Thursday, May 31, 2012

Downton Abbey ATCs

Hello All!
Our Downton Abbey swap was a success and so fun!

I received 4 lovely ATCs.
This first one is from Jan at A Journey..
It features my favorite couple and is very romantic!

Jan created this wonderful bag for the ATC as well as a handmade tag.
Thank you so much Jan!

This colorful beauty is from Christine LeFever.
It so beautifully shows Carson's attitude...."we may have to have a maid in the dining room"....GASP!
I love it!
Thank you Christine!

This one is from Judith at Poppy Cottage.
I wish you could see it in person, the photo doesn't do it justice as it is embossed in gold and (I think, watercolored).  It is very feminine, just perfect!
Thank you Judith!

And here is Elaine's from The Craft Shed creative ATC book!
How cool is this???
The front is fab with the castle in the background and the beautiful fence in the foreground.

The inside features another favorite couple of mine from the series....
Tom and Sybil. 
The picture frame is embossed. I love the way she made this, it is like a little romantic keepsake!

Even the back is lovely with this Art Nouveau style design!
Thank you Elaine!

Thank you everyone who joined in this swap!
I would love to do another one in the future...

I haven't been around very much lately due to health challenges. 
I miss visiting you all!
I hope to be back in blogging form soon...
But will be hopping around when I can : )


  1. Oh Dear Terri,
    I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing health issues. Sending you hugs and prayers, be well soon.
    enJOY Your Blessings,

  2. Hello Terri, oh, I do hope you are back on your feet soon. The Downtown Abbey post is so fun...such creative friends you have. Thank you for sharing and get well very soon.
    Love, Linda

  3. What a great swap to have been in, the ATCs you received are fabulous! I hope your health is improving now.

  4. Sorry you are still having health issues Terri, hope you get back to feeling better soon. Wonderful swap, I thought I sent you one extra of mine but maybe I made a mistake, if not next time, too bad you didn't get to take pic's of the whole bunch all together, but when your sick sometimes all we can do is what we are up to. Kudos to managing this sweetie. Hugs and feel well soon. Marilou

  5. Loving your wonderful swops Terri. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs Annette x

  6. Great ATCs, feel better soon! Valerie

  7. Thank you for organising this swap Terri. As you know it was my first swap and I did enjoy it. It was greay receiving everyone's creations. I will do a post about those I received now very soon.

    I am sorry you have not been feeling well. I do hope you can enjoy the blooming season as we get into the summer and things settle down for you again healthwise very soon.

    Elaine x

  8. Terri, I am happy to have a little delayed my participation in the swap, so I can see how to proceed with such work (as I mentioned earlier, is a novelty for me). Kitchen range is ready to ship, and together you will also find my own interpretation of ATC Downtown Abbey.
    Meanwhile, congratulations to all for your wonderful work :-)
    Mini (1 inch) lovely hugs

  9. These cards are such fun, but I'm afraid I don't know what ATC stands for!


  10. Dear Terri, It isn't right that you should not be feeling well. You are such a sweet and positive soul. Do get better soon for the love of all.

    It was fun doing an ATC card for once in my life. My favorite of my three was with Dowager Countess Grantham saying "We can't have him assassinated. I suppose." Her character is my ultra favorite on the whole show.

    I am so heartily impressed with the imaginations of all of the artists who sent in their ATC's; at least those that I have seen.



  11. Oh Terri, please feel better soon. I just started watching Downton Abbey, and am totally hooked. When you have another ATC swap I want to join in. I'm sending you healing white light and healing thoughts. Holly M (one of your former Domino Book class students)

  12. HUgs my kindred sister..wishing you sparkles and blessings.. and hope you feel well very soon!
    Yay..and wow..this DA post is so fun and beautiful! it is so lovely to see many fans out there! hooray they are all so beautiful and enchanting!
    Wonderful swap!
    Shine on!

  13. Dear Terri, how awfull that you are still not feeling good, I so hope it will be just a memory very soon!
    So wonderful swap pieces you got back,they are all lovely, but the last one is so special and beautiful.
    I wish you all the best, Hugs,Dorthe

  14. Hello dear friend...........I so hope this note finds you feeling strong and well. I think of you every day........I pass my gorgeous banner of yours several times a day and send out a silent wish for you.

    xox Rella

  15. Nice work ladies:))) Very nice ATC's. Hope you're feeling better soon Terri!

  16. So neat! Each and every one of them. I love Downtown Abbey and can't wait for more of it.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. I am sorry you have not been feeling well. I do hope you can enjoy the blooming season as we get into the summer and things settle down for you again healthwise very soon.


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!