Birds and everything about them dominate art. Everywhere I look I see them in collages, paintings, stamps, pretty much in art of all kinds. Have you ever wondered what it is about birds, eggs and nests that have us all swooning with creativity? I do, because I swoon....there is just that indescribable something about a perfectly stamped bird, or an egg image with its speckled beauty...that makes me what to pick up a paintbrush, or choose complimentary paper and fabric. My mind begins to swirl with ideas. Hence, this necklace....

I found beautiful beads in a little shop in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada, when I was visiting my new grandson. They reminded me of sweet Robin's eggs, so when I got home I began piecing together this expression of spring, creativity and remembrance.
I have had that watch head for over 25 years. A very dear friend gave it to me. Her name was Hannah, and at the time she was 95 years old. For some reason, when I made this piece, this watch head that has been moving with me from house to house, was finally ready to have it's own home.
I had to think about this. Why this piece of jewelry? I realized that Hannah represented independence and creativity to me. She lived alone, recently learned to play the accordion, gardened, and made maple syrup from a tree in her front yard! I was mesmerized by her and her stories of her childhood. Also, it was when I was living in Sault Ste. Marie that I met and developed a friendship with her. Hannah eventually died around the age of 104. So I dedicate this necklace to her. Thank you Hannah for inspiring and enriching my life.
As for why we connect so sweetly with birds, I still wonder. I have ideas, and maybe in another post I will continue this conversation. If you have any ideas about why, please share your thoughts.
Thank you for listening.
Hugs to you all.
oh this is beautiful!!! wow Terri!!! what an amazing piece...I love it!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!
This is so pretty - and the beads really DO look like Robin's eggs! I also like the clever way you incorporated the watch into the piece.
I think it's interesting that you have such a connection to birds. I don't. I mean, they're really pretty and all - but I don't feel any real affinity for them.
Different strokes! :D
What a wonderful omage to Hannah. She would be so pleased. Your necklace is beautiful and unique. I love your design. What a joy a grandson (child) is to have. Keep creating...
Terri, this is so beautiful, what an amazing piece. I loved reading the story behind it. Hannah would be very proud.
Hannah....what a wonderful treasure you found in her. And making this necklace in her name is just so sweet.
Necklace...adorable and something that you made with your heart!
Birds....they ARE everywhere. Paper, cards, purses, socks, doo-dads and trinkets. I, like you, am drawn to them. And it's their voices, sweetly chirping "hello"! I miss that in the winter months and patiently (not really) await the first robin to come. I can hear that little tune from miles away and it always brings a smile to my face and makes my heart just so happy. It doesn't matter which bird it is, they all have a tune that I love to hear.
Terri...a true and dear soul.
Terri, Your necklace is just beautiful. I love the color. I am going through an aqua stage right now and just love that color. Thanks for sharing.
This necklace is just gorgeous, Terri! How wonderful that the watch brings back such wonderful memories of your dear friend!
WOW, Terri - that necklace is so beautiful! I love it and the story. How special you dedicated it to Hannah. I had a similar friend who died last year at 95.
Beautiful necklace Terri, and a lovely story about your friend, what a lovely tribute to create this in her honor :)
I think we connect to birds because they are nature and nature has such a good energy, you can feel that when you hear or see a bird I think :) Also spending time in nature is supposed to be very healing and spiritual because it brings you into the moment.
Thank you for the wishes and signing up for my giveaway.
This is a very lovely piece and nice to hear where your inspiration came from. I find joy in birds representing freedom, love, and beauty of spring when they fly into my garden and make sweet music.
Wow... what a beautiful story behind this piece. :)
Such a beautiful necklace and I love your story about Hannah!
Gorgeous! I came over from Terris so glad I did! Beautiful work! I Love birds too!
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