Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Art of Ana Fernandes-Fairy School and Dolls!

Hello Everyone!
I am away awaiting the arrival of my newest grandchild. Mama to be is doing well and having some signs of what is to come soon! Yay! She is over due by two days and ready to hold her baby.....I am ready too!
In the mean time, I thought I would do another artist share with you all. 

I am delighted today, to share about a fellow artist Ana Fernandez!
She followed my Fairy School Tutorial series (which is located with the other free videos on my right side bar) and created this amazing school!
I am always thrilled to see the schools that are made, and Ana's is really fanciful and fun to look at.

I love her teacher and students as well as all the interesting objects they collected in their school room.

I recognize this little Paperwhimsy girl! Doesn't she make a perfect little Fairy student?

Looks like a very important lesson!

 A thimble for a waste basket! How cool is that!

I also love this natural shelf, and the fabulous wall decorations!

 Here is another interesting object...a shell as a scroll holder! I am so impressed!

Ana also makes incredible dolls! 
Here is  a  fabulous autumn dress!

And this sailor...isn't he something!

 Oh and look at this couple! They are just adorable!

 Ana does not have a blog yet, but you can find her on Facebook  (Ana Dias). 
We hope she does get a blog one day so we can all come and visit her!
Thank you Ana for sharing your gorgeous creations with us!


  1. I love the fairy school. I think I will have to go check out that tutorial. Wishing you all a safe arrival on your new grandbaby.

  2. Such a lovely fairy school & sailor! I am so excited for you & of course your daughter!! How much fun! My daughter is expecting in Dec. So I have been traveling back & forth for events. My best wishes for mom, with the arrival. (hugs) Theresa
    PS. I have been enjoying all your post via reader, but have been busy to stop in until now.Love the Halloween jewelry & all!! xo

  3. Great imagination and such fun! THANKS for sharing this. Hope you can drop by for tea & treats~

  4. OMG Terri this is so so beautiful. Wonderful and lovely details. What a work. I love it.

  5. How amazing these are.... A delightful treat for us... Thank u so much for sharing it with us... :D

    Ash... :)

  6. Oh being a Grandma is the very best. May all be well and a healthy happy baby arrival.
    Ana has done a fabulous Fairy School. Her details are amazing and very clever.
    Blessings dear...

  7. Terri, thank you for sharing these beautiful works of art. Her dolls are amazing! So are YOURS!

    Wishing Gramma and Momma and family the best!

    Hugs, Diane

  8. SHE is WONDERFUL! Love that you shared her art with us...she has the attention to detail that you have, Terri.

    Keep us posted on the new grandchild. Don't you hate waiting???

    Warm hugs

  9. Love her fairy school. Her dolls are awesome! Best wishes to you gran, daughter and babe. Mary Ann

  10. Beautiful fairy school...and hugs to the new grandchild! xo

  11. How sweet. I watched your videos and love your fairy school..I have to show my sister as we should make one for us! yes, we are little big kids and still love faries...this artist has talent as her dolls are beautiful...she does need a blog!

  12. spectacular!!!
    congratulations on your new grandchild..they are a blessing!!
    (my 3 live with us!..that is a mixed blessing!!).

  13. Fabulous art shares today Terri. Such talented folks. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new little angel arrives soon, Best wishes to everyone.

    Elaine Allen

  14. I love theze creations! I hope the baby is comming sooon and in good health.

  15. I love Ana's work; all of it. (Dolls too) The "natural" shelf, the snail shell, the thimble and so much more. Very, very, creative!

    Also, wishing you and your new grandbaby and baby's mom all the very best!

  16. Beautiful! I love the Fairy School and the dolls that Ana makes. Thanks for sharing her creativity.

  17. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh congratulations on your newest arrival coming any minute......I am so excited for you.
    I hope we see photos. xoxox
    and the school......perfection. Her dolls are amazing, too. Thank you for sharing her work with us.

    xoxox Rella

  18. All I can say is....WOW!!!
    Thank you for showing (and inspiring) us with this lovely artwork.


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