I made stained glass window and lamps, what is wrong with me... lots.. I love your inventive ideas great job. TTFN Wanda

  26. Hi Terri! I would love to wear that 'postcard' necklace!! So beautiful!! Would you sell it?

    Thank you!


  27. I absolutely adore this pieces! Fantastic art work!

  28. Hi Terri, glad you are feeling better. I love your work with the soldering. it looks tricky but the results are beautiful
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs June x

  29. Terri - how delightful! I am loving each one. I do love the glitter inside your charms..and the rhinestone roofline is a perfect touch!

  30. Okay, I saw nothing risqué there,( was looking for the nudes), but risky, yes! Amazing work.

    I have only ever once attempted making dots. Yours are so beautiful. Now I want to make some. And, I love that not two are alike. Whew!

    Isn't the process of finding the right picture to frame really the most fun? Nah. It's all fun. I do not, however, like that teacher's mode of teaching. I save all of my attempts and love each one for what it was and therefore remains.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful process. :-)

  31. Sheeshkabobaroo! The Oregon Antique Mall person was I, Christine! Now you know that I do their blog, and I'm way behind with it, so please accept that when I forget to sign out as them and in as me, it really is I, Christine. Don't respond to them, or they'd wonder what on earth that was all about. Tee hee.

  32. I love these! They are fascinating. What an incredible job you are doing. You really have the talent!

  33. Hi Terri, wow these are gorgeous. I love the glass glitter inside. I say you are doing a great job. I think if we say we can't do something, then we put negative thoughts in our head so it makes it more difficult to do what we want to try. Keep at it, it is a trial and error process in most art forms, I say you are doing quite well with your progress. Good luck and can't wait to see more beauties.
    Lesley ♥

  34. What a neat hobby!!! I have never done this but must try. The pendents are beautiful!!! LJ

  35. Terri,everything is so lovely! We'd never know you haven't been doing this for very long! Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. Terri, These are marvelous - you are becoming quite accomplished!
    Love the doing art every day - not the burning part!
    Yikes! Hugs,

  37. I NEED the "fairytales come true!" SERIOUSLY need it! It is beautiful!! What beautiful work! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Sharon

  38. Oh my gosh! Did you just start doing this?? It is so professional! I love the home one with the blue ribbon, and the necklace parts are beautiful as well! Love the German glass glitter too!

  39. Wow Terri your pieces are fabulous!! It's obvious you are loving this and have a natural knack for it too. Thanks for sharing your process and beautiful soldering.

  40. I like this novel pendants that you have displayed with old memories and thoughts inscribed...a very trendy yet subtle look.

  41. Terri,
    you are doing an amazing job! i ave found that the more I do, the easier it flows. I love your last one...but I love them all.

  42. Terri,
    you are doing an amazing job! i ave found that the more I do, the easier it flows. I love your last one...but I love them all.

  43. Hey Terri ..
    Everything looks fabulous .. You're really rocking..Lovely creations... You're an INSPIRATION !!!

  44. Terri, your charms are beautiful!! I love the necklaces you've created with them.

    I bought myself a soldering iron about a year ago, and still have not tried it. I really need to give it a whirl.

  45. WOW, you are on a roll. It looks like you have a lot of fun soldering:) Your pieces are amazing, Terri. I can't pick a favourite there all absolutely stunning!

    Happy creating!!!
    Gaby <3


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