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Thursday, July 15, 2010

French Friday Freebies!

Oh my!It is Friday already, and time for me to share something I have not yet shared about my trip to Paris. Plus, I have two free downloads of French receipts for you. Today I am going to show you a few of the goodies I picked up at the fleas. I tried to only bring home small items. As it was, our bags were stuffed to bursting on our way home!

This little french lady asked me to bring her home with me. I said to my husband...."What can I do? She seems intent on coming with us!.........
She is only two inches high. I am planning on creating a lovely skirt for her.

Before I move on to the flea and my purchases, I do want to show you a few photos I have been saving because I love what they show. Here and there, as we walked through Paris, I would see the most amazing things. There are many old, I mean really old, structures in Paris. And many of these have colors and textures and creativity that you just have to capture on film. I did my best to do just that.

This fence really caught my attention. Beautiful design and perfectly aged.

This is the corner of a building. It looks more amazing than the photo shows : (

I am not even sure what these are....gargoyles? It was raining later, and water poured from their mouths!

And here are a few of the little treasures I brought home....vintage rosaries, with gorgeous beads on them and a beautiful little prayer book for mass. The pattern on the inside of the book is marvelous, and it has it's own bookmark cross.

A few more little goodies I picked up here and there. (I must be part magpie!) I did make an extra effort to find religious medals.

This is one little flea where you can poke around on the tables and find bits of this and that.

This woman is having a hard time deciding on something.....I wonder if she is French or if she is visiting and trying to decide if the item she is wanting is worth the euros!...or maybe, if she has room for one more item in her suitcase.....yes, I think that fits her facial expression.

And here are two wonderful old receipts from Paris businesses. Click on them to enlarge and then do a "save as" to your computer. I hope you have fun playing with them. A few posts back I have two canvases I did with vintage ladies, and I used these as backgrounds.

And of course, I am leaving the dessert for last! Can you imagine what it was like for me to be in Paris and not able to have anything with gluten in it????????????
Oh well, I could look all I want. I did have one dessert (paid for it more than once!). It was delicious!

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope you enjoyed your visit.


sequestered and serene said...

What a wonderful post! I love your photographs of beautiful and unique sites and your petite porcelain lady. I shall be returning to Paris for my third time next March and am just tickled.

gerre lynne

Rella said...

Oh My! Those desserts!! The vintage rosaries are so beautiful and I can see why you had to have them. and the half doll is divine. Such treasure...and the receipts you have shared with us...Certainly will be loving used for a fab 'Marie' piece.
Thank you!

xox Rella

Anonymous said...

Well, a 1/2 a doll is better than none! She's so precious and tiny! I'm sure she fit into your suitcase with no problem!
Great pictures! That woman 'debating' on her purchase looks like she's really having a hard time! Don't we all????
And thank, Terri, for posting that dessert picture. I wasn't hungry until just now! Looks delish!

As always, your French Friday posts are a treat for the eye. AND, you are SO generous for sharing those Paris reciepts. Can't wait to use them someplace special in my art.


BECKY said...

Thanks for sharing all this, Terri! And the vintage receipts are so unique! I might actually try to do something with them! :)

Marjanne said...

thank you for making me discover Paris in your way!

angelique (anlou) said...

what a wonderfull photo's
i've never bin to paris
hugs angelique

Lynn Stevens said...

Gorgeous photos. I'd love to visit someday! A dream come true. What wonderful trinkets you picked up along the way.

KathyB. said...

I am enjoying your "fleas" in Paris, I would love to actually browse at one or three or....

I especially like the picture of the fence, my kind of picture!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

I am drooling over the wonderful treasures you brought back from your trip. Each one is just beautiful! The photo of the corner on the building is awesome - the rocks almost look like seashells.
Thank you so much for the beautiful downloads also. I love reading about your trip!
Have a wonderful weekend and let's hope the weather gets a bit cooler!

Wendy Aspinall said...

That's it!!! the next time we go over to English to visit family , we are going to make time to pop over the France and go to the Paris. Oh and YES My mum has the same porcelain lady, and she once used it on and cake for my birthday , she made the dress out of cake, I wish I had photo to show you.... it was beautiful... thank you for sharing your trip.... Wendy @ http://blissangels.blogspot.com

Just Me said...

