Monday, August 2, 2010

If you're wondering why I haven't posted in a few days, it's because I have gone away on a little trip to see my oldest son. Along the way, quite a few antique stores have tempted me inside, and....Oh My, I have seven new tea cups and saucers to bring home! Yes, 7! I am excited to share them with you!

I will be back for Teacup Tuesday NEXT week!

In other exciting news, the winner of the giveaway for this book is: Kiki!
Congratulations KiKi!
Kiki, if you can send me your address, I will be happy to mail the book to you as soon as I can.
Hugs to you all,


  1. Terri...hope you had a fabulous vacation! I just popped in( as I have been away too)...and am delighted and suprised..yay...and if i am the only Kiki..Yay for me! Thankyou! I am super-thrilled and so appreciative of this super generous gift!

  2. Cute feet........nice beach.

    Have a sweet time and see you next week!

    Congrats KIKI....lucky you!

  3. Enjoy your vacation, Terri!


  4. We miss you!!! Have such fun and we will see you when you return.

    xox Rella

  5. The beach AND teacups too, life is wonderful, especially for you!

  6. Have a wonderful vacation. We look forward to seeing your new finds, until then take care.

  7. Enjoy your break and look fwd to the new chaina xx

  8. Terri,
    Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!!

  9. Congratulations to Kiki on winning the book. It looks fabulous and I'll bet you'll have a grand time with it :) :)

    Terri...oh, 7 teacups...oh boy...I can't wait to see the lovely pictures!!!! Have a great time. Looking forward to reading your tea post next Tuesday. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  10. Enjoy your visit!! Enjoy time with your son!!
    See you when you return.
    Have a blessed week. Pam

  11. The beach sounds wonderful! Hugs!

  12. hi Terri ! i see you had quite a great time browsing through some antique shops while on holiday !!!!
    Last friday, i posted a new tablescaping dedicated to Marie Antoinette and thought of you !!
    Have a good day !

  13. Hi Terri, how wonderful, I hope you are having a wonderful time, and I can't wait to see your new tea cups, how wonderful. Congratulations KIKI. Have a great time. Hugs, Terri

  14. I came looking for you after your Sunday post and saw you were off having fun and finding lots of lovely new tea cups to add to your collection.

    Yesterday, when I was celebrating Tea Tuesday with a couple of lovely cups you might admire, I told my readers about yours and Martha's Tea Cup Tuesday. I hope a few of them dropped by Martha's blog to see what it is all about. Have a happy rest of your vacation.

  15. Look forward to seeing your new treasures.Enjoy your visit.

  16. I enjoy meeting you and I'm exciting thinking about your new seven tea cups,I am imagining them!

  17. Hi Terri Sweetie...
    I can't wait to see the 7 beautiful cups that you have gathered on your little journey to see your son. It is so much fun to travel when you can go to antique stores and thrift stores.

    I'll be watching. Have a safe journey home sweet friend.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  18. Hi, Terri! It's funny...on my recent vacation, I took a picture that is very similar to yours. Although I believe my feet may have been in the water. Funny how such simple things can please us.

    Hope you're doing well!

  19. Terri I hope you had a wonderful time with your son and I love the beach shot! I will be sending your ATC out today - congrats on winning July's drawing! :) Happy Monday to you m'dear!

  20. Hope you had a great time with your son the photo!
    Well done Kiki; lucky you :-)

  21. PS Forgot to say...thank you for the lovely comments!

  22. Hi Terri, I am so glad you got to get away and have a vacation. Ahh, the beach too! I love demitasse sets. I can't believe the handles on those cups! So pretty~ I hope you get a chance to enter a giveaway I am having on my MsartistSewCrafty Blog~ All my best, Theresa


Thank you so much for stopping by!
I so enjoy each and everyone of your visits.
I read every single comment and try to get back if I can to visit you as well.
Please forgive me for not always being able to as there are so many of you lovely friends to see!