Hello All,
My Husband surprised me a week before Christmas by starting a new project, shelves for my art room! Was I surprised or what when I saw what he was doing. Here are a couple photos of his progress. They are beautiful built in shelves. He has never done this before and I think he has done a marvelous job!
I am ready to move in. I have ordered linen baskets of three sizes from The Container Store, and as soon as they arrive I will be able to put everything away in it's proper place. I have a vision for this room now and it is exciting to get it all together. I also saw three vintage mail baskets at a antique mall an hour from here, and if they are still there tomorrow, I will get them too!
One thing that did shock me was seeing all the stuff I have when I had to clean the room out! Did I really collect all that stuff!!!??? I was very brave and was able to weed out quite a bit of stuff. Whew! It does feel good to let go of excess stuff! It clears the way for creativity and I feel lighter already!
My husband also bought me special lighting for video, so as soon as my room is ready, it is back to tutorial making! I love doing it and I am deciding what to do a video on first. There is so much fun to be had!
I will be putting up photos soon of my finished art room. I think I may even have a party to celebrate!
What a great husband....and what a great room! The window, the color, and it's ALL YOURS!! Starting fresh, filling baskets, making more wonderful art. A perfect way to start the year. And YES, I'd love to come to your party!
Lucky you..... and a big pat on the back for your husband! The shelves look wonderful.
I am looking forward to more tutorials .... I loved your tag one.
Happy shelf filling!
I gasped when I saw your photos. I gasped.... I so need to do some weeding. Congratulations to both you and your husband on this project. Impressive. Yes, I gasped. You two wanna come to my place for a weekend of "fun"?? : ) LOL
How wonderful! I have a feeling I will open up an issue of "Where Women Create" one day and see your smiling face and studio greeting me. You deserve the best of the best Terri and I'm so glad you have a wonderful husband to do that for you! Enjoy and keep showing us how it's coming! xoxo Rhonda...
Hi Terri, not sure if my post posted or not...LOL Love your header, very pretty! Your space is gonna be awesome girl! Thanks for the visit...Becs
Hi Terri: I so excited for you. What a great Christmas present. I would like to take some of your craft classes if that is what you are talking about. Everything you do is beautiful. Blessings my friend, Martha
This is a wonderful surprise! What a great husband you've got!
How nice!And is that a desk area in front of the window~ I can't wait to see what tutorials you will be making....Trying to figure out what is up with my video camera may be as simple as needing a new battery. UM...techy stuff.
I am going to scroll around and see what else your up to! Are the kids still home? or did they go back to school? Take care~ Theresa
oh my goodness...LUCKY lucky YOU! what an awesome space and window...and your shelves are going to be fantastic. :) I cannot wait to see your space when complete...I fear that I will lose my current "little studio" when we move into our new home :(
Thank you all for stopping by. I wish you could see them in person, they are fab! Although, my room is quite the mess at the moment...still waiting for my baskets to arrive.
what a good husband you have got..hope you post a pic with all your supplies in there..love those windows
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