What a fun post! Love your treasures and the photos of the buildings were great! Thanks for sharing a little bit of Paris!

Live Creatively!

parTea lady said...

I am really enjoying seeing Paris through your eyes. The architectural detail on those old buildings is wonderful. It must have been so much fun browsing those flea markets and I like the items you chose to bring home.

Thank for for the receipts.

Victoria said...

Yay..what a wonderful post..full of inspiration..your photos are pure magic..loooove the gate and the dragon-gargoyles..awesome! Sych wonderful treasures...thank for sharing it all...it is fabulous! I am charmed and dazzled..have alovely day!

Patti said...

Oh, my, those desserts look fabulous!!!

It really is amazing when you think about how old the buildings of Europe are compared to how old any building can be in our country. Although I LOVE America and wouldn't trade living here for anything, since we are such a young country, we don't have those centuries-old buildings, full of amazing history, that European countries do.

The flea market looks like loads of fun.

Finally, I want to let you know that you won my giveaway!! Please email me (through my profile) with your address, and I'll get the package in the mail ASAP.

Have a lovely day,

Princesa Nadie said...

I love remember Paris together with you every Friday
Your photographs are always lovely

Claudia said...

I am loving every one of your photos, Terri! Gorgeous, gorgeous. I would have been snapping up rosaries and religious medals, too. I'm so drawn to them lately.

Thank you for the wonderful receipts!


PeggyR said...

I love the recipes and also like your lady!

Anonymous said...

Yum the desserts look too good,lol.Lovely treasures you found,rosaries are just the best find I think so beautiful.

Thanks so much for sharing and have a lovely weekend!Thanks alot for the sweet comment on my blog!:)

Erica said...

What great photos, and lovely finds! yes - those are gargoyles, on the building as rain spouts. A very gothic architectural element. I just saw some on a building in San Antonio.

Anonymous said...

Terri, thank you for the two download treats. I just wish you had included the real treats in the last photo too! LOL! Cyber sweets!


Lynn said...

Beautiful photographs Terri, I especially love that wrought iron fence.
Maybe some day I will get to Paris but not for a while now. I found the same beautiful architecture in Italy and England's cathedrals have a lot of those gargoyle type things too, must have been in style then :)
Thanks for the freebies btw... Lynn

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Sooo wonderful, like being there! Thanks for that and the receipts!!! Have a dear and sweet weekend! Blessings.

Createology said...

Ooh Terri you were very reserved with your flea purchases in Paris. All of them treasures especially the tiny lady who needs a skirt which I am looking forward to seeing. There truly is something about Paris! Happy memories...

debi said...

Terri, thank you for sharing more lovely photos. It looks like you found some beautiful treasures on your trip.
Thanks also for the beautiful freebies. Can't wait to use them on a project!

Rita said...

Dear Terri,
Love your post and adore the treasures you brought from your trip to Paris, especially that lil porcelain lady and the rosaries.
Yum, those those desserts are exactly what I'd like to have now... too bad they are so far away and also I'm trying to start my diet. not that it really matters as it won't help me get into my bikini but must slap myself on the face to stay away from desserts. Guess I'll pass on the desserts and try to be content with a peach for dinner tonight.
Oh my, I almost forgot to comments on your tea cup tuesday post... Love it: aren't those pansies simply a marvel on that exquisite cup? and your teapot is so dainty. i'm drooling over those two lovelies.you are definitely a girl after my own heart Terri!

kimberly shaw said...

Your Paris trip is so enjoyable to read about. Love the little French lady, can't wait to see the skirt you create for her. The receipts are like works of art. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

Catherine said...

I am soooo enjoying your French Friday posts. I loved every photo. Your finds were wonderful and oh so special.
Have a lovely day.


Unknown said...

Oh to be in Paris *swoons* all those fabby markets looks like you had the best time. The goodies you bought are just wonderful and thank you for the French recipts I am sure these will come in handy

Love Dawn xx

tracy said...

Oh my!!!Let them eat cake...poor you.
When I was in England there were those gargoyles all over the churches and they also would spout water from their mouths...eavestrough maybe???
Love all your photos.

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