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Monday, July 11, 2016

Tea and Lace

Hello All!
Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday!

(I apologize for my very wonky post!
Randomly odd photo sizes and text!
oh my! lol!)

Two things I love,

Tea cups and lace

You can not have too much of either!

 This beautiful tea cup from a dear friend is extra cheery!

Artwork on china : )

Lovely tea!

Blossom tea...

...curvy romantic edge

Love this sweet cup.

I find all sorts of ways to use these bits of lace in my creating.
Cards, tags, collaged books, pillows, jewelry..... 

Sometimes I dye the laces before using them...

A happy birthday card...

And a general card.

Sometimes, like tea cups, just looking at the lace is lovely : )

 I do not have a huge collection,
but enough that I began decorating band boxes to hold them.

Will I ever not love lace? Maybe,
But I know I will always love tea time : )


Last week we made a Pinterest recipe for the 4th,
 Summer Vegetable Tian
by bugetbites.com

Ready for the oven,
potatoes, zuchinne, tomato, onions and garlic...
oh, and topped with cheese and plenty of fresh thyme.

Everyone enjoyed it
and it was simple to make. 
I was surprised at how light and tasty it was.
Thank you Bugetbites for sharing!

I am having some issues with Blogger's compose window
while posting. It is not keeping with the code and 
seemingly doing what it pleases with photos and
word spacing. Anyone of you having these kinds
of issues lately while trying to post?

Wishing each and everyone of you 
a truly lovely day!

Thank you for all your comments last week!

It was wonderful being in touch with you all again : )

I am sorry I don't have a linky this week.
Maybe next week.
Martha is having tea today so please 
go visit her and she her lovely china too. 

I am also joining Sandi, Ruth and Bernideen for tea.   
Thank you ladies for hosting tea each week!
(names are links)




Bernideen said...

Dear Terri:
It's interesting that different people have different issues with blogger. Sometimes I have trouble where my font sizes change to smaller. I am getting a better handle on it though. O haven't had the problem you speak about. Your card designs are amazing and of course your cups and saucers. I have to laugh as I read "cheery" as "cheesy" which it is NOT of course! Thanks for sharing and linking.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

What a very lovely post - all the teacups are just precious - and I agree, one can never have too many tea cups or lace.

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Dear Terri,
who could resist for wonderful tea cups and lace? They go so wonderful together. And you make gogeous things with paper and lace, I love the card and the boxes. Very very romantic. Thanks for sharing this charming tea post and have a wonderful time.
Best greetings, Johanna

relevanttealeaf said...

The teacups you've featured in today's post are beautiful. So is the lace and the boxes you've created to store it in. Who wouldn't love to receive one of your lovely cards! Your new vegetable recipe looks delicious and one I'll probably try. Thanks for sharing. When I awoke yesterday morning, I found all the photos in my blog posts [going back to when I first began blogging] had shifted to left alignment, and spacing was off. I finally got it corrected last night by going into template and making some changes. The glitch supposedly only affected Google Chrome users.

Marjanne said...

I do love lace, and teacups! And also the nice tian you made! !

Dorthe said...

Hello, my dear ,sweet Terri.
What a wonderful post you created, with some of your beautiful tea cups, they are always so lovely,and romantic .And the gorgeous cards,they are adorable,- oh what a symphony of lovely tones, -I love the mashine embroidery you did, and Marie Antoinette so beautifully surrounded by beauty from your hands.And thank you for the great looking dish, I have visited, and saved it, it will soon be tried in my kitchen,too.
I have not been on my blog an am sorry I can`t help you, Terri, your photos look wonderful on my screen and all the same size .
Have a lovely day, my dear friend
Hugs, Dorthe

Linda Kunsman said...

I was having that same Blogger trouble yesterday! Even when I looked at older posts suddenly the pictures weren't centered as they had been. I think it all worked out OK but very frustrating indeed. Now for your beautiful post. Those cups and saucers are so pretty and elegant too. And you create such gorgeous projects with your laces-that card is divine Terri!
Have a great week, and thank you for your comments and visits:)

Linda M. said...

Terri, I agree about the lace and tea cups. I'd have to add fabric and decorative papers to that list as well. (((smiling))). I have a collection of hat boxes and I do love them. I am curious as to how all of the tea cup collectors store their cups when not in use. I have started a stacking system which I like to see but it may not be the best system for the cups and saucers. One of these weeks I will post for Tea Cup Tuesday.
Joyous Wishes, Linda

Thankful for Grace said...

I agree with you...teacups and lace are both beautiful additions to life. I adore them both. My living room (or tearoom, as my husband calls it) is where I keep all my teacups and teapots, and I have lace curtains at the window. It's a very sweet, feminine room, and my heart is refreshed just by sitting there for a spell.

Your teacups are beautiful, as are your creations.

Patti @ Embracing Home

Frieda Oxenham said...

I feel very much the same as you do. One can never have too many teacups, lace or roses.

loudowning54 said...

I love your teacup photos and lace. Though I am not a tea drinker, seeing your beautiful cups makes me want to switch from my coffee. I have lots of lace and need to try my hand at dying some. Your card and boxes are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Princesa Nadie said...

Dear Terry
All your tea cups are beautiful and I love laces too.I would like to continue posting teacups but I need adquire someones new to show
...Your récipe is delicious!!!!!

Margie said...

I'll always love tea time and seeing your gorgeous teacups! I especially like the pink and yellow teacups.

Cinderella Moments said...

Ooooh! The lace in the planter is sensational! That's a gorgeously composed photo. Beautiful teacup and boxes! The birthday card sure is sweet!
Love & hugs♥,

Createology said...

I am swooning over your laces and tea cups. I am just need a spot of tea to keep me going. I am doing my annual Whooley Thyme trimming and this year my back and leg just are not up to the ground level abuse. I must persevere though. Lovely Day Dear...

Antiques And Teacups said...

Meta ups and lace...indeed, what's not to love! Gorgeous teacups, and a wonderful collection, perfect for your creative efforts. My blogger issues are because it won't work on iPad for me at all...will not scroll past the first screen, or allow me to add text or photos past the first screen, so I have to do my posts on desktop. It's so funny it isn't always the same problem with everyone...who knows why... Have a wonderful week and thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Dear Terri,
I have been so busy this week that I just saw your post on my sidebar. Did you mean to link up? I too adore lace and teacups. I don't think I will ever get tired of either. I am girly clear through and I don't suppose I am going to change now. Your teacups are all so lovely, especially the scalloped one. Sometimes I too have issues with Blogger. My son gifted me with a Mac last summer when he was home and it took me a while to get used to it. I don't seem to encounter as many troubles with it as I did with my old computer and most of my issues are with PicMonkey when I'm trying to edit pictures. My son will be home again soon so he will fix that for me. Hope you are doing well, my friend, and I hope you will link up your lovely post with me next week.


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Such a beautiful post, Terri. Your teacups are out-of-this-world gorgeous!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Ahhhh teacups and lace...two of my favorite things, too, Terri! I love your sweet card.
I haven't had any issue with doing my posts, but luckily I have a son here that I can ask questions to, as I'm not technologically savvy!

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