Friday, October 12, 2012

Prayer Flags Received-Yay!

Hello All!
I would love to share three prayer flags I received in a swap with Creative Lenna!
Prayer flags are to be hung outside so the wind can carry the prayers...
We have had such weather here, that these are yet to go out.
Hopefully tomorrow : )

This first one:
"Birds Sing"
By Marilou at Lulu's Lovlies
There are layers and layers of beauty here, in such a lovely nature theme.
The nest of twigs and ribbons at the top are glorious!
Thank you so much Marilou!

By Donnalee Nichols in Kentucky.
Her personal sentiment is stamped beautifully and the batik fabric is gorgeous!
On the back she has stamped the word HARMONY!
 Thank you so very much Donnalee!

By Jan Brown at Dejavu Creations
 She has used a beautiful vintage hankie, and created a pocket for aromatic lavender!
I love "Tend Your Garden of Dreams"!
Thank you Jan!

I enjoyed this swap of Prayers very much!
Thank you so much Lenna for bringing us together for such a loving swap!

And I had to make one more flag myself...for a friend....HEALING

Happy Weekend to you all!
If you are experiencing any challenges in your life...
this prayer is for YOU.

Hugs of LOVE

To see more of the flags in Lenna's Prayer Flag Swap go HERE


  1. I'm so glad your are enjoying your Flags Terri as I am mine. Prayers for your wellness my friend, Hugs Marilou

  2. Terri, those flags are all so inspirational. I may have to add prayer flags on my to do list, maybe for spring. Love your blog.

  3. Beautiful..they each are all so special and wonderful! Fabulous! and I love yours very much..very inspirational..just like you!
    Happy wkd friend

  4. Oh, Teri! They are ex traordinary! The three you received, and the one you made- so beautiful!

    What a NEAT idea -= gosh bloggers are so clever!

  5. Thank you for sharing your received flags so beautifully Terri . . . and the new one you made is truly gorgeous. : ) lenna

  6. This is such a gorgeous collection Terri, I am sure it will bring you so much happiness! Each one is so beautiful, and the one you made carries such a special message, and will bring such joy to the recipient!

  7. Love these prayer flags, such a lovely collection of thoughts, threads and love. Oma Linda

  8. Hi Terri, Your collection of prayer flags are beautiful. I gave one to a friend, she hung it on her covered porch because she didn't want it to get spoiled in the sun and weather. lol It would be hard for me too to put these out and give all their beauty to the universe. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  9. Terri,

    These prayer flags are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. What lovely keepsakes, tokens of friendship, and reminders of God's love for us.


  10. These prayer flags are so beautiful. What a joy!

  11. Wow! What talented ladies! Wonderful swap.

  12. Your own created flag, is so beautiful, so stunning dear Terri-and the ones recieved are each special, and lovely .A wonderful swap.

  13. Beautiful gifts you have received, Terry! All things of beauty. I love the colour theme in yours and the special touch of the golden dove!

  14. beautiful flags Terri-it was a great swap tho I'm waiting to hear who got mine. I received one of Jan's lovely flags with a lavender wand too :)

  15. These are beautiful! Very inspiring and such a splendid idea. I just may have to create a few of these as gifts.

    Thank you for sharing!



  16. I am so grateful that we had this opportunity to exchange flags. I am enjoying mine and wish to thank you once again.

  17. Oh they're all so beautiful! This was a fun swap to take part in, wasn't it?!

  18. This is such a lovely idea for a swap where you can be creative in such lovely ways.
    I particularly love Marylou's - the nest part at the top would be a favourite for the birds!
    And Terri your Healing flag with the lovely angel has real meaning.
    Shane ♥


  19. Terri...those are truly beautiful and this is the first time I have heard of them. What a great idea. I love them creative.

  20. Great to see your lovely returns for the swap but my absolute fabourite flag of this post was the Healing one!

  21. What a sweet idea! They are all gorgeous! I've never seen these before. They are fantastic!

  22. Hi Terri, Thank you for your kind comments on my blog...I totally enjoyed this swap too, you certainly received some lovelies...and I LOVED the prayer flags that you made, I adore your creative style!! I'm still addicted to making these, so if you ever fancy a 1-1 swap...just give me a shout! :) Jan x

  23. Hello Terri
    I so love these prayer flags and the whole idea is so very special!
    What a wonderful thing that Lena organized.
    Your last one is just so beautiful - I love anything with tombstone angels and have used them quite a lot in my own artwork.
    Healing for each and everyone!

    Thanks sweet woman for the comment you left on my pincushions.

    Love and hugs,

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Ooops, sorry, wrong spelling, had to delete!
    Start again.....
    These are all wonderful Terri; such a lovely idea. I especially like Marilou's. Inspirational!

  26. Hello, Terri
    I am always a dollar short and a day late! But better late than never on commenting on this post! These prayer flags are so inspiring. My oldest son was going through West Nile Meningitis from a mosquito bite at the time of this prayer flag swap. Maybe I'll catch another round on another prayer flag swap at another time. Thank you for sharing the ones you received.
    Teresa in California


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I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!