and some incredibly delicious eggs and bacon!

The tea is fabulous!

Here are some macarooms to try.....hmmmm....they don't look like macaroons from back home. There is one vanilla (heavenly taste!), one rasperry (Mmmmm), one pistachio (aaahhhhh), and one carmel (unbelieveably good!).
I would go back to Paris just for more of these!

Someones front door

Windows on Paris

A lovely flower shop

Aromatic herbs

more delicious pastries we could try on our walk back home.
I hope you enjoyed Tea in Paris. The china at Ladurees is their own brand.
Thank you for coming along today. I hope you had a good time.
Hugs to you all, or should I say a kiss on each cheek, like they do here!
I am sorry we were having trouble with Mr. LInky today. He seems to work now. Just fill in the two blanks below so we can come over and visit your tea. It is o.k. if it is Wednesday.
Don't forget to go see Martha at Martha's Favorites. Her and I host this fun tea each week on Tuesday and she always has goodies to see.
Hi Terri :) Looks like you are having a fabulous time in Paris!! You LUCKY girl you, lol :)
I guess Mr. Linky wasn't in the mood for tea, lol, but now he's changed his mind, hey :)
Teacup Tuesday will just be lasting another day, which is fine by me. I've had a chance to see some of the posts done for today of Blogs that I follow, but now I'll be able to catch those that I am not following yet :)
Have a wonderful day, wish I was there!!!!!!
Warmest always, Brenda
Hello Terry it has been a great surprise found your post, I thought this week you weren't going to post as you are in Paris...you are relly lucky as Paris is a wonderful city . I went there in my honey moon and all was marvellous there...we are thinking go there in our next anniversary ,we will be 18 years together and it's time to return to Paris...Love
Merci Terri! Such lovely photos and what a treat to see inside the tearooms! I've seen a lot of mention of Laduree on miniblogs (yep even mini folk like French tea!) and those little coloured French macaroons are one of the most popular foods to produce in mini these days. How wonderful you could try it all for real!!
What a fabulous post Terri! Wish I could have hidden in your suitcase. I'm so glad you are enjoying your trip. Stay safe and have fun making more memories! You deserve the best trip ever! xoxo Rhonda...
What more could I ask for, tea in Paris with you. Thank you for taking me along. I soooo enjoyed it. I could almost taste the macaroons. Can't wait to see where we go next.
Ooooh La La
Enjoy the rest of your vacation..lovely post today!
Hello, I'm so glad to be joining Teacup Tuesday. What a wonderful tea you've had. Those pictures are all so wonderful, thank you for sharing them. Paris is lovely, but I doubt I'll ever be able to visit.
Oh, I am so jealous. I posted tea with my French pottery, and you are IN France! Beautiful post. laurie
Yay Terri...absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Gorgeous and special post..brilliant..thabkyou for sharing! I am dazzled by that red door!
What a fun and gorgeous tea. Enjoy your time there.
Hi Terri, you tea party looks awesome. How how to share with us.
Love all the photos.
oh my gosh your trip is so wonderful, I am really enjoying your posts! thanks for sharing them!
Wow Terri! You are in Paris? Tres bien! How very exciting. Have a fabulous time. Aure voir (???) Susan
I am thinking I would love to see Paris and I would most likely enjoy eating and drinking my way through it all the while appreciating the gardens, art, and simple pleasure of sipping coffee or tea on a sidewalk cafe. I have enjoyed YOUR trip especially.
The pink teacup is very elegant and sophisticated, and even though it is pink, I don't think any man ( or no-fu-fu woman) would feel it too feminine to drink coffee or tea from it. Very nice!
Hi Terri- Martha invited me over tonite so I could share my pseudo tea party. I can't believe you are posting from France and showing such lovelies. I guess tea is the same in every country- just different varieties of goodies! *grin*
So nice to meet the both of you.
:-) Sue
thanks for the beautifull pictures of 'my' city, I live and work in Paris, but after so many years, you don't see the nice spots anymore... and you need some foreign eyes to open yours...
I'll take a half dozen carmel and half dozen vanilla...Oh! they look and sound so scrumptious. How wonderful that first of all, your in Paris France and secondly, inviting us to tea....thank god for computers.
Have a amazing time Terri and hope to see more...
Hi Terri,
I can only say and think: "Hmmmmmmmm". And where do I get now such delicious macarons? Lovely photos, thank you.
Greetings, Johanna
So loving your photos from Paris, they are brightening up my day :)
I am so enjoying this trip to Paris...I feel like I'm almost there! I definitely wish I could taste one of those macaroons! Have fun!
Hi Terri,
The interior of Laduree looks so nice, the 'trompe l'oeil' on the walls, the china, the silver, the atmosphere. All your pictures show us wonderful Paris!
Thanks for sharing your tea with us!
Have a wonderful Wednesday in Paris!
As like Martha, I would love to have been stuffed in your suitcase! Oh, loved the tour of Paris! So wonderful to take a trip here on my computer! Couldn't you just shipped a few of the macroons home? lol Oh, How wonderful they look. I would be honored if you and Martha continue to link your lovely Tea Cup Tuesday to my Tea Time Tuesday each week. So sorry about Mr.Linky. Sometimes it is challenging to blog. lol I know I had some problems the last few weeks, finally I figured out why I had so many spaces, when I would post. I loved having Tea with you in Paris! Adore the door! The pastry shop!
What a lovely tea thanks for taking the time out of your trip to share such wonderful images and treats with us!! Wishing you more than you can imagine on your trip~ Theresa
Hi Terri
Thanks for sharing your Parisian travel journal - it's a great place isn't it, especially if you can do your exploring on foot seeing all the little streets and alleyways.
Enjoy the rest of your stay and all those cakes and pastries!
Elaine xx
Wow, you really are in Paris? I must be really out of the loop, i had no idea Terri, that is awesome!!!! I have so enjoyed going over your posts, loved the flea markets, enjoy the rest of your time there :)
ahhhhhh, tea at Laduree's! How perfect! I'm feeling a macroon jones coming on just from looking at the photos! So glad that you enjoyed it! I only learned TODAY from Judith at studiojudith.blogspot.com that they make a TOWERING Chocolate Macaroon CAKE. I so need that on our next holiday!
Your photos look like you're really getting around! Good for you! Is your husband enjoying Paris as much as you?
Are you going to see Versailles?
Just one word, girlfriend, WOW. Beautiful photos! I gained 3 pounds looking at the pastry!
What a beautiful tea! Thanks for taking us along.
Oh Terry! I hope you are having fun!!! I miss seeing all of you over at Marie. Rebecca
Wish I could have found me some macaroons while visiting Paris.
Looks like you are enjoying every minute.
Oh Terri, what a wonderful post, I am really enjoying visiting your beautiful blog, thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful time. Hugs, Terri
This looks like an unbelievably wonderful post! I have company coming and can't read it right now, but I will definitely be back later this evening or tomorrow! Happy 13th (2nd for me) Teacup Tuesday! Connie
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