Hello All!
I am back from my trip to the Great White North! It was very enjoyable to visit with so many of our relatives this holiday. There was a lot of hugging, eating, driving and laughing going on. This photo is right outside the back deck of where my Mother and Father in-law live. Lake Simco is very close to their house and as you may be able to see in the photo, on it's way to being frozen. It was such a beautiful view!
While I was away we rung in a new year. So I want to wish you all a Fabulous New Year, full of joyful opportunities and fulfilled goals (so you can create more wonderful goals!).
Hugs to you all!
And a lovely view it IS! WOW...how far north is THAT???
I hope 2010 is all you wish it will be....and I'm grateful for our friendship.
And a very very very happy New Year to you Terri. Hugs, M
Happy New Year to you as well Terri! What a wonderful picture. Wish we had some snow here. We just have extreme cold. May this new year bring you many blessings and much love and happiness. I know you bring that to mine. xoxo Rhonda...
Happy New Year to you and yours Teri,
You sound as if you had a fab time with the family and friends.
AND yrkshire pus...even we didny get those this year.
your cookies over the last few posts look soo yummy thanks for the recipe.
You and daughter look like twins... both beautiful and photogenic.
That view to wake up to...WOW
take care
chriss x
Happy New Year Sweet Terri! Glad you had a wonderful trip and looking forward to sharing art with you in the New Year! :)
Lol that is so like britain at the moment - we are lost in all the snow hehe :)
Happy new year !!
Hugs June xxx
Hi Terri...Your Lake Simcoe photo is beautiful. I am Canadian and now live in Manitoba, the province of my birth; but, for a great portion of my life I also lived in Ontario, near one of the Great Lakes...Lake Superior, so I was happy to think that you visited our country and that your inlaws are from here. I have joined your followers list so I can come back to view more of your beautiful artwork. I extend an invitation for you to join me on my followers list as well. Kind regards. Hugs, Gayle (in Canada)
You were so close to me, yet so far :) Actually a drive to Simcoe is about 40 mins for me, not that bad at all, we had dreary weather over the holidays though, but that doesn't matter when you visit family really :)
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