Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Artist Share-Giveaway Wins and a little Downton!

Today I would like to share with you the lovely gifts I have been lucky to win.
As well as to begin with an artist share... 
I have a number of free videos on my extra pages here, as well as on youTube.
Sometimes I get really blessed and someone who watched one of the videos
will e-mail me and share what they made from the videos! 
I truly LOVE seeing what they make!
Below are lovely shoes make by a group of women and young ladies..... 

Sandi, girlfriends and their daughters had a shoe making party, based on my Elegant Shoe Videos!...Sandi said they had a lot of fun creating many many shoes!
Here are a few of them! They are all sooooo beautiful!

Thank you so much Sandi and friends for sharing your creative paper fun with us!
This tickles my heart : ) 
Ruth from Antiques and Tea Cups had a celebration giveaway...
and I won her Free Bates T shirt!

How lucky was I???

 Now I can feel good knowing he is FREE!

 And he and Anna are setting up a cozy home!
Thank you so much Ruth!
By the way, Ruth is a serious china collector and very knowledgeable.
She is very kind to help me out with china history.
I appreciate your help Ruth!


Val from Pretty Little Rough Patches sent me her giveaway....a party in a box! Wow! 
I was thrilled, even a book...."A Tree Grows In Brooklyn".

 and these two...a full book on celebrations and this months SandraLee's mag!

 I met Val at the Grow Your Blog Party hosted by Vicki at Two Bags Full.
Thank you so much Val for your very generous giveaway!
Val has a wonderful blog!


I also won Kim's giveaway at Letting in the Light!
I was very excited to receive her artwork in my mailbox!
You can not see it here, because my background is white,
but this original art work is on a thick white textured cardstock.
(imagine a wide white border)
Kim creates incredible art from nature and of nature.
Thank you so much Kim!


Karen at Alaska Blue Moose had a giveaway and I won it as well!
Gosh, I was really lucky in January!
She sent me a hand knitted Twisted Cowl!
In a gorgeous color!

 The image I took did not capture the lovely color...
so I am borrowing an image from her blog with the extra yarn
that she sent along with it.
Beautiful beachy colors!
She also sent me one of her Blue Moose Print cards!
Thank you Karen!
It is soft and lovely and made by you!
Karen has a very inspiring blog


Budgeteer from  Heart for Homemaking also had a giveaway
on her beautiful blog for Vicki's blog hop and I won it as well!
I am blushing!

She has sent me some gorgeous note cards
and beautiful napkins!
I apologize for the tiny image,
I borrowed this from Bugeteer's blog as the napkins
are in the wash! Lol!
I used them for today's tea.
They lent a cheerful touch to my Valentine tray!
I forgot to take a picture of them before. 
Thank you so very much Bugeteer!


I also received a beautiful watercolor picture of the sweetest nature from my friend Dianne from Stoke on Trent! She really surprised me for Christmas with this generous gift.
I am in the process of having it framed and hope to share soon.
Just wait till you see it!

Thank you so much for stopping by and letting me share with you my good fortune.
I appreciate everyone of your visits and will be by to visit you soon!


  1. Those paper shoes are so pretty! What a fun project!

    Wow! Congratulations on all the give-aways you won! You're very lucky indeed. :-)

  2. Lovely paper shoes and how sweet to be able to see how creative people can be from your video.
    Congratulations on your amazing winnings. So many treasures and so deserved dear. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  3. Hi Terri,

    Congratulations on winning all the gifts, you must have been thrilled.
    The paper shoes are all fabulous and thanks for showing us.

    Happy week

  4. Terri,
    I am so glad my little creation made it to your house. And thank you for sharing it here along with all the wonderful creations...

  5. Wow, when it rains, it pours. What fun :)

  6. Dear Terri!
    Thanks for these pictures of Downton Abbey, I love so much too! But in France we're late, we saw just first season, and I'm waiting for season two!!!! Oh my god, I'm so impatient!!!
    Hugs and kisses

  7. You need to be playing the lottery! Congrats on all the beautiful wins, lucky girl! Hope your Valentines Day is wonderful - Tanya

  8. Hello Dear Terri
    You must have been thrilled when you received these images from your tutorial.
    You have been completely spoilt by all of your gorgeous winnings Terri at Vicki's GYB party and you deserve every one of them. What an amazing event!
    Sending hugs,

  9. What a beautiful post! All of those shoes are gorgeous..that touched my heart..for my father is a shoemaker( and so was his father before him)..so shoes always touch my heart!Yay...Free Bates..so happy you won!
    Lovely dazzling array of treasures...enjoy and thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow, you have been an extremely lucky lady this month. And what a wonderful variety of prizes you've won.


  11. Terri, you deserve all of these beautiful gifts. What a winning lady you are! Enjoy your treasures.

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  12. Congrats on all your beautiful prizes Terri-you really did have a fab January!! I love the photo of all those gorgeous slippers-it sure does make your heart smile when you've inspired others with your own art.

  13. Congrats on winning the T Shirt...the shoes are very original!

  14. Wow Terri you certainly have been on a blogger's winfall roll. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful wins/goodies with us.

  15. ou have some serious winning here...good for you..yaaaay!!! Your photo of the shoes created form your class is awesome, it's always so nice to be able to see what you teach!!

  16. The shoes are gorgeous! Congratulations on all your wins!

  17. Lots of lots of wonderful gifts, to you dear Terri,- each one so deserved- and each so lovely. Congratulations!
    And so great to see the shoes made from your tutorial, must have been lots of fun, to make them!
    Hugs from Dorthe

  18. Terri you are one lucky girl! I love the shoes!!! What girl doesn't love shoes:) They are just fabulous! I do hope you have a lovely Valentines day.

  19. Wow! You have had quite a fortunate week or so. Yay- Free Bates! Anna is my favorite character. :)

  20. What a beautiful array of shoes love them, congrats on your winnings, lucky girl:) thanks for all the sharing you do..My self and 2 friends got together and made shoes too from your video, your a doll...

  21. Oh my gosh Terri, you had the lucky Irish leprechaun stars and rabbit's feet shining on your January! Congratulations and enjoy your loot! :)

  22. Wow! That is simply amazing that you won all those things! :^) patsy

  23. j' attend avec impatience
    que cette nouvelle série
    soit traduite en Français
    beaucoup de blogs à visiter !!!!!
    bonne journée

  24. You ARE lucky! Such wonderful treasures. I think I need you to buy me a lottery ticket!

  25. Goodness gracious! You certainly were a lucky winner ... again, and again, and again. The shoes the ladies/girls made are so sweet! Have a great day. Tammy

  26. My goodness, you did win a lot of giveaways and received many nice things.
    The shoes are awesome.

  27. Terri, what sweet little faces on your Yorkies....I just love them!
    I so enjoy looking and reading all your posts on your wonderful web page. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!