Just look at this beautiful English Pub. The flowers adorning it are just stunning! Wouldn't it be lovely to have tea here, by a window in the sun.
I wish I had more time to tell you about my travels here in England. I am busy visiting with my friend and traveling to see different sites around the country side. You may not believe this...but antique tea cups seem to be pretty scarce here in shops. I finally decided why...everyone is still using theirs! But I was able to find two tea cups this weekend.
This first one I call my Fruit Cup, it is well used and I am sure well loved.
I am already enjoying the use of it.

....and simple gold floral decorations on the side.

I want to tell you all how thankful I am for all your visits! I also want to welcome new participants in Tea Cup Tuesday. I have enjoyed visiting all your blogs! Thank you also, those of you who have become "followers".
If you would like to join in Tea Cup Tuesday, please post about a tea cup of yours and share it's history, how you came to have it, where it is from or who it is made by. Martha and I love seeing all your tea cups! Don't forget to stop by and see Martha as well. She is a dear soul and collects everything under the sun....do I have that right Martha? (giggle!).
Once you have made your post, come back here and sign in with Mr. Linky. Please do not sign up if you do not have a tea cup in your post. Also, make sure that you click on your own link once Mr. linky gets it up, just to check and make sure it works. I still have trouble each with with a couple links. I don't want to miss out on visiting any one of you.
Hugs to you all and have a fabulous week